Ketosis diet



  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I experimented with ketosis recently. It was interesting, I lost a lot of weight pretty quickly (maybe too quickly) which I put down to almost non-existent hunger levels during the experiment, and now I am having a bit more carbs I gained a small amount (about a pound) compared to the greater amount I lost. I think I might try another bout of it as soon as I've had my baking day (baking for my boyfriend but you know I am gonna lick the spoon/bowl :P).
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    There IS an advantage to ketosis for those with metabolic disorders or those who are having a very difficult time losing. You can also use periods of ketosis and carb-ups for cutting without losing performance.

    When you get out of ketosis and up your carbs, you'll see a slight gain, mostly water retention associated with higher carb levels. As long as you're staying within your caloric goals, these will subside in a few days.
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you everyone for your info. I already have a lower carb diet and I'm not one who craves stuff or eats un heathy. I've just reached a plataue and would like to try something else. If I lose weight doing this I can't picture myself gaining the weight back ecause my diet already is very clean and I'm not a fan of breads an pastas anyways.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    A lot of people will cut carbs to break a plateau, there's nothing wrong with it. I've spent perhaps a year total on Atkins (not currently, however) and I can honestly say that I never had any problems with my breath or a bad taste in my mouth while I was eating low carb and in ketosis. What I did experience (and this might sound strange!) is that when I'm in ketosis the smell when I urinate changes. It's not a bad smell, just different, and it's how I know I'm in ketosis without the need for strips.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Sure to affect your mood too. My buddy is a pro bodybuilder (natural) and he does something similar to this... and can get fairly cranky until he gets some carbs in him.

    when i do it i never get cranky, i tend to feel much better the less carbs.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member

    The problem with using low carbing as a short term weight loss method is you will gain back what you lost plus a few extra pounds. It can't be a quick fix plan it is either a life style change or not.

    Bullllllcraaap! Have u ever done the diet?? Didnt think so... Ive done it as a cut... Lost 25lbs in 1 month(was a fail cuz i lost lot o muscle..) but when i stopped and got back to eating healthy/eatin my maintance i gained only 6-7lbs back n then dropped them again.

    Thnx for the bro sience thoUgh

    actually i know her, and dont know if i would say she done the diet, but she lives a low carb lifestyle, so watch your judgements
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    The problem with using low carbing as a short term weight loss method is you will gain back what you lost plus a few extra pounds. It can't be a quick fix plan it is either a life style change or not.

    No, not necessarily. If you use ketosis to burn body fat, then maintain a healthy diet after (that could maintain that bodyfat anyhow), you won't gain anything back, or at most you'll gain a slight amount of bodyfat to the level of your current diet's maintenance. It's people that use low carb to lose...then go back to their previous diet that got them fat in the first place...or even one similar. You bet they'll gain it all back then.

    Thank you for this. I'm beyond tired of seeing "once you get off that diet (or) if you lose weight fast you'll gain it all back & then some!". The only way you gain anything back is by resuming you *kitten* eating habits. Statements like that are the rationalizations of those who are disappointed w/ their current progress or lack of discipline, imo and experience. Preaching that is simply hindering potential. I'm proof that you can lose weight quickly and maintain a loss/continue losing. I've been maintaining my goal weight for over a year now.

    I've had success w/ low carb, give it a try!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    there's a lot of really bad information on this thread. Rather than add to the mayhem, I would suggest you seek out a registered dietitian (NOT a nutritionist or doctor unless that doctor has post-graduate nutritional training) and have a long conversation with them. Ketosis isn't something you do to "shed fat", that's all I'll say about that, it's serious stuff and deserves it's due research before you attempt it.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    there's a lot of really bad information on this thread. Rather than add to the mayhem, I would suggest you seek out a registered dietitian (NOT a nutritionist or doctor unless that doctor has post-graduate nutritional training) and have a long conversation with them. Ketosis isn't something you do to "shed fat", that's all I'll say about that, it's serious stuff and deserves it's due research before you attempt it.

    That's too bad...I respect your opinion and would love to hear it.

    I can understand why you wouldn't put it out there though...rough subject.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    there's a lot of really bad information on this thread. Rather than add to the mayhem, I would suggest you seek out a registered dietitian (NOT a nutritionist or doctor unless that doctor has post-graduate nutritional training) and have a long conversation with them. Ketosis isn't something you do to "shed fat", that's all I'll say about that, it's serious stuff and deserves it's due research before you attempt it.

    That's too bad...I respect your opinion and would love to hear it.

    I can understand why you wouldn't put it out there though...rough subject.

    yep, lots of zealots, and I'm too tired today to have a full on science discussion (ahem) with someone. The information's out there though, I'll say this, ketosis is not something to be taken lightly, it does a number on human biochemistry. If I had to equate it to something, it's similar to changing the fuel type a car engine runs on, it may work, but that doesn't mean it's right (or wrong), it depends on the situation really. But there are definitely both drawbacks and benefits from it. For some it's the right way to go, for others, it's a dangerous and unnecessary change.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    there's a lot of really bad information on this thread. Rather than add to the mayhem, I would suggest you seek out a registered dietitian (NOT a nutritionist or doctor unless that doctor has post-graduate nutritional training) and have a long conversation with them. Ketosis isn't something you do to "shed fat", that's all I'll say about that, it's serious stuff and deserves it's due research before you attempt it.

    That's too bad...I respect your opinion and would love to hear it.

    I can understand why you wouldn't put it out there though...rough subject.

    yep, lots of zealots, and I'm too tired today to have a full on science discussion (ahem) with someone. The information's out there though, I'll say this, ketosis is not something to be taken lightly, it does a number on human biochemistry. If I had to equate it to something, it's similar to changing the fuel type a car engine runs on, it may work, but that doesn't mean it's right (or wrong), it depends on the situation really. But there are definitely both drawbacks and benefits from it. For some it's the right way to go, for others, it's a dangerous and unnecessary change.

    Well said, and in terminology that makes perfect sense. The E85 vs Gasoline debate lol.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Speaking purely from experience. 7+ yrs of experience...ketosis effects people differently but I can tell you I had high levels of energy within 3 days of induction level eating (20 net carbs) I have been eating low-moderate carb since 2004. I've lost 81 lbs. I now this year started upping my carbs and lowering my daily calories and watching all portion sizes staying away from sugar and refined bad carbs. I only eat whole grain breads, sweet potatos and good healthy carbs. I do allow now that I am close to goal a day where I will have other foods but I watch my calories and I don't gain. I have steadily lost since February when I made the change to upping carbs and lowering calories. As with any diet change you WILL gain the weight back if you go back to eating the old unhealthy way. There is no diet out there that says eat this way temporarily and then go back to your old habits and you'll keep it off. Not even surgery. Any diet has to be a way of life or ..its not going to work. I have never understood why people say "oh you will gain it back when you go off" ...but never add at the end of that statement.."like any diet"... It has to be a lifestyle change. Since you have stated your wanting to do this temporarily...but you eat mostly healthy anyway then I just say cut back to half of the carbs your normally eating and see what that does....It really doesn't take a drastic cut in carbs for the body to go into ketosis. I am in ketosis at 100 g carbs a day.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    It really doesn't take a drastic cut in carbs for the body to go into ketosis. I am in ketosis at 100 g carbs a day.

    I was curious about this. I was eating between 50-100g of carbs for weeks. Then for 2 days (about a month ago I guess) I hardly ate at all (was violently ill vomiting etc). For two weeks after that, I wasn't eating a lot (I did religiously log...I need to go look more carefully at the carbs). I tried to spike my calories every third day at least. I also wasn't exercising whatsoever. I am pretty sure my carbs were higher though...but around 100g on average might be about right.

    Now, here's the odd thing. I lost 8lbs in those two weeks, and 4" in my waist. Oddly, my biceps grew 1/4". My urine was very dark and...uhh...pungent the entire time...and honestly, there was a definite difference in my breath in the mornings in particular.

    I'm wondering if this could have been some form, or actual ketosis. The only real difference is I felt kind of wierd the entire time. Tired, really. Sometimes even lightly dizzy.

    Kind of a wierd experience all around. When I started working out again, I gained back a few lbs (water weight for sure)...but have stayed pretty stable through the week (I used to vary by as much as 5lbs all week long). Monday used to be my lightest day of the we'll see how it looks tomorrow.
  • there's a lot of really bad information on this thread. Rather than add to the mayhem, I would suggest you seek out a registered dietitian (NOT a nutritionist or doctor unless that doctor has post-graduate nutritional training) and have a long conversation with them. Ketosis isn't something you do to "shed fat", that's all I'll say about that, it's serious stuff and deserves it's due research before you attempt it.

    THANK YOU for saying this! I have studied nutritional science/biochemistry/physiology for the past 5 years now and am amazed by the views that people have about ketosis because they do not know the factual/scientific information. I am just happy someone said this because I was about to say something too. I definitely agree with you, there is a LOT of bad information on this thread...
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    It really doesn't take a drastic cut in carbs for the body to go into ketosis. I am in ketosis at 100 g carbs a day.

    I was curious about this. I was eating between 50-100g of carbs for weeks. Then for 2 days (about a month ago I guess) I hardly ate at all (was violently ill vomiting etc). For two weeks after that, I wasn't eating a lot (I did religiously log...I need to go look more carefully at the carbs). I tried to spike my calories every third day at least. I also wasn't exercising whatsoever. I am pretty sure my carbs were higher though...but around 100g on average might be about right.

    Now, here's the odd thing. I lost 8lbs in those two weeks, and 4" in my waist. Oddly, my biceps grew 1/4". My urine was very dark and...uhh...pungent the entire time...and honestly, there was a definite difference in my breath in the mornings in particular.

    I'm wondering if this could have been some form, or actual ketosis. The only real difference is I felt kind of wierd the entire time. Tired, really. Sometimes even lightly dizzy.

    Kind of a wierd experience all around. When I started working out again, I gained back a few lbs (water weight for sure)...but have stayed pretty stable through the week (I used to vary by as much as 5lbs all week long). Monday used to be my lightest day of the we'll see how it looks tomorrow.

    there's an easy way to tell, pick up some ketosticks at your local pharmacy, or if your breath and/or urine has a fruity odor to it, you're most likely in ketosis.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    there's an easy way to tell, pick up some ketosticks at your local pharmacy, or if your breath and/or urine has a fruity odor to it, you're most likely in ketosis.

    Yeah, it was kind of like that. I didn't figure my carbs were anywhere near low enough for ketosis though.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    there's an easy way to tell, pick up some ketosticks at your local pharmacy, or if your breath and/or urine has a fruity odor to it, you're most likely in ketosis.

    Yeah, it was kind of like that. I didn't figure my carbs were anywhere near low enough for ketosis though.


    depends on your calorie needs, if you can't combine body fat and incoming carb amounts for enough energy to replenish glycogen stores, then the body will transition into ketosis eventually. But along with ketosis comes the possibility of dehydration which if left unchecked can be very dangerous. Especially if you're working out at high intensities.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Yeah, it was kind of like that. I didn't figure my carbs were anywhere near low enough for ketosis though.


    In my experience I found that ketosis occurred at different levels of carbs depending on my activity level or other factors in my diet. In the beginning I didn't watch calories. I dropped the 60 lbs in 7 months. I had a baby. I only regained 8 lbs of the 60. I kept the 52 lbs off for 5+ yrs..but I only maintained..I brought out my several different low carb books and began climbing the carb ladder. Also, lowering calories. So I think it really it depends on the person the current activity level and the current weight and how long they have been doing low carb. When I am more sedentary I can't eat 100g of carbs and stay in ketosis. Another example of being in ketosis and NOT doing low carb at all was when I was pregnant. I constantly lost weight (I was heavy at the time) and the Dr said every visit I had ketones present but my blood sugar was perfect so he knew it wasn't gestational diabetes.. He said it's because even though I was eating more my metabolism was just vamped because I was pregnant. I have done a lot of research over the last 7 years about all aspects of weight loss and I have read that ketones can be present whenever any weight loss occurs regardless of carb levels.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    there's a lot of really bad information on this thread. Rather than add to the mayhem, I would suggest you seek out a registered dietitian (NOT a nutritionist or doctor unless that doctor has post-graduate nutritional training) and have a long conversation with them. Ketosis isn't something you do to "shed fat", that's all I'll say about that, it's serious stuff and deserves it's due research before you attempt it.

    THANK YOU for saying this! I have studied nutritional science/biochemistry/physiology for the past 5 years now and am amazed by the views that people have about ketosis because they do not know the factual/scientific information. I am just happy someone said this because I was about to say something too. I definitely agree with you, there is a LOT of bad information on this thread...
    I personally am friends with several people who have been in ketosis for years with no harmful side-effects. There are sub-cultures around the world who are in ketosis from the time they are weaned because there is NO AGRICULTURE to add carbs to their diets. They live on animals/and their by-products (dairy) and fats. It is how our bodies are made. They are amazingly adaptive to different environments. Just because we as a society have not eating this way does not make it dangerous or strange. It is evolution at its finest.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    There are companies out there trying to produce artificial foods that are made out of immediate ketone precursors for the purpose of treating (not curing mind) alzheimers and parkinsons (not to mention it would probably help with epilepsy).

    But the epileptic kids on ketosis diets did suffer problems from it, but they also eat much more restrictively (they have to be consuming 80% fat) than your average "low carb" dieter.

    Also many people who aren't trying to diet begin using ketones for fuel during the sleeplong fast even on relatively normal diets. I really can't see how something that basically normal people who don't overeat and have well functioning metabolisms experience most nights can be excessively dangerous. Especially given feast and famine are a normal part of life and how exceptionally well the human body is adapted to change (one of the reasons we have spread all across the world instead of sticking to one little evolutionary niche). Some people think its the change in metabolism that causes the benefits of calorie restriction (to longevity) but I guess the jury is still out on that and indeed we'll have to wait a few years to see if it works on humans :P
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