Is it just me...



  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    The weirdo lurkers aside..

    I think it's natural that people who relate to each other daily, have fun conversations, share highs and lows, naturally overtime build a relationship, be it friendship or something more. I think if it's respectful and mutual, there's nothing wrong with 'meeting' someone on here. If you're approached by someone and not interested, just tell them so. Just like in real life :wink:
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    WOW! I am completely with you on this!

    It's okay to be friendly and supportive.... I'm just sick to death of the women throwing themselves at the guys. Some are sneaky about it too. A few helpless questions here and there, wanting a guys opinion... yeah, right. It doesn't take long before it grows into more.

    Did ya notice the profile pics that are ridiculously obvious that they aren't here just for weightloss support? Geesh.

    Makes me sick, actually.

    Yep it's right up there with the forum thread about allowing naked photos here.
    Um, HELLO... this is a weight-loss place not a meet-up and hook up site nor is it a cat-house.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    Ladies, don't get the wrong impression that it is male dominated behavior. There is no shortage of women that are into intense flirting. And yes, some initiate the flirting.

    And no, this is not an invitation. My schedule is full. :wink:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Ladies, don't get the wrong impression that it is male dominated behavior. There is no shortage of women that are into intense flirting. And yes, some initiate the flirting.

    And no, this is not an invitation. My schedule is full. :wink:

    LOL so true...some of the messages I've I said, wow. But also...I respected their directness, and responded to it kindly with a few open hints, and it was left mutually friendly. Guys who do the same kind of 'direct' flirting often don't take the subtle, or not so subtle hints. That's the part where I really can commiserate with the OP. Other than that...I think it's great people are meeting and getting together (or not as the case may be). As I mentioned to someone in a PM today regarding this subject...

    "Honestly though...if you're single (I am), and looking (I'm not...really, it wouldn't be fair to her)...what better place to find someone than somewhere where you know they are like minded and share at least a couple of important goals (diet/exercise)? "

    Makes sense to me?
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    So why did this topic die after it was stated women do the same things?
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    This is why I don't have pictures of myself on here. It is astounding the number of guys who troll sites like this, Facebook, etc., just looking at pictures and harassing attractive women. I've been a "victim" of Internet stalking before (to the extent that a guy I'd never met found out my work phone number and called me; when I wouldn't talk to him, he then found out my home address, flew halfway across the country, and knocked on my door). I'm a lot a smarter now about what I put on the Internet about myself, privacy settings, etc.

    I think sometimes it's harmless; people who are single are looking for other people who are single, and some of them get a little too "brave," or they may totally misinterpret a post you made or something. But sometimes, it definitely goes too far, and some people don't pick up on "hints" that you want to be left alone.

    I don't mind the "singles" threads that get posted here because that's all out in the open, and it's a totally voluntary thing. No one is forced to read or post on those threads, so they can be avoided by people who just aren't interested. But if you've asked someone to stop sending you private messages and they haven't, I agree, that isn't something that should be allowed.
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    Men and Women like each other (most of the time), and if one finds the other attractive, then they will either say so, or be less obvious and be friendly...I've had a few messages from guys on here, but nothing disrespectful. Compared to the lewd messages I've received on Facebook and Xbox Live, the guys on here are ANGELS!! I suggest that you reply to those messages with "Thanks, I'm flattered, but I'm also married :)" And if they persist...Just block them...You can make this website what you want it to be...I prefer mine to be 50/50 Fitness and Fun....It makes the weight-loss challenge so much easier..

    Wait you are on Xbox Live? I thought everyone there was 13, foul mouthed and hopped up on sugar pills! ;)

    Honestly, though I think you would see more issues at your local gym then here.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Oh look another post from uptight people complaining. If you dont like it don't look at it....geez what is this first grade?
    Ugh. This thread is predominantly about people being harassed. It's not them just saying "Someone said something on the forums that I didn't want to see!!!! :("
    hi, welcome to the internet. just deleted the messages and move along.

    I'm surprised that anyone who is on the internet this day in age would be surprised that random people you don't know are sending you inappropriate messages.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I haven't really noticed.

    Maybe I'm just oblivious, maybe i've just been around the internet enough so that certain comments don't phase me as much.

    Between the online dating I did in college, the clubbing I used to do, being the lesser represented gender in MMO games, I've been told a lot of things by a lot of men and for the most part I've just shrugged it off and the persistent ones simply get blocked or in the case of clubs they get escorted away by bouncers.

    I guess I don't really see what the issue is when it's a completely handle-able situation. I mean if it something that really gets out of control there are moderators that are here to help.