Get off your TUSH!! Who else sits at a desk allll day!?



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Is it possible to switch your desk chair for a one of the exercise balls? Then you're working your core and can easily fit in a few leg lifts & such throughout the day.

    i brought mine to work and used it all last week...i didnt feel any difference lol.....i used to walk or run at lunchtime but in sunny south florida the heat is just to unbearable in the summer time....i workout 5 times a week any way but i do know what you mean about wanting to get someeeee physical activity thru out the day...
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I also sit at a desk all day lonnnnggg! lol
    We have a 2 story building so when I am not doing anything I try to go up and down the stairs atleast 5 to 10 times a day.
    I also do butt squeezes lol I know it sounds funny but it helps tighten the butt up and also if no one is around and looking I stand up at my desk in a squat hold for 5 seconds sit, stand and repeat...
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I too sit at a desk all day...{{sigh}}....I hate it!!!
    I work at a SMALL business so there really isn't alot of places to go or stairs so
    I do the best can....make the trips to the restroom, get up & stretch every hr or so
    Unfortunetly my lunch is only 20 mins so I realy can not squeeze much in there
    (I normally just eat my lunch at my desk & answer phone calls)
    Occassoinaly I will do lunges, squats, jumping jacks & jump roping at lunchtime though :)
  • vglore
    vglore Posts: 9
    I'm in a similar situation. I deliberately get up and walk down the hallway to someone's office rather than email or call. We're in a four-story building, with restrooms on each floor, so I use that to my advantage, too. Either using a different one each time, or going up the stairs to the fourth floor, across to the other side, and down the other staircase EACH time I use the restroom. I also try to stand up whenever I can, making notes on reports by putting the papers on top of my printer. Every little bit helps! Of course, I take the farthest parking spot away from the building, too.

    Good luck ... and get moving! :)
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    It's kind of silly, but I've made a point to go to use the restroom on other floors and take the stairs. It's just a little extra activity added in and with all the water I'm drinking, it's a lot of walking !

    I also try to get out at lunch and take a walk, even if it's just for 10 minutes. And, I do a lot of leg lifts, etc.

    I want a treadmill powered computer at work! I'd walk for 7 solid hours a day. :happy:
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I sit at a desk most of the day. I usually get up about every three hours and walk up and down the stairs (7 flights). I also go to the gym at lunch.

    RE: Stand up desk. I have one and love it. I also have a tall chair so when I do fatigue, I can sit. Works really nicely for me because my legs are so long that sitting at a short puts strain on my lower back and it doesnt at the tall desk because I can manage the height of the footrest. I don't think it is a co-wink-e-dink that just a few short weeks after the switch I became more active and started losing weight. It's amazing what I can do when my back doesnt hurt! :)
  • Soldiergirl2u
    I'd have to say me too!!!!! I'm active duty in the army and I'm the human resources NCO for my unit so all I ever do it sit, sit and sit some more. Seriously I'm going to have to do something.....
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member

    That sounds exactly like my day at work. I have an alarm set in my Outlook that says "STRETCH!" every hour. That way I ate least get up and stretch 7 or 8 times throughout the day.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    What's the deal with the standing workstations? Doesn't that hurt the feet? I couldn't do it.

    If you're wearing bad footwear, then yes. It may hurt if you're standing with poor posture or standing static. I find myself to move more when I'm standing vs. sitting.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Do you think it would look odd if I just did a quick lap around the office every 30 minute or so??? ;)

    I do laps around my office when I have down time. At first I felt sorta foolish about it. Now I don't care!!! People that use to snicker at me are impressed with my committment even with thier lack of support at first!
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
  • fatgirlwalking
    I sit at a desk all day ... but I workout 5x a week so I don't care ... lol

    Yeah! I do that too, but 6x a week (and my rest day i do cardio) so i feel ya! :wink:

    I want to be one of these ladies!! I guess today is as good a time as any to adapt this lifestyle. Today, I will go for a walk or a wog (walk and jog) this evening, once it cools down a little. I know my answer is not what you wanted, but these two spoke volumes to me.
  • Sklug22
    Sklug22 Posts: 19
    I totally get where you are coming from! I used to bartend when I was in college and was used to being on my feet going for hours. It has really slowed my metabolism sitting all day behind a desk.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I have an office job too, but my office is upstairs and the warehouse is downstairs, so it's stairs all day long... Plus I spend at least couple hours in the warehouse, so that helps! I also workout 6 days a week too! But yeah, if I don't move around a lot or sit too long my back hurts... So I purposely get up an go do something else even if I didn't need to it right then and there!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    When I take a break I go do like a ton of squats in the stair well (b/c no-one can see me). I also walk the stairs too. We have 8 floors here. I have a pedaler under my desk in case i want to pedal too.

    These are great ideas but I laughed. I swear I pictured you pedalling while working! I like the squats idea! I walk around my patients room frequently throughout my shift.
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    Me! I crunch numbers all day! I make frequent trips to the breakroom to get coffee and water, then to the bathroom to pee it all out :) Some days I manage to take a walk during lunch, not very often though. I guess it's lucky for me that the breakroom is at the farthest corner from my office, but still not much activity. I can see the effect of all the sitting on my butt! It's flat!
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    I just got promoted to a desk job and I tend to walk around or stand in my office a lot. My boss always remarks that every time he comes to my office, I am always standing. I will sit at my desk when I have to do paperwork but I will go downstairs and work with the counter so I can lift heavy baggage and stand for a few hours. (I work at a bus station) I take the city bus to/from work and I make sure to take the long walk route to my stop. I do not want office a**. lol
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Desk all day here too, but only three times a week not five.
    I walk at lunch and pretty much exercise everyday.
    Just keep moving that is the key!!:happy:
  • BetterWithAge
    I work at home, but it is no different than working in a standard office cubicle, except that I can do laundry on my 'smoke' breaks. Since I work at home, I also have the luxury of doing push ups in my office or if I am having a very stressful day I can go hit the heavy bag for ten minutes. I also don't have to wear heels all day either.

  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    Usually I try to get a good walk in @ lunch and I'm fortunate to have Director that allows us to take an afternoon walk as long as we keep it to 15 minutes.

    Other things I have tried are keeping hand/ankle weights around to do curls and leg lifts and when I really need to de-stress,I do desk push ups :-)