

  • musicmanomar
    Day 8 tomorrow! If anyone wants a friend to go along with this "insane" ride, feel free to add me. I'm in it for the long hall. This workout keeps me much more excited than the 30 DS, and I'm enjoying the break from running.

    My fit test results:
    Switch Kicks: 69
    Power Jacks: 53
    Power Knees: 105
    Power Jumps: 33
    Globe Jumps: 11
    Suicide Jumps: 16
    Push-up Jacks: 21
    Low Plank Oblique: 64

    Question for those who have been doing this for awhile, or who have finished insanity already: where did you see the results? I'm just curious because for 30 DS I think that the resistance+cardio really toned me in the thighs, hips, and under the bust. I've noticed that my core seems tighter so far, which would make sense since Shaun is always telling us to "keep the core tight". Anyone have some before/after or during pics?

    Awesome fit test Laura!