What was your REGULAR worst meal

tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
OK, so for fun I decided to look up one of my old fav's and count up the calories in it. No wonder I weigh so much!
Here it is...

Philly steak pizza with triple cheese (including blue cheese on top!) My hubby and I would split it! 2800 calories each!

The good news is we have lost 100 lbs between us so far this year! Still enjoy pizza on the weekends but it's thin crust and veggie loaded- and we LOVE it!

So, now it's your turn...


  • sbourassa18
    Jack Daniels burger from TGIFriday's. 1540 calories. And that's just the burger. ::sigh::
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Pizza was my downfall too, I actually had some last week, I do one day a month where I eat what I feel like and I was craving some pizza, instead of ordering the 14" though I ordered a 9" and I was pretty fine after that.
  • chrisfnet
    chrisfnet Posts: 83
    Jimmy John's #9 sandwich.. 942 calories each.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    My favorite snack back in the day and im so embarassed by it is Fried Salt Pork, cooked like bacon- a WHOLE package!!!
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    MIne was a frozen pizza and a whole box of Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls with Milk. Ummm... 2000 cals for the cakes and about 700 for the pizza. About 200 for the milk.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Egg McMuffin or Sausage Egg McMuffin with grape jelly
    two hashbrowns and a large coke..I would have that at least 3 days a week for breakfast...I can't even think about eating something like that now. It almost makes me sick.
  • Bella0608
    Bella0608 Posts: 196 Member
    We ate out a lot at tgi's and had a lot of takeaway meals too not good I know but not had a takeaway for what seems like forever and not missing it either!! calories for what I used to eat I wouldnt even want to start adding them up!! they would be off the scale for sure
  • Maddy__H
    Maddy__H Posts: 28 Member
    Pasta, pasta, pasta... Could have it 5 tines a week, and of course preferably a double portion! Roughly 900cal
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    my favorite was cheesecake factory...
    my portion of an order of avacado eggrolls: 250 cals
    my favorite chicken toastada salad (3 KINDS OF DRESSING!!): 1131 cals!!!!! (I never finished it, but definetly ate majority of it!!!)
    AND lemon raspberry cheesecake: 734 (I ALWAYS finished this :) )

    total: 2115!!! almost TWICE what I eat now in a whole day in ONE MEAL!!!
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    Taco Bell was a regular offender for me. It's been so long since I've had it, it took me awhile to remember what my typical meal was.

    2x Beefy 5 layer burrito
    1x Potato soft taco
    1x Cheesy fiesta potato bowl

    Total calories: 1630
    Total fat: 72g
    Total carbs: 196
    Total sodium: 3,920

    This isn't including the days where I would often have some other fast food for lunch OR I'd get hungry later in the night so I'd go to TB again. No wonder I ballooned up so fast! >:(
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    My typical weekend breakfast was biscuits, gravy, hassbrown casserole, bacon and eggs! Pushing 1400 calories just for breakfast! Crazy! Oh how I miss my biscuits and gravy....
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I was (and am still) a sucker for the vegetarian burritos at my neighborhood taco stands in san diego... probably like 1200 calories for the burrito, and I had it for dinner pretty regularly.
    I will say it's one of my favorite foods ever, so I have still let myself eat one a few times since I started dieting. But that's like 3 burritos in the last 6 mos, as opposed to 3 a week... And I pretty much plan for the occasion all week, calorically.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I would have to say take-out in general. We still eat it but I make better choices (veggies instead of loaded pizza, steamed instead of fried chinese stuff, etc) and don't stuff myself until I can't move anymore.
    Also, not a meal but - no more coffee brandy and milk. Figured it out the other day and with the size of our cups, that one drink was about 500 calories!
  • kslindner
    kslindner Posts: 107
    I used to go to Hooters and order up the 10-pc breaded chicken wings with medium sauce & fried pickles.

    10 Wings = 1732 calories
    Fried Pickles = 300 calories

    PLUS however many Sprites I would drink...

    Wow... just wow...

    That's more calories than I'm even ALLOWED in one day, in just ONE sitting!!!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I don't know the calorie count but we used to go out to eat at this mexican restaurant several times a week. I always got a HUGE platter full of fried tortilla chips, covered in about 2 cups of melted queso cheese, and some chicken. Then, I'd have a side of mexican rice and an entire avocado... Not to mention all of the chips and salsa I ate before the meal even came out... Oh, and I always had a coke too!

    And I used to eat an entire large pizza to myself.
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    Pasta, pasta, pasta... Could have it 5 tines a week, and of course preferably a double portion! Roughly 900cal

    Same here! My son loves pasta and it was so easy to make after work. I had some pasta the other night but measured the portions and had alot of vegetables with mine. He had his with meat sauce. I used to make penne alfredo with chicken alot. Imagine all that butter in the sauce along with the cals from the pasta??

    And I don't even go near McDonald's anymore!! lol
  • megpegmeg
    megpegmeg Posts: 6 Member
    :smile: Dessert!
  • megpegmeg
    megpegmeg Posts: 6 Member
    my favorite was cheesecake factory...
    my portion of an order of avacado eggrolls: 250 cals
    my favorite chicken toastada salad (3 KINDS OF DRESSING!!): 1131 cals!!!!! (I never finished it, but definetly ate majority of it!!!)
    AND lemon raspberry cheesecake: 734 (I ALWAYS finished this :) )

    total: 2115!!! almost TWICE what I eat now in a whole day in ONE MEAL!!!

    I''m with you. Cheesecake factory. I drool just thinking about it.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Papa murphys breadsticks. Impossible to not eat the whole thing. Something like 1700 calories and I don't even want to think about how much salt...
  • adamswife01
    adamswife01 Posts: 95 Member
    Taco Bell

    7 layer burrito
    mexi melt and a large Dr. Pepper! 1,145 calories!!!! What the heck!

    But my true favorite that I reserve for special occasions......

    Spaghetti Factory: Spaghetti with brown butter and mizithra cheese 1040 calories not counting the spumoni ice cream and dr.pepper.