World of Warcraft



  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I have a new main

    Tauren Druid Balance/Resto
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I just recently started playing again.

    I play on Sargeras, i have many toons but my main is an 85 worgen druid(boomkin/bear) named Meepoe
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Go Boomkins!!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I'm on the Silvermoon server. I am currently leveling an arcane mage draenai (81). I have a few 85's (Boomkin, pally, shaman, hunter) and 80's (rouge, warrior) and some I just got bored with (priest). I play mostly on alliance side. Mostly because all my gold's there.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I loved my gnome arcane mage! My next toon will prolly be a goblin mage!
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I played for a bout a year and a half but I suspended my account in May.

    lvl 85 Undead Lock (Destro/Afflic)-- Main
    Lvl 83 Orc DK (Blood)-- My attempt to build a tank
    lvl 40 something Tauren Druid-- My attempt at a heals
    lvl 20 something Goblin Shammy
    lvl 20 something Tauren Pally-- Second attempt at tank

    I enjoyed playing for a long time but I went through a succession of failed guilds, adopted our 2nd child and the wife is pregnant with our 3rd, and I discovered I need to exercise more while working 2 jobs. Something had to give, and near the end I wasn't doing much but logging on to do TB/JC dailies, and wait in Queue for an hour to get a random... I didn't think I was giving up that much. I may reactivate again after I get to goal weight, but I don't knows.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    Once I worked hard enough to get the new mounts that you could buy (Vial of the Sands and the Tol Barad ones) I wasn't interested in doing dailies much anymore and I don't have the time to devout to raiding what is expected for you to raid. But once I reached 85, maxed my profs, got the shinies I could buy; what was left but raiding?
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    Im thinking about getting WoW soon, so if anyone wouldnt mind a kinda newb (i used to play on my cousin comp years ago) being in your guild let me know
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Im thinking about getting WoW soon, so if anyone wouldnt mind a kinda newb (i used to play on my cousin comp years ago) being in your guild let me know

    Don't do it!!! lol It's virtual cocaine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Oh lord. . . . . I love Wow Geeks. You guys make me giggle. . .Now back to my nursing. .
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Sisters of Elune, Guild is Ascendancy on Alliance side.

    Main: 85 Dranei shaman
    Prime Alt: 85 Worgen hunter
    Other alts: 85 NE priest, 85 Gnome warlock, 85 human rogue, 85 Gnome mage,
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I played for a long time on Aggramar EU. Main was a Night Elf feral druid.

    I quit because I have a very addictive/obsessive personality and it was basically taking over my life. I have tried other MMOs (WAR, LOTRO, Aion etc) but it appears I am just not capable of playing one casually :(
  • Lavaralda
    Wow did not expect to find a WoW post on here :)

    Been playing almost two years now, met my OH a month after starting the game I joined the guild he was in and we hit it off from day one, took us a yer to get together through and it will be a a year we've been together next month, currently playing a Blood Elf Warrio rNimrodela or Blood Elf Mage 52 Lairelossë on Quel'Thalas EU, , if anyone here is there come say hi :) also have a 85 hunter Sylena on Alli side.

    Ive just stated using it as a tool in exercising (bare with me) Ive started working out an extra ten or twenty mins for each hour I plan on playing or played. So hi to you all and have fun ;)
  • wilsabeast
    wilsabeast Posts: 21 Member
    I am a recovering WoW addict. three 85's and old three school twinks that I couldn't bring myself to level, 19 hunter, 39 rogue, 49 lock. Still miss PvP. I gained Fifty pounds while playing wow....been clean for 8 mos.

    Enjoy and gank some PVE'ers for me. :)
  • songofserenity81
    songofserenity81 Posts: 138 Member
    I've been playing for over 6 years now and reside on Hellfire EU server .I have a Belf hunter at 85th, shadow priest 84th, rogue 83rd second priest 80th (lol dont ask) and numerous sub 70 lvl toons.Never been a hardcore raider, rather quest, dailies and the occasional run with the guild. But while my sub is still current I only now pop on to be sociable as everything else in my life takes presedence, my family (I am a career for my elderly disabled mother-in-law) my exercise and come 12th of this month my continuing studies ( studying part time towards my degree with Open University, not sure if there is a similar system in the US? )
    So WoW takes a place on the back burner and if I am burning out with everything else I will consider logging in to just chill for a lil bit.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    have a 85 rogue and 85 paly on Lightbringer....however i have quit, and no intentions of playing WoW again. played since beta, but the game just became a terrible MMO for me.

    playing SWTOR beta atm, and wife hates my gaming, but she always comes first...another reason she lets me play.

    played MMO's for first one was Everquest before Kunark...for those old school MMO'ers...
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    played MMO's for first one was Everquest before Kunark...for those old school MMO'ers...

    Good lord- me too... played EQ back before Vent, etc as a guild leader for a hardcore raiding guild (Legion of the Dead, Zebuxorok server). I hear people in WOW ***** about raiding instances on vent and chuckle thinking about running 72 man raids via channel chat only! or being on the rotation for high level zones that reset once per week- no instances!

    Took my guild from The Hole to clearing Plane of Time in <11 months.

    Ahhh... those were the days when MMO's and high end raiding was truly for the dedicated!
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    EU-Saurfang server here!

    I love my guild, and it's the only thing that keeps me playing really. I get bored and play other games, but I always end up back at WoW, lol. My main is an elemental shaman, and I have three other 85s - my first character (mage), a dk and a priest. I didn't start raiding until about a year ago, and I've taken the odd break here and there.
  • JessBezz77
    JessBezz77 Posts: 25 Member
    Woo! A WoW thread!

    Shandris server here - GM the guild Decadence with the hubby - alliance.

    85 Warrior and Paladin, and my newest obsession is my 60-s Druid - i think i fianlly found "the" class for me.....
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Wow, did not expect to find this on here lol. I happen to be a WoW addict who has managed to find time to still enjoy myself on WoW AND lose weight. You don't have to let WoW make your booty spread :P
    I play on Runetotem server, Hordeside. I have a few 85s: BE mage, BE pally, Troll druid, Undead hunter, Orc rogue, and coming soon (as I level her inbetween real life and dieting) a Goblin warlock.