Anyone else stop drinking Diet Coke?

So I just started going back to 1200 calories per day after a week on vacation eating whatever I wanted. I started on Wednesday with the 1200 calories but also stopped drinking Diet Coke.

I've lost FOUR POUNDS since Wednesday and it's only Friday.
Think it's the Diet Coke or the shock to my body?
Anyone else experience anything similar?

*I usually lose one pound per week or don't lose anything for a few weeks and then lose up to three pounds


  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Diet soda will ruin you. Not only is it essentially toxin you are putting in your body, it actually helps you gain weight.

    Part of the reason for my obesity was soda. I drank literally five or six cokes a DAY. Doing the math... that's an epic amount of sugar and empty calories (over 1000) and also led me to be diagnosed as a fat-person diabetic.

    I switched to diet soda and lost a lot of weight at first and then gained it all back and then some.

    Today I do not touch sodas. I also watch juices and anything else with a high sugar content as it spikes my blood sugar (my blood sugar these days is about 130-180 which is still high but not alarmingly so).

    Research some of the chemicals in diet sodas.
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    While I was on vacation, all of that information about Diet Coke came out. I already knew it was terrible for me as far as just drinking pure chemicals but wasn't sold on the weight part. Reading the article now! Thanks :)
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I drink tons of Diet Pepsi, and decided today to stop.

    Enough is enough already!!!

  • dougstevens
    dougstevens Posts: 208 Member
    My wife experienced something similar (I don't drink diet sodas).

    She started MFP and at my request, stopped drinking diet soda. She was losing the weight that she expected for the first month. Then she started drinking diet soda; just to see if it impacted her progress. With all things generally the same in the second month, she hit a plateau. In the third month, she cut out diet soda again, and was losing the weight and meeting her expected goals.

    From that experience, we tauted that diet sodas are probably not good for weight loss. Maybe after reaching a goal weight, and she only wants to maintain, she will probably go back to diet sodas.
  • StaceyRN07
    StaceyRN07 Posts: 27 Member
    Bummer..I'm a diet coke junkie. The diet coke from Mickey D's is the best!
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    I read an article where they did a 10 year study - 1/2 of the people drank regular sodas and the other 1/2 of the study group drank diet sodas. The group who drank diet sodas were actually fatter at the end of the study!

    I can tell you if they had another group who drank 100% water, that group would have lost a ton of weigh and they would have had more energy!

    To whom ever reads this, give up sodas! They are BAD for you! They dont quench your thirst! Its OK to have one occationally, but daily? No!!! Water is the only way!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Bummer..I'm a diet coke junkie. The diet coke from Mickey D's is the best!

    OMG it totally is!!!! I drink plain seltzer instead- really don't miss the Diet Coke!
  • KEMerriman
    KEMerriman Posts: 14
    This is one of the steps I have to take in my nutritional lifestyle change. I have decided that the two cans of diet coke in my fridge are the last ones I am going to buy for my home and hopefully I will cut off my diet coke habit. I am not looking forward to the possible headaches that will accompany my withdrawl from it. Good luck with this!
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!

    I've lost significant weight while drinking diet soda- that's not what I was asking or posting about
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    This is one of the steps I have to take in my nutritional lifestyle change. I have decided that the two cans of diet coke in my fridge are the last ones I am going to buy for my home and hopefully I will cut off my diet coke habit. I am not looking forward to the possible headaches that will accompany my withdrawl from it. Good luck with this!

    Surprisingly, I haven't been *too* bad with the headaches (I'm prone to them anyway) I did have a Diet Snapple yesterday though. I replaced the Diet Coke with plain Seltzer and don't really miss it
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!

    I've lost significant weight while drinking diet soda- that's not what I was asking or posting about

    I know I just wanted to through that out there ;)
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    i have to have either a diet coke or diet dr pepper a day ( which is good considering i used to drink a 6 pack of reg dr pepper a day) but believe me NO ONE wants to be around me if i dont have my caffine
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Gasp!!!!!! :noway: I love my diet soda! I'm starting to think (after reading all these posts and a few others) that I should give it up as well! I do drink a can of diet pepsi at lunch and then another at dinner.

    I can go without - I just love the taste! Now that is is summer I think I will make some cold brew tea w/lemon instead!
  • tevez032
    tevez032 Posts: 47 Member
    What about coke Zero?
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    I don't drink any sodas..empty calories full of sugar and will definitely lead to weight gain.
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Gasp!!!!!! :noway: I love my diet soda! I'm starting to think (after reading all these posts and a few others) that I should give it up as well! I do drink a can of diet pepsi at lunch and then another at dinner.

    I can go without - I just love the taste! Now that is is summer I think I will make some cold brew tea w/lemon instead!

    I'm usually not an iced tea person at all but it is really way more refreshing than soda on a hot afternoon. It's worth a shot! Less bad stuff!
  • epursey
    epursey Posts: 36 Member
    I to just recently cut diet coke out of my diet. This is my second attempt. It is going much better this time. I lost a bit of weight right away, 2 lbs, but I am thinking that is from a snack issue I have. Whenever I would drink a diet coke I wanted salty snack food. I stopped drinking it and was less inclined to salty snack food and started drinking more water. So I guess what I am saying is I'm not sure why I really lost the weight but I do know I feel better.

    It's awesome you lost 6 lbs! Yay!!!!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I think part of it is people don't look at the sodium in diet pop.... This girl I know she considers one diet pop a day is a 32oz fountain drink. Which that's not just 1 serving...