If you've had a boob job...

I posted this to Chit-chat, but it kind of got bogged down with all the games...I know this subject doesn't really belong under General, but it kind of does because my girls have all but disappeared since I've lost weight.

So I want to know everything!

Why did you get it?
How much did it cost? Did you finance it or pay out of pocket?
Did you get silicone or saline? round or teardrop? smooth or textured?
Are yours under the muscle or above?
What size were you before and what size are you now?
Do you wish you had gone bigger?
Where was your incision? Is your scar visible?
How painful was it? Did you have a pain pump?
What kind of comments have you gotten?
How long did it take you to recover?

I'm seriously considering getting mine done and am trying to find out as much as I can, so please tell me all you can! Thanks!


  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    Interested too...
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    bump for later interested in this also...
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm interested as well.
  • sandeekay02
    I'm very interested too! I also would like info on taking the extra skin off of my underarms! Anyone with info?
  • fat2fab4life
    fat2fab4life Posts: 253 Member
    bumping so you can get more responses...

    I have a friend who had one. She was done having babies and wanted to be lifted, reduced and shaped. It took her about 6 months to fully recover and she was in a lot of pain but 2 years later she is very satisfied, she says her husband is like way in love with them, she had a bit of implants in to reshapre the top I guess but overall looking at her with her clothes on she does look better with them. I hope that helps. I know her insurance did not cover it she paid more than 5000 I'm not sure if that included everything though
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Those are all of my same questions as well, you took the words right out of my mouth. I want to see the responses!

    Also, can I add :

    Did you have any hardening?
  • DaniiWanii
    DaniiWanii Posts: 114 Member
    buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump :P
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    I would like to know the answers to these questions also!
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I posted this to Chit-chat, but it kind of got bogged down with all the games...I know this subject doesn't really belong under General, but it kind of does because my girls have all but disappeared since I've lost weight.

    So I want to know everything!

    Why did you get it?
    How much did it cost? Did you finance it or pay out of pocket?
    Did you get silicone or saline? round or teardrop? smooth or textured?
    Are yours under the muscle or above?
    What size were you before and what size are you now?
    Do you wish you had gone bigger?
    Where was your incision? Is your scar visible?
    How painful was it? Did you have a pain pump?
    What kind of comments have you gotten?
    How long did it take you to recover?

    I'm seriously considering getting mine done and am trying to find out as much as I can, so please tell me all you can! Thanks!

    I got mine 3 years ago right before I got married. I was sick of wearing A cups.. ugh! I wanted to be able to put on a shirt and have something to fill it up with. The cost was a total of $7500 for silicone impants and that included all the hospital and anethesiologist fees. I paid out of pocket. I wouldn't finance something like that. I saw a highly recommended doctor with excellent credentials because I didn't want to take a chance on something like that, which is why the cost was so high. I got mine under the muscle and highly recommend everyone doing the same. It's more painful and takes longer to heal but ultimately worth it. Mine are smooth saline. I was a 32A now I'm a small to medium 34C. I didn't go really big, I wanted mine to look natural. For a long time I wished I had gone bigger. Right after my surgery, they were HUGE because of the swelling, and I got used to them like that (for a week or so). Then the swelling went down and they were shrinking and I was very upset. For about 6 months I hated them and wished I had gone bigger, but then they started to settle in and look so natural on me and now I love them and think they are the perfect size. They are 330cc and when I replace them I will go with 390 but that's a very small difference. My incision is around the nipple and it's very small you can't even notice unless you're looking for it. Yes it was painful but not extremely painful. I mean, it's a surgery, so there's pain, but not intolerable. It was very hard for me to sleep though even with the sleeping pills my doctor gave me, because I have never slept on my back before. It took 2 weeks before most of the pain went away but I'll be honest and say there was a little shooting pain here and there for about the first year. Good luck to you!

    ETA: If you ever want to have kids and breastfeed, be careful about getting the incision around the nipple, because the scarring can damage some of the milk ducts. I had a hell of a time trying to bf my son, but I made it work! It took a lot of extra work on my part though because I did have damaged milk ducts... UGH!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Those are all of my same questions as well, you took the words right out of my mouth. I want to see the responses!

    Also, can I add :

    Did you have any hardening?

    To avoid hardening, once given the okay by your doctor, you must massage, massage, massage night and day, as much as you can.
  • ruffledviolet
    I'm curious as well, though I would never actually do this. Unless I get cancer like my mom, then I would consider.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I know I've been debating it but not sure cause my mom has had two surgeries for her girls and she said she was in a lot of pain as well. I'm happy with my B's but then again I would like them to be bigger, ugh I'm gonna just sit on it for awhile :ohwell:
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    I got mine done about 5 years ago...I was 19 at the time. I can honestly say I'm very happy with my decision

    Why did you get it?
    I was small chested for my frame, as I have very wide hips and was only a B cup. I looked very disproportionate. I also had something know as "tubular breast", in which the breasts are elongated and pull away from the center of the body. I knew that I would feel more confidient and comfortable if I were more proportionate.

    How much did it cost? Did you finance it or pay out of pocket?
    Because I had to have reconstructive surgury to reshape my breast in addition to the implant, mine was more expensive and I financed it. I do know that if it had been just the implant, it would have been $1000-1500.

    Did you get silicone or saline? round or teardrop? smooth or textured?
    Saline. I do not remember the other details.

    Are yours under the muscle or above?
    Under the muscle.

    What size were you before and what size are you now?
    Small B brought up to a D.

    Do you wish you had gone bigger?
    Sometimes, yes I wish I had gone just one size larger. However, I am very proportionate now and am quite happy with it. Also, I would be concerned about extra back strain if going any larger.

    Where was your incision? Is your scar visible?
    Because of the reconstruction (including areola reduction) my scar is quite large. This is not typical of a straight implant, for which the scar is very small. It is usally under the breast and cannot be seen under normal circumstances. Also, mederma DOES help with scar appearance reduction, as does ScarMD.

    How painful was it? Did you have a pain pump?
    I did not find it that painful. Yes, I had a pain pump. It mainly just felt like pressure was being applied to my chest. The most uncomfortable part was having to remove the tube for the pain pump (you just pull it out yourself when the pump runs out)...it doesn't hurt to pull it out, it was just strange.

    What kind of comments have you gotten?
    Honestly, none from people who don't know I've had it done. I take this as a compliment though, indicating that I'm the appropriate size for my frame. From people who know I've gotten it done, they told me that they thought it looked very natural and told me that if they didn't know I'd had it done, they never would have guessed. My husband is the only one who has seen them uncovered (so to speak). He was supportive when I had them done and has had no complaints about them since.

    How long did it take you to recover?
    Just a few weeks. I had to go for like 4 weeks without lifting anything more than 25 lbs....your doctor will explain this all to you before surgery. It's very important to listen to your doctors advice, including performing the movement of the implant, which helps prevent scar tissue from hardening.

    I hope this was helpful. I had a great experience with my surgery and have been happy with the results. My reasons for having it may be slightly different from most people due to the reconstruction I had to have done. You just have to make sure that you are doing it for yourself, not for someone else. Also, do research regarding your possible doctors...read reviews, try to get recommendations. If you have any questions, send me a PM and I will try to answer. Best of luck! =)
  • kmurray1077
    Well guess I'll spill the beans with my experience for ya!

    I got mine done two years ago now. The story goes like this: my son was 2 and I had just lost 20 lbs of that stubborn baby weight I had put on with the help of a truck load of Oreos I ate while on bed rest with the help of a personal trainer. Now I don't know about the rest of you all but I've always gained weight from the bottom up and when I lose it, it's from the top down. During this weight loss, my bra size had went from a nice full 36 B cup to a training bra! The worst part is I'm not even joking! I went to Victoria's Secret one day hoping they could help and the kind lady there said, "I'm sorry Ma'am but we can help you because even our smallest bras with push-ups won't fit you." I was taken back and broke down crying right there. Well right then and there I decided that you know what, I don't care what anyone thinks. I want to have boobs and darn it, I'm going to have them! So I went home, talk with the hubs, and made the appointment. It's one of the best things I've ever done for myself and I wouldn't give them back for a million bucks!

    OK. So on to your other questions:
    -It was $6500 to have mine done and we paid for half and finance the other half.
    -mine are saline, round, and smooth (just so you know, I let the doc tell me what he thought would work best for my body. After all he's done way more boob jobs then me! lol!)
    -mine are under the muscle
    -Pre-surgery size: not even an A cup Post-surgery size: 36 D
    - I don't wish I would have went bigger because I went a bit bigger to start on advice of doc. He stated most women he's done go conservative and then wish they went just a little bigger. I figured as long as I didn't look like Dolly Parton, I was good!
    -my incision scars are under my breasts and the only way you could see them is if I lifted both my arms up to the sky and you were standing within two feet of me... and then you would have to squint to see them.
    -I don't think the surgery was very painful at all but I have a pretty high pain tolerance so maybe I'm not the best one to ask, but two of my friends were inspired by me getting mine done and one had a great recovery (she went to my doc) and one said it was awful (she didn't go to the same place). I did not have a pain pump and only took pain meds for 3 or 4 days.
    -The comment that I get the most is "if I didn't know better, I'd swear you were born with them. They look so natural!"
    -I followed my recovery plan to a tee to avoid any mishaps but I was back lifting at the gym in 6 weeks.

    Hope this helps you out some!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    bumping to read later
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks to everyone who has responded and I hope to get even more responses. Basically I am an A and want to go medium-large C. I was one of those that my mom always told me, "Oh you'll get your boobs. They'll come in eventually." Welp, they never did. When I gained weight, they plumped up a little, but then I lost the weight and my boobies along with it.

    So now I'm just trying to get some "research" gathered before I consult with a doctor (first I have to find a good doctor)

    If anyone else can tell me your implant story, I'd appreciate it :)
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Normally I'm a 36B, while I was nursing my daughter, 7 years ago, I got up to a 36D! I was awesome. When I stopped nursing they went back. I was 25 and had saggy-deflated-balloon-old lady boobs. I would love to get a boob job to get a bit bigger, lift and fill-in what I have now. Sadly we don't have enough money to pay our bills, to the girls will have to wait.