The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 4 (DITR)



  • sazvampire
    sazvampire Posts: 53
    QOTD Tuesday: I often crave sweet stuff and very often give into temptation without much thought. What strategies do you use to keep your willpower strong and not snack?

    I imagine its covered in bugs and barber shop hair, puts me right off!
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    My husband is behind me 100%, in fact he's taken up going to the gym after seeing me getting results! From some comments I see from some of my friends on here its usual for family members to try and tempt them with desserts, cakes and other fatty foods so to have 100% support is fantastic.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    Well, at home I control the grocery shopping so everyone goes along with my choices. My husband is a huge snacker and soda drinker. I have been able to substitute fruit juice for soda and his snacks are kept in his car! :laugh: He thinks that I don't know. But as long as I don't have them handy in the house then I am fine with it. For the most part, everyone around me is supportive. Even the ladies that I work with cheer me on. My parents try to eat healthier now so when I visit them then I am not as tempted anymore. I am grateful because I know it is not the case with everyone.
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    I have to actually say my boyfirend is amazing at supporting me. The other night for example he said he was making pasta bake and asked if I wanted some. I said no because I wanted to be good and avoid carbs that evening, and that it was too high in calories. He actually said 'ah your so good babe, well done' and I thought that was really sweet of him to say. He also never complains when I go zumba 3 times a week, even though those evenings are sometimes the only ones we have together (he works a lot of evening). He encourages me knowing how much losing weight means to me - but will still always tell me im beautiful and that he loves me how i am. My mum is also the first person to tell me if i have put on weight (but says it in a nice way) and is the only person I can trust for an honest opinion - but will also be the first to notice when I have lost it...
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    My family is supportive. They compliment me when I exercise every day. I don't spend much time talking about what I eat or what I don't eat. I haven't bought as much junk food or baked as many sweets this summer, and the family hasn't complained. Everyone is trying to eat healthier.
    My friend support comes from MFP. The people here are amazing!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    Great question! I get a lot of support from friends - although sometimes it's in a jealous way, like "I don't know how you can be good all the time." Hubby is very supportive. Daughters sometimes say "Mom - you can have just ONE!" I've never had anyone really urge me to eat something I shouldn't. If anything is said at all, it's in a friendly, joking way.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    I have to say it depends on the day - my daughter just turned 18 and is really working on healthy eating too so she is liking the food changes we've made in the house. My husband, however has days where he's on board but others where he will bring foods that we really should not have in the house (like Cheetos and ice cream). But he's seeing how healthy eating and working out is paying off and has gotten MUCH better about eating low fat options. Friends and extended family have been super supportive. One of my sisters who is a runner is doing the half marathon with me as my "pacer" to help keep me focused and there are a group of us at work striving to lose!
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    My husband is very supportive. He tries to eat healthy with me, and is perfectly fine if I decide I want to eat something totally different than everyone else. He ensures I have time to exercise - which is probably the hardest thing about exercising for me! My boys are pretty good too. I only have a couple friends who know I am working at my weightloss. That is why I rely on you Diamonds so much! :smile:
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    I have to actually say my boyfirend is amazing at supporting me. The other night for example he said he was making pasta bake and asked if I wanted some. I said no because I wanted to be good and avoid carbs that evening, and that it was too high in calories. He actually said 'ah your so good babe, well done' and I thought that was really sweet of him to say. He also never complains when I go zumba 3 times a week, even though those evenings are sometimes the only ones we have together (he works a lot of evening). He encourages me knowing how much losing weight means to me - but will still always tell me im beautiful and that he loves me how i am. My mum is also the first person to tell me if i have put on weight (but says it in a nice way) and is the only person I can trust for an honest opinion - but will also be the first to notice when I have lost it...

    Lisa i am with you 100% My BF is so supportive he encourages me alot. Sometimes he tells don't worry you can go to gym tomm if he thinks i am tired and ifeel bad goin to classes every evening bcoz its that time we r together after work and by the time i come home from gym i am tired.

    But he is gr8 support, my parents even thought they r back home in India they do encourage me to eat well and go workout as they know i don't get alot of exercise here :tongue:

  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    My husband means to be supportive. Unfortunately, he likes to buy treats. It's a little difficult to want my veggies when I have to dig past his ice cream to get them. He also has a tendency to say, "It's okay, one treat isn't going to mess you up." He doesn't have the same addictive personality that I do. He is capable of eating one bite of something or one cookie or even (gasp) passing up dessert if he's full. I don't have those same abilities.

    The hardest time I have not reverting to old habits is when I visit my Mom. My Mom is very supportive and we are usually following the same diet. Unfortunately, when I visit her, I seem to believe that I'm 10 years old again and can eat whatever I want.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    Three months ago nobody said anything to me when I said I was trying to lose weight... I guess that silence meant, "Yeah, you need it!" LOL. Now that I am closer to my goals people are much less supportive, but I understand. My now ex-boyfriend was great in that capacity and would buy me workout clothes, and work out with me. Since we broke up I can say I work out much less :-( My mother is on a site similar to MFP and previously lost a lot of weight using Weight Watchers. So, she is great. Unfortunately, she doesn't live in the same state. For daily encouragement I really lean on my Diamonds... other people just don't get it, nor do I expect them to!

    I must say that it is very hard to stick to my diet when I visit family. I don't know if I'm capable of turning down home baked sweet potato pie.
  • journey2size10
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    I really don't get much support at home or from friends and family! It's a struggle at times, I have to deal with coworkers saying "I'm good" all the time and having to refuse the fatty treats..its better at home because I do all the grocery shopping and can control what comes into the house, the bad thing is having to refuse eating out so much cuz my food choices are not the best when I eat out, so I have to limit the amount of times I do it each week.

    FYI, my profile pic is the bikini I wanna rock on a cruise we are going on next summer..can't wait!!! I want the monokini in black though.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    My family is kinda iffy as far as support goes. My husband is proud of me. My mother previously lost over 100 pounds, but she fell back into old habits. She ended up gaining most of it back. (I've tried to convince her to work out with me but she won't.) Whenever I talk about my weight loss, she changes the subject. They always invite me to dinner where they serve almost exclusively greasy fried crap, even though I've expressed that it's hard to stay on track at those places. It feels like sabotoge. I think my mom WANTS to support me, but she feels defeated in her own battle and it prevents her from actually being there for me. My father and brother have never said a word directly to me about my weight loss.

    I don't really have any people in my life (other than family) that I'm close with, so I don't have friends to support me. That's why the Diamonds and my other MFPs are so important to my success. You guys are my only cheerleaders keeping me going. I love you all! :smooched:
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?


  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    My husband has come around in the last week or so and has gone to the gym with me twice. But he is AWFUL about the eating part. I will make the four us a healthy meal and before he eats it all he is up looking for chips or something else to go with it. And he constantly wants to eat out. Oy, the weekends with him home are tough. My mom is the other extreme. She will invite us over for dinner and announce once we sit down that I can't have X because "walnuts have too much fat" or "corn is too high in calories" etc. :ohwell: She comments about how good I am looking, but I just don't think she understands my approach of limiting portions and working higher calorie/fat foods into my day. My friends have been spectacular! It was a Biggest Loser competition they began and invited me to join that started my transformation. They are encouraging, motivating, and sincerely happy for me.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    My friends are amazing support, I have even influenced them to start eating healthier.... and my family is so proud of me for getting healthy :D
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    My husband is very supportive, always asking what he can do to help (which is usually watch the kids so I can workout!) My parents act supportive, but it's kind of like that little girl that cried wolf. I have tried to lose weight before, but have always given I think they just don't care anymore.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    QOTD Wednesday - How much support do you get at home, from friends and family? Do people support your new healthier choices or is there pressure on you to revert to your old habits every time you see certain people?

    I am extremely fortunate to have supportive friends and family. My sister babysits once a wk so I can go to the gym and although my husband laughs at me doing my morning dvd, he always says he is impressed at how I stick to it. My dear mum and I are bad influences in eachother and share a cake if we go out, but we also walk a lot together.
    I do get masses out of the support on here as well, I am not sure I would stick to it if I wasn't taking part in a challenge.... Thanks diamonds!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    ...although my husband laughs at me doing my morning dvd, he always says he is impressed at how I stick to it.

    My ex laughed at me too. After doing 90 days of the 30 Day Shred he started calling Jillian Michaels my best friend, lol.
  • journey2size10
    I'm loving all these pics gals, its nice to attach some faces to the names.