Anyone else stop drinking Diet Coke?



  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    yea, one a day is not going to kill you. Some people dont drink water, they have a huge glass of diet something and think its going to do them good.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I think if you do just one can a day that's not bad... If it's 2 -320z a day ya I can see why... Which I know people who do this a day can you believe that.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I took pepsi max away from my husband and he lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks without any other changes......
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    3 years free of carbonated beverages and I do not regret it!
  • milziemoox
    milziemoox Posts: 15

    I saw this article earlier too! Really interesting and useful. Will make me think twice now about picking up a diet coke/diet redbull.
  • dlangenfeld
    dlangenfeld Posts: 119
    I quit drinking diet pop (for the most part) a few months ago, and I didn't lose a single pound because of it. I was so bummed. I am now trying to not drink it at all because of all the studies that are coming out. I am still so mad that I didn't lose a single pound. Lots of other people I know have lost when they stopped drinking it, but of course I didn't. Figures.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!

    there is a lot of research out there that studies this, actually. it pretty much comes down to, your body tastes sweet, you get a spike of insulin, there's no real sugar to counteract it, so what happens when we have an insulin spike? we store fat. Whenever insulin is released, glucose stores are stored as glycogen in the liver for energy, that's fine whenever your glycogen stores are depleted after a workout, but if they are full, and insulin is released, the extra glucose will be transported DIRECTLY into those fat cells. ;) and on that note, I myself do drink pepsi max occasionally, probably 3 or 4 a week, but I"m just sayin' be aware!!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I have found it pretty easy to pass up everything for water. In order to get in the 8-10 cups of water a day I feel like I am drinking all the time. Because I am sucking down water morning, noon, afternoon, evening I don't get thirsty for soda, juice, lemonade, etc (all the things I was drinking up to a couple months ago). For me those drinks aren't worth the calories and the water is keeping me full enough. And diet soda is blah, why drink it if it just teases you for the real thing? Yes, I realize its zero calories but still not worth it given all the bad facts about diet coke. For those drinking just one or two diet drinks a day I think its no big deal, everything in moderation. Those drinking considerable amounts should consider the health downsides.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!

    there is a lot of research out there that studies this, actually. it pretty much comes down to, your body tastes sweet, you get a spike of insulin, there's no real sugar to counteract it, so what happens when we have an insulin spike? we store fat. Whenever insulin is released, glucose stores are stored as glycogen in the liver for energy, that's fine whenever your glycogen stores are depleted after a workout, but if they are full, and insulin is released, the extra glucose will be transported DIRECTLY into those fat cells. ;) and on that note, I myself do drink pepsi max occasionally, probably 3 or 4 a week, but I"m just sayin' be aware!!

    There is also research out there showing that people who drink it regularly don't gain weight either. I think people watch more of what they eat when they stop drinking it. I for one have never gained weight off of diet pop.. I am not a believer in this. I have been very successful in it.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I very rarely drink diet pop anymore. I used to drink a can a day. I noticed a loss when I stopped.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    If I drink diet soda, it will usually be on an "atypical" if I go out to eat, I will have ONE diet soda. Or maybe a little bit on the weekend. I just don't buy it when I go to the grocery store.

    Growing up, my parents would pick up soda at the grocery store as if it was one of those "must have" items such as bread or toilet paper! Needless to say, I was a chubby kid.

    So I guess as long as you don't make a habit out of drinking it, it's not "Z0mG teh eevil!!!!11!!" like all these studies seem to imply.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I have about one diet drink a week, thats it..I used to drink it every single day and decided to cut down.
  • clogreco
    clogreco Posts: 7
    I have always had diet soda, just stopped now for 4 days and what I'm finding is that I don't feel as hungry?
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I used to drink diet and stopped and now its all too sweet. I'll stick to my water, thanks.

    My issue with Diet Coke is that people talk about it as an addiction and that isn't good for your body. Addiction of any kind just makes my skin twitch...and this is comeing from a 22 year old who started smoking at 17 and quit and who quit drinking as well. If you think you absolutely can't go with out it...then do just that. Go without it for 21 days and then see how you feel at the end.

    My migraines stopped when I stopped drinking Diet Soda and soda in general. I know I lost some weight doing just that. I think its possibly, but really everybody's body is different.
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!

    there is a lot of research out there that studies this, actually. it pretty much comes down to, your body tastes sweet, you get a spike of insulin, there's no real sugar to counteract it, so what happens when we have an insulin spike? we store fat. Whenever insulin is released, glucose stores are stored as glycogen in the liver for energy, that's fine whenever your glycogen stores are depleted after a workout, but if they are full, and insulin is released, the extra glucose will be transported DIRECTLY into those fat cells. ;) and on that note, I myself do drink pepsi max occasionally, probably 3 or 4 a week, but I"m just sayin' be aware!!

    There is also research out there showing that people who drink it regularly don't gain weight either. I think people watch more of what they eat when they stop drinking it. I for one have never gained weight off of diet pop.. I am not a believer in this. I have been very successful in it.

    Again, I think you're missing the entire point of this post.
    I have lost weight while drinking diet soda, as have many, many people. If you refuse to believe any of the studies about this then I'm not sure why you're posting in this in the first place.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I stopped drinking Diet Coke. Because my husband works for Pepsi so we get it at a great discount. :wink:

    I reduced the amount of soda I drink, but I still start every day with a 12-24oz can or bottle.

    The sodium in a Diet Pepsi or Max is minimal. About 25mg per 8oz serving. By comparison, a Gatorade has 110mg of sodium per 8oz.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    I have been 37 days without a diet coke! and i used to drink 1-2 a day....I didn't think that was too bad, but the fact that I had such terrible headaches for the few days following my quitting, probably tells me it was a legit caffeine addiction. I LOVE diet coke, and after a night out drinking (which is terrible too) i could drink a 2 liter in a few hours, I loved the taste so much. i haven't lost any weight from not drinking it, which is ok, I only want to lose 5-7 anyway, and I wasnt depending on quitting soda to do that for me. But I feel so much better now that I'm not drinking it, I rarely ever get any headaches, and I've learned to LOVE water. I feel like my skin has been much clearer too, and my nails have been stronger. Which might just be all in my head, but as long as I feel better, I'm ok with it
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    I am losing right now and still drinking diet soda. I get a Large Diet from McDonald's in the mornings and drink a half of it or less. Sometimes I drink a diet pop in the afternoon but I am trying to cut that out for water. I just am addicted to the caffiene and I don't like coffee. When I hit my first plateau, my plan is to stop drinking diet pop completely. I am still losing right now so I'm going to go with it for now.
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Laurad- Awesome!!! I stopped drinking it a long time ago and felt better then picked it up again who knows when! hah I love the taste too, especially Diet Coke with something chocolatey! haha
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Laurad- Awesome!!! I stopped drinking it a long time ago and felt better then picked it up again who knows when! hah I love the taste too, especially Diet Coke with something chocolatey! haha

    Haha I'm actually treating Diet Coke the same way I did when I quit smoking....I'm not even letting myself have one. Now that isn't to say I don't treat myself at all, I think in those 37 days I've had one Sprite, and if I need an afternoon pick me up I drink hot tea with honey and/or lemon. No I'm not completely caffeine-free, but for me (which I think is the same idea as your original post) I just strongly disliked everything I was reading about diet soda. And I don't care how much of what has been proven or not, and who has lost how many pounds from drinking it or not....I just didn't like even the implications of things that could happen, and realized it was an addiction that (like most of them) was providing me NO nutritional value!