The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 4 (DITR)



  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I had to go cold turkey when I started my lifestyle change. I swear I was a sugar addict; I craved it like nothing I have felt before. After a month or so I was able to have little bits of candy, ice cream, cake. etc. when I craved them. I have smaller portions and work them into my daily calories.
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    I believe diet has made more of a difference in my weight loss, but exercise is more important to my mental state. I feel stronger, less deprived, and in better spirits when I am meeting my exercise goals which keeps me going.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Question of the Day: Monday
    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    I'd say both are equally important to me. I love food and have had a surprisingly easy time adjusting to smaller portions. But if I don't work out, I feel like I'm missing out. I like to think that I've mastered a nice balance and a healthy respect for both diet and exercise.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Great job on week 3 DITR! :wink: :smile:

    Diamond Dolls are coming back for week 4!

    Do I smell a Diamond Doll? Lol.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    I would have to say diet. I know that I could continue to lose weight without exercising, but I cannot say the same for dieting. That being said, this is the first time I made a concerted effort to push myself in terms of physical fitness, and I am so happy that I have. I can tell that my body is gaining an improved shape, much more stamina, and my energy level is higher.
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    QOTD: Monday: What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    For me it's probably exercise, because I struggle to eat well when I haven't worked out. Working really hard for an hour in the gym is what stops me reaching for the naughty stuff, as I dont want to ruin all my hard work with a chocolate bar. I find when i dont exercise I don't eat as well...

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    When I fancy something sweet I will either have an ice lolly (20cals) or I brush my teeth - as the minty taste of the toothpaste stops the sweet craving! try it - it really works

    Lisa :flowerforyou:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    QOTD Monday: What's more important to your weightloss journey, diet or exercise??

    Id say most of the weight loss comes from the food we eat, although exercising will help you keep from gaining you can still get high BP and clogged arteries from not eating correctly and eating the food fats etc will help you burn more on daily activies but fro me I have to work out at least 5 times a week If I want lose!

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?
    If you crave sweets what you body really wants is magnesium, so consuming nuts should so the trick, I dont really crave sweets and dont keep any in the house I just crave a lot of carbs etc, so if I end up indulging I just know to work out a lot harder the next day to burn it all off! and I keep my HR up so I burn carbs not fat!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    In terms of pure weight loss I'd say diet - I was such a huge emotional eater/snacker before mfp. I look back on it now and I think there were days where I consumed 3000 calories just AFTER dinner! OMG!!!

    But in terms of actually feeling healthy - I've gotta give props to exercise. While I'm still a long way from having the body I'd someday love to have, the exercise has made a huge difference in my legs. Both outside and inside of my thighs are not as fleshy, and I'm getting dangerously close to not having my thighs rub together when I run :drinker:
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD: Monday: What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    For me exercise is really more important, not just for how I feel when I'm exercising regularly, but I find I really do eat better when I'm exercising too, as I don't want to undo the work I've been doing! Not to mention the extra calories that exercise gives me!

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I try to keep the really big trigger foods out of my house, but have lower calorie options available. When I'm really craving something though, I'll plan it as part of my food for the day - eating a little bit satisifies the craving but keeps me from going overboard!
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    Both, I tink both things are equally important in different way - the diet is vital to give my body what it needs to work at its best whilst the exercise keeps both my mind and body healthy and strong.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member

    Question of the Day: Monday

    What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    Hmm, both things have been a struggle for me.

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    Sweet stuff is a waekness for me also. I don't fight it but I try to satisfy it with something healthy or just a little of something. When I really crave a Coca Cola, I might have a few sips and then I can put it away. If I have fruit, especially pineapples or strawberries, then I eat that. I just do my very very best to not go overboard. We can't always resist but just moderate.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I usually don't fight it! I have a couple of things in the house to help with my sweet tooth. I have some of those Jello Temptations which aren't too unhealthy. I also have a box of SweetTarts that I break into every now and then. I know that my body is going to crave these things, and I've found it best to let it have it! If I just try to ignore it I end up caving in worse and eating more than I should. I don't deprive myself. Just take sweets in moderation, savor each and every bite, and try to find sweets that are a least a little healthy! :)
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    QOTD: Monday: What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?
    Hmm...I've really gone back and forth on this one, but I am going to say Exercise....simply because I feel so much healthier since I have been working out. I have never exercised regularly like this before and I really think it is making a difference mentally for me.
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    Ha! I only wish I could keep my willpower strong!!! I too give in to temptation....sometimes because of a craving, sometimes because I am bored! I do try to keep low cal, healthy snacks around and use them as a go to.....One thing I have been trying at nights is to always have a glass of water beside me - that way, there is always something there...but it is still hard. If I do indulge in something, I try to set aside a portion and only eat that....which is sometimes harder than not starting at all!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Yes Diamonds we did it. We did get back our crown from DD .

    QOTD Monday: What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?
    For me its Exercise. Because i eat cook Indian every day at home. I know sometimes Indian Food are not healthy but again it depends on the way we cook. Back home in India i never used to worry about exercise or Diet because to go to college we used to walk for 10 min to get to the bus stop and walk most of the time to go to near by stores.

    Here i don't just take the car so for me Exercise!!!!!!!

  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    QOTD: Monday: What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise?

    Diet is more important to me right now. Exercise burns off whatever I screw up and eat.

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I've learned the hard way to NOT deny what I want. I simply don't eat the whole bag, container, roll, etc. If I want chocolate, I have a small piece and move on. If I want a cookie, I eat one and back away. I have a saying on my fridge that helps a lot: What you put inside will eventually show up on the outside. It helps!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Congrats to all the biggest loser. You ladies are so inspiring.

    QOTD: Monday: What is more important to YOUR weight loss journey: Diet or Exercise? I wish you could lose weight with just exercise but it actually only contributes 15-20% to your overall weight loss. So with that said both are now very important to me.

    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack? Sweets have been a downfall for me. I will be interested to see other Diamonds response to this question. I am clueless:blushing:
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    I have a saying on my fridge that helps a lot: What you put inside will eventually show up on the outside. It helps!

    I like this!
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    I have a saying on my fridge that helps a lot: What you put inside will eventually show up on the outside. It helps!

    I like this!

  • TwinMom12409
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I *do* snack. I find snacking keeps me feeling satisfied. I will have a serving of SF FF jello pudding or some light microwave popcorn. I also have bigger indulgences but I make sure it works into my calorie goals. BUT if I really do need to abstain from snacking I have signs all over my house. Drink more water, I may not be there yet but I am closer than I was yesterday, etc. those help pull me through. =)
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    Umm....I usually crack! I had my husband hide all the candy and sweets! This is something I need to work on big time!