If you've had a boob job...



  • ladyvlasquez5169
    ladyvlasquez5169 Posts: 14 Member
    Bump :)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Normally I'm a 36B, while I was nursing my daughter, 7 years ago, I got up to a 36D! I was awesome. When I stopped nursing they went back. I was 25 and had saggy-deflated-balloon-old lady boobs. I would love to get a boob job to get a bit bigger, lift and fill-in what I have now. Sadly we don't have enough money to pay our bills, to the girls will have to wait.

    That sounds exactly like me, except I'm still nursing, and they're already sagging. I had great, perky 34B boobs before, and I loved them. Right now, I'm down to a C after they ballooned from a B to a D with breastfeeding initially, and they just look.. Sad. Very sad, since now they're looking more at the floor than they are straight ahead. Sigh..

    I'm planning on a lift (at the very least), and possibly an implant to a C, once I finish nursing school. It'll be a present to myself in the next few years for putting myself through pregnancy, birth, and extended breastfeeding, and surviving.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
  • amybarry76
    amybarry76 Posts: 15
    I had mine done about 9 years ago and hate them now. I loved them in my 20's but feel like they are too big for my body now. I am a 35 year old mom of 5 kids and have been happily married 16 years. People always look at my boobs first. I feel top heavy. I am a runner and have to double up bras and they are uncomfortable to run with. I have a hard time finding tops that look good. I really just like the more natural look now.

    Why did you get it? I had previously breastfed 2 kids. My breasts were uneven. One side a small A. The other a full B.
    How much did it cost? Did you finance it or pay out of pocket? $4K in North Florida and I paid cash.
    Did you get silicone or saline? round or teardrop? smooth or textured? smooth, saline, round. 425cc in one side, 475cc in the other
    Are yours under the muscle or above? under the muscle
    What size were you before and what size are you now? I was a 34A/B before. I am a 36D now. I was HUGE when I nursed my last 3 kids. Porn Star huge and HATED it.
    Do you wish you had gone bigger? NO WAY. I wish I had gone smaller. I am 5'0".
    Where was your incision? Is your scar visible? areola and it is barely visible
    How painful was it? Did you have a pain pump? I didn't think it was very painful. I did not have a pain pump. I just took the meds for a few days. I have a high tolerance for pain. I had 4/5 of my kids with no epidural.
    What kind of comments have you gotten? Most people think they are real and look natural. My husband likes them.
    How long did it take you to recover? I took it easy for a few days. I was a little uncomfortable/tight chest muscles for a few weeks. I have never felt comfortable with them though. It's always felt weird. I had a 4 year old and 15 month old at the time. My husband only took 2 days off from work and then I was back to taking care of the kids although lifting the toddler was difficult.

    I highly recommend women wait until after they are 100% sure they are finished having children to get breast implants. I wish I would have waited. I have debated for years whether to have them removed or have them replaced with smaller implants.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I had my breast augmentation in March of this year.

    Why did you get it? I got it because they looked horrible after my second pregnancy and weight loss. The better my body looked, the worse my boobs looked:(
    How much did it cost? Did you finance it or pay out of pocket? It was $6900. We financed half.
    Did you get silicone or saline? round or teardrop? smooth or textured? I have 350cc smooth, round, silicone.
    Are yours under the muscle or above? Under(most docs do it under nowadays)
    What size were you before and what size are you now? I was a deflated 34B(34C pre pregnancy), and now I am a 32DD or a 34D
    Do you wish you had gone bigger? I am very happy with my size. They would look fake had I gone bigger. Most women get boob greed, but it often goes away.
    Where was your incision? Is your scar visible? I have crease incisions which are still pretty red, but it's only been 4 months.
    How painful was it? Did you have a pain pump? I was in a huge amount of pain for about 6 hours after surgery. Xanx helped more than the pain meds because it relaxes the muscles, and it really makes you loopy.
    What kind of comments have you gotten? I have gotten no comments, and I think it's because most people don't want to bring it up because it's such a personal thing. I love them and that's what matters. Hubby likes 'em too, though.
    How long did it take you to recover? I was feeling way better within a week, though not back to 100% for about 3 weeks.

    Good luck!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm surprised about how inexpensive they are. I thought only celebrities could afford them. lol

    It's a popular and much easier procedure nowadays.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    So I want to know everything!
    Mine is scheduled for Aug. 12th

    Why did you get it? I'm done having kids. I was a perky B and now a saggy B with 3 pregnancies and 26 months combined breastfeeding. By my third trimester with my last baby I was a full D & loved it. I'm sick of putting the "wonder" in my WonderBra.

    How much did it cost? Did you finance it or pay out of pocket? Financed through our credit union on a 9% interest card. Will be throwing the entire anticipated $8k tax refund at it in Feb. Breast Augmentation with 20% military discount $3,950, Silicone implants $1,850, Post-Op Support Garment $54, Lab Fee $52. The following costs are WITH combined abdominoplasty; Anesthesia $950, OR Fee $1,985 (3hrs total)

    Did you get silicone or saline? Silicone. I have 19.8% body fat and not enough tissue to cover the tell-tale saline ripples. The sample was doughier and more real feeling, they're lighter than saline so I can avoid sagging or needing a breast lift and I squeezed the HELL out of it and it responds like a "stress head"... I'm all for indestructible breasts as I plan on taking up Krav Maga. round or teardrop? Not sure yet
    smooth or textured? Not sure yet

    Are yours under the muscle or above? Going under.

    What size were you before and what size are you now? B cup to anticipated full D (I'm 5'8" with a 12.5 BWD)

    Do you wish you had gone bigger? At consult I had a 500cc I was comfortable with and a 550cc I thought was way too much. Doc advised since they'll look quite a bit smaller once in & under the muscle I should go with the 550cc.

    Where was your incision? Under the breasts Is your scar visible? N/A yet

    How painful was it? Did you have a pain pump? N/A yet
    What kind of comments have you gotten? N/A yet
    How long did it take you to recover? N/A yet
    I'm seriously considering getting mine done and am trying to find out as much as I can, so please tell me all you can! Thanks!

    Thanks for posting, I'm interested too!
  • milbee
    milbee Posts: 3
    Why did you get it?
    I had mine done 6 years ago. I had lost 90 lbs and gone from a large D cup to an A. Without support, the girls looked like golf balls in a tube sock. I hated it. I was doing Figure comps at the time, and they only help in those shows.

    How much did it cost? Did you finance it or pay out of pocket?
    Mine were around $5000, and I paid out of pocket.

    Did you get silicone or saline? round or teardrop? smooth or textured?
    Mine are saline, teardrop, and smooth. I have a narrow frame, so my doctor did not want to put round ones on me.

    Are yours under the muscle or above?
    Under. And even when I was tiny and competing, people thought they were natural. I had no trouble returning to lifting afterwards.

    What size were you before and what size are you now?
    I went from 36C to a 32A to a 32C/D. Now with weight gain I am a 36D/DD.

    Do you wish you had gone bigger?
    Nope. I asked for the loose skin to be filled, and that was all I needed. Mine are 250's overfilled to 275.

    Where was your incision? Is your scar visible?
    In the crease underneath, you have to be within 8-10 inches of me to see the scars, and I have to lift my arms and lean back.

    How painful was it? Did you have a pain pump?
    The first day was hell. I was off pain meds within 5 days though. No pain pump.

    What kind of comments have you gotten?
    No one believes they are fake.

    How long did it take you to recover?
    I was back lifting heavy in 6 weeks, and back to my previous chest press strength within 10 weeks.
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    Bump, great info.. I plan to get a boob job eventually. The more I get in shape the smaller they get. :grumble: I will most likely wait until after I have all my kids but love all the information.
  • MarlenaLB
    MarlenaLB Posts: 50
    I got my first girls 7 years ago. I got saline the first time. I was a 34B and went to a 34 full C. I got it under the muscle. The incision was under part of the breast so not noticable at all. The scar healed awesome. I nursed my second child two years later without any problems. The saline didn't feel natural at all. It could definately feel that there were implants, They feel them so full that they feel kinda hard. About a year ago the left side hurt all the time because because I was alway holding my daughter on that side and if she moved a certain way it hurt so I decided to go get silicone. I decided to go up a size to a full D. I love them. They are softer and feel natural. Under the muscle helps them feel more natural. I believe silicone is the only way to go. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing anything that makes you feel better about yourself. I paid out of pocket both times. $5500 the first time and $6500 the second. They charged extra to remove the first implants.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    ^ I'm getting silicone too. I gotta ask, how long are your incision scars compared to the saline ones from the first time around?
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Bump for later reference
  • MarlenaLB
    MarlenaLB Posts: 50
    Maybe an extra inch but they aren't even noticeable. The first surgery I was in a lot more pain. This time they didn't have to monipuIate the muscle and I didn't have to strap them down to give them shape like I did with the saline. There wasn't any pain the second time just a little sore that is all. The first time I got it the silicone wasn't available. I def would recommend getting the silicone over the saline. The difference is unbelievable. They feel natural big difference from saline. I wouldn't be conservative either. I would get what you want. It costs the same either way. That is why I decided to go up a size. I was happy with the C but when I had to go into get the silicone I decided to go to a D. I have no regrets but when you go up that big people who know you def notice that you did it. lol
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i have silicone, but i dont think they feel particularly natural. Theyre not hard by any stretch of the imagination, but theyre quite firm. Like when your milk comes in. My friend with silicone unders felt similar too. I think its probably because i had no real breast tissue at all, so you are literally just feeling muscle, so theyre firm in the same way that your calf is firm when you feel it if you see what i mean. soft, but not flabby or squishy like a natural breast. My partner is delighted by this fact though. He says he always prefered the feel of smaller breasts because they are firmer, but this way hes got the best of both worlds

    Its a pay off really. I never expected perfection, or for them to be totally foolproof and natural seeming in every way, but considering what i started out with, im absolutely delighted, and would do the same thing again if i had to. I have no regrets
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Just out of curiosity but everyone who has used silicone is that the 'old' silicone or the cohesive gel???
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
  • MarlenaLB
    MarlenaLB Posts: 50
    I have had saline implants before I got my silicone so my skin was already stretched. I have had a child since the first implant too so that helped my skin to stretch even more. I had my saline for 6 years before I went back in to get silicone. I went back to get mine done because my left side hurt if there was any pressure put on it and would stay sore for days. If my kid sit on that side and leaned back it hurt. That is the reason I went and had silicone put in. It has more give than the saline does.
  • LynnieSkinny
    I want to know this info as well... I still have at least a year or two before I can have mine done (I would like to have at least one more baby first :) ) But I have already made up my mind after having my daughter that I am getting my chest FIXED!!! Lol.
  • MarlenaLB
    MarlenaLB Posts: 50
    I think it is the cohesive. They pulled the old silicone off the market. The doctor told me that if they get a small hole and leak that it will seal itself so I wouldn't have to worry about it leaking into my system. When I got mine done the first time 7 years ago silicone wasn't offered. They had pulled it off the market because it wasn't safe. Now the new one they have come out with is suppose to be safe and won't leak.