Diet pop all you can drink or bad?



  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Aspartame will murder you in your sleep.

    LOL. Now that is one I hadn't heard before. :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I drink diet soda daily, but I feel better when the bulk of my fluid intake is from water. Albeit water flavored with Crystal Light or similar packets.

    The biggest change is that without swallowing so many bubbles of air, I burp and fart less. I haven't decided if that's a plus or minus! :laugh:
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Aspartame will murder you in your sleep.

    LOL. Now that is one I hadn't heard before. :laugh:

    That statement is not far off.

    Watch this documentary please. It will open your eyes to aspartame.

  • murphysraven
    If you do a web search on diet soda dangers there are a lot of articles. I used to be an avid diet soda drinker until my nutritionist told me that its more likely to give me diabetes. I quit soda cold turkey for a month and drank nothing but water. It was hard but I feel a lot better now.

    I found a "natural" zero calorie soda sweetened with stevia, called Zevia, that I like. But I still limit myself to only having 1 or 2 cans a week.

    You could also try some flavored carbonated water like talking rain. Or unsweetened/lightly sweetened tea.
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    I love diet pepsi but try not to drink it too I am craving V8 yummmmy
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    There are chemicals in it so dont go over board.

    Everything is a chemical ;)

    omg thank you!! thank you! I was about the write that!!
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    There are chemicals in it so dont go over board.

    Everything is a chemical ;)

    Hi. Natural foods, not found in a box or package is considered a non chemical item. The reason to avoid soda pop is that it contains chemicals (not natural foods) and so your liver has to process it away or you will feel really bad.

    Instead of eating things that your liver has to process out (because it doesn't recognize it as natural), why not help your liver by avoiding eating chemicals and give it natural foods so it can do other things?

    Your liver is very important as it does many things for your body, so be kind to it!

    It all depends on the definition of chemical my friend. The whole world we live in is made out of atoms and molecules and they're all chemicals. You can say artificial and not natural substances but chemical isn't the right way to describe that.
    Tired of this word being misused
    (I'm a chemical engineer and a little anal about the topic (: )
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    There are chemicals in it so dont go over board.

    Everything is a chemical ;)

    Hi. Natural foods, not found in a box or package is considered a non chemical item. The reason to avoid soda pop is that it contains chemicals (not natural foods) and so your liver has to process it away or you will feel really bad.

    Instead of eating things that your liver has to process out (because it doesn't recognize it as natural), why not help your liver by avoiding eating chemicals and give it natural foods so it can do other things?

    Your liver is very important as it does many things for your body, so be kind to it!

    It all depends on the definition of chemical my friend. The whole world we live in is made out of atoms and molecules and they're all chemicals. You can say artificial and not natural substances but chemical isn't the right way to describe that.
    Tired of this word being misused
    (I'm a chemical engineer and a little anal about the topic (: )

    I will admit that artificial is a better or more accurate term, but if you are a chemical engineer, would you admit that methyl ester is a toxic substance as becomes wood alcohol, a real poison? If so, there is 10% of it in aspartame.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    . . . . And no, it wasn't "originally invented as an insecticide." That's an urban myth. It was invented by accident while working on anti-ulcer medications. . . . .
    . . . . And your right about the insecticide thing not sure why that came to mind i just checked my text book though, sorrry! But still the fact that he tasted it.... come on, only a 4 year old would make that kind of mistake in a lab.

    Um, your responses are even less reputable now.

    "the fact he tasted it"
    Um, DUH, it seems it was a side invention as part of a new internal medicine, that means it IS something that was intended to go INSIDE you.

    Maybe something you should not take 24/7, but it was intended to go inside you (the main point why your "tasted it" comment seems, at best, half-baked.)
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    There are chemicals in it so dont go over board.

    Everything is a chemical ;)

    Hi. Natural foods, not found in a box or package is considered a non chemical item. The reason to avoid soda pop is that it contains chemicals (not natural foods) and so your liver has to process it away or you will feel really bad.

    Instead of eating things that your liver has to process out (because it doesn't recognize it as natural), why not help your liver by avoiding eating chemicals and give it natural foods so it can do other things?

    Your liver is very important as it does many things for your body, so be kind to it!

    It all depends on the definition of chemical my friend. The whole world we live in is made out of atoms and molecules and they're all chemicals. You can say artificial and not natural substances but chemical isn't the right way to describe that.
    Tired of this word being misused
    (I'm a chemical engineer and a little anal about the topic (: )

    I will admit that artificial is a better or more accurate term, but if you are a chemical engineer, would you admit that methyl ester is a toxic substance as becomes wood alcohol, a real poison? If so, there is 10% of it in aspartame.

    Oh yah! definitely. I am 100% conform on the fact that diet soda is bad for you. I was just being a wise *kitten*, don't mind me.
    If a beverage that tastes that sweet doesn't have any calories whatsoever, there were some huge modifications made to make that possible. Not natural whatsoever and definitely not good for your body.
    (I still drink em sometimes but in moderation)
  • drrif
    drrif Posts: 28
    Nah, diet coke helps me. Juice is high cal, high natural coke 0 calories, and I actually find it filling. When I feel a bit peckish, go for some drink...
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    There are chemicals in it so dont go over board.

    Everything is a chemical ;)

    Hi. Natural foods, not found in a box or package is considered a non chemical item. The reason to avoid soda pop is that it contains chemicals (not natural foods) and so your liver has to process it away or you will feel really bad.

    Instead of eating things that your liver has to process out (because it doesn't recognize it as natural), why not help your liver by avoiding eating chemicals and give it natural foods so it can do other things?

    Your liver is very important as it does many things for your body, so be kind to it!

    It all depends on the definition of chemical my friend. The whole world we live in is made out of atoms and molecules and they're all chemicals. You can say artificial and not natural substances but chemical isn't the right way to describe that.
    Tired of this word being misused
    (I'm a chemical engineer and a little anal about the topic (: )

    I will admit that artificial is a better or more accurate term, but if you are a chemical engineer, would you admit that methyl ester is a toxic substance as becomes wood alcohol, a real poison? If so, there is 10% of it in aspartame.

    Oh yah! definitely. I am 100% conform on the fact that diet soda is bad for you. I was just being a wise *kitten*, don't mind me.
    If a beverage that tastes that sweet doesn't have any calories whatsoever, there were some huge modifications made to make that possible. Not natural whatsoever and definitely not good for your body.
    (I still drink em sometimes but in moderation)

    Even though you know that aspartic acid is found in MSG? You know, the study that found that rats had holes in their brains after ingesting MSG? Aspartic acid, 1 of the 3 molecules that make up aspartame?

    From what I understand, your body cannot get rid of the wood alcohol, it continually builds up in your body. I don't believe in moderation if your body can't get rid of it.

    But if someone really thinks aspartame is safe, i'll pay them $100 to eat 100 lbs of aspartame if and after you sign a waiver releasing me of all responsibility. I would pay more but I'm broke.

    So prove me wrong and sign-up!

    this is a joke, i would not wish anyone to eat 100 lbs of aspartame.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I say it's bad for you. All other chemicals aside, aspartame has been linked to the storage of belly fat.

    Try carbonated flavoured water when you crave pop! :)
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Most diet pop has sodium, which will make you retain fluid. Also, it has an appetite stimulant in it which can make you feel hungrier. A study (granted, just an initial one) has been done that shows diet pop increases your risk of heart disease- and this is averaging 1 a day- not a 12 pack.

    If you're going to drink it, don't count it as your water- that needs to be non-caffeinated, non sodium, non carbonated beverages. Especially early on, it seems to not cause problems with weight loss (probably because so many other healthy changes are occurring), but as one get closer and closer to goal, pop can slow weight loss.