World of Warcraft

Lewre Posts: 22
Anyone here play? If so, what faction, class, and realm are you?

I'm Alliance, Rogue on Mannoroth. Lvl 85. :) I also have a lvl 85 Alliance Shammy on the same realm.


  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    I used to play a ton! I'm on Terenas, I have three Blood Elf 85s, Priest, Rogue and Death Knight. I haven't played in awhile because I got into Starcraft II, lol. But it will always have a place in my heart. Good times.

    Actually, recently I was leveling an Alliance NE just for old times sake because I started as Alliance. The starting zones are all so different now since Cataclysm.
  • Marazene
    Marazene Posts: 97
    Troll bane, lvl 85 rogue gnome pvp toon, 82 warrior gnome tried tanking, 85 disc priest worgen...tons of lower toons...alliance

    I don't play as much as i used to. I still love to play it though. Lots of fun!!!
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I played for years. I loved my deathnight. But, I haven't played in the last 6 months. It's a pretty addicting game. Don't forget about the real world out there. And like Zoe said I will always have a place in my heart for WoW.
  • HeatherH1984
    I also used to play, but haven't done so in a while, I've got on Aszune

    Smiles - Alliance - Paladin lvl 80 (still haven't upgraded to cataclysm...)
    Lillies - Alliance - Mage Lvl 67
    Rommie - Alliance - Rogue - can't remember the level
    Romie - Alliance - Priest - Lvl 48

    It is a good game to get into, but to really enjoy it, you need way too much spare time! lol
  • Marazene
    Marazene Posts: 97

    It is a good game to get into, but to really enjoy it, you need way too much spare time! lol

  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I have a lvl 80 Alliance Paladin on Terrokar, but had a falling out with the guild I was in and decided to take a very long break!! Am back in WoW only recently and have started a new Alliance Paladin on Azuremyst (Kendraf) - lvl 13 or 14 I can't remember xD Prefer playing Alliance to Horde tho I've started a Goblin (Kpaxx) on the same server

    Oooh, think, it could be a lot of fun if a group of us got together and started an MFP guild!! LOL not that I know diddly squat about running a guild or setting one up!!

    PS the servers are all UK
  • SandraMay1982
    I haven't played since January. I will be picking back up again next month some time.

    I have a level 85 Tauren Druid (BOOM BOOM POW! hate that they screwed my tree though), Floshy. On US Server Cenarius.

    I have other toons on the same server. and Only have one Alliance (for when Cenarius is down) on Darth Remar, which I think is a level 10 warlock of some description. I am totally for the horde. damned humanoids! kill them alllll. haha.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I've got a couple of 85s - Main is a feral druid, (CAT IS FOR FITE!!!)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Played for 5 years (257 days /played on my hunter/main). 85 Shaman, 85 Hunter and 85 Druid on Area 52 Horde.

    Stopped played back in Feb. Burning Crusade will always have a place in my heart! Best expansion ever!!! :)

    /sheds tear
    /playing the world's smallest violin
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    I'd like to kill my husband for playing ...
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'd like to kill my husband for playing ...

    Lol... I hear that a lot on vent from men complaining about GF/wives - feign death!
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I'd like to kill my husband for playing ...

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    I used to play, too. Got my druid to 80 (when that was the max) and was done. My hubby has since taken over my druid, but he plays like nobody's business. Thank GOD he went back to work today...He's been out of work for over a year and has spent the majority of that time playing WoW. So glad that's over with. :-P
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    My main is an affliction warlock, Alliance on Suramar. I have lots of alts and occasionally play Horde on Moonrunner.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Someone convince to restart my wow account >.> quick!

    ((rings hands))
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I'm not much of an MMORPG person... but I love me some offline RPGs though. If it's out there, you can almost guarantee I've played it. There's still a few out there though that I just haven't gotten around to.
  • Lewre
    Lewre Posts: 22
    I love WoW, but am not addicted to it. I go a week without playing sometimes. Lately I've only logged in to do my Firelands dailies. :) Funny hubby wanted to start playing WoW shortly after we got married. I kept telling him no for various reasons. He finally talked me into letting him play. Lol. After he started playing I was getting upset at the amount of time he spent on it. He convinced me to start a toon. I fell in love with my rogue. From then on it was a fight to see who could get home from work first to get to the compy. No joke. He bought me a laptop just so we could play together. Five years later I still love my rogue, but have branched out a bit. My shammy is fun and I'd love to level my hunter. I can't heal worth anything and I hate tanking. DPS is my thing.

    Oh, to the person who suggested an MFP guild...sounds fun! :)
  • SandraMay1982
    My sister and Brother inlaw are like that. Their "time together" away from the children? it's playing WoW. My sister has like 7 85's now and has been playing for about 6 years or so. definitely over 5 years, Brother inlaw has been playing longer. She did the recruit a friend with me so she got the two person rocket FTW! Just last year. I had played on my brother inlaws account years ago, but never really got in to it myself. Now I referred my mum (she's full on addicted), and my brother inlaw referred my friend. My friend no longer plays though due to costs. I think she misses it though.
  • Lewre
    Lewre Posts: 22
    That's too funny. Lol. I love to play WoW with my husband after the girls in bed. Some people harrass us about the cost, but two accounts of WoW is a heck of a lot cheaper than getting a sitter and going to the theatre! LOL.
  • aharmeson
    aharmeson Posts: 55
    I got two 85's of terrokar

    85 resto Shaman Troll- HZDBEAST
    85 warrior tank Undead- HZDHARM

    Just getting back into after a 5 month absence due to having a baby. I used to raid 4 or five nights a week and level the other three nights and it almost ruined my marriage so ive cut back about 2 nights a week no raids though. Just enjoying playing now lol.

    Add me as a friend if your on Terrokar