So sore today..what do you do to help it? Lactic acid?



  • My PT said it's good to hop in a hot shower for 2 minutes than switch it to cold for 2 minutes and repeat a couple of times. More blood flows to your muscles during exercise and the remaining blood pools there when you stop. This is shocking to do to yourself but it stimulates the blood flow. I do this immeadiatly after my sessions with her and it really helps the next day

    *This is also what my physiotherapist recommended for my wrist injury alternating cold/hot
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I'd just like to say a big fat WRONG to everyone who says warm/hot baths. Definitely do not take Ibuprofen or Aspirin as they thin the blood and this can be dangerous if you've done a heavy work out - muscle damage, bleeding etc.

    Lactic acid causes the pain - Oxygen debt, anaerobic respiration etc.

    The best thing to do - I know I do ballet and pointe work can really work your deep muscles - is iced bath/cold bath/cold shower.

    I'm sure you've seen marathon runners jumping into a wheelie bin of icy and water.

    The theory is that the cold causes the blood vessels to contract and force the waste products into the lymphatic system.

    Oh and regular ice baths (about 20mins arrrgggghh!) can cause Apoptosis (cell death) of fat cells. Which is good because fat cells just reduce in size when you go from fatty to thinny - making it easier to gain the fat back (insta-storage). I would prefer that they politely 'cough and die altogether!

    With all respect, taking OTC pain relievers/anti-inflamatories will not cause otherwise heathy people any issues. It probably won't help much but it's not going to cause problems for most people.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You can help lessen the effects of DOMS by taking BCAAs. You should see a significant decrease in soreness if you take BCAAs before/after/during workouts.

    ^^ This, This, and more THIS.

    BCAAs are magnificent for helping with DOMS.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,713 Member
    Ouch! We've all been there! Make sure you stretch really well right AFTER your workout! Drink a lot of water, and make sure you move those muscles! A light workout is just fine, will really help get rid of the lactic acid.