the best breakfast to start the day?



  • marigoldcity
    Just try and get at least 30 grams of protein in the morning, at least within an hour of waking up. The studies show that this is a great way to help with weight loss. Drink a protein shake if you can't stay eating in the morning. I hate to eat in the morning myself but I have been making veggie omelets and they are SOOOO good.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    oatmeal and eggs
  • momof2kiddos
    I have a yoplait light with a piece of fruit and my morning coffee. I love the yoplait lights, there are sooo many diff flavor choices!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    All of these are great ideas, except the one who said it was okay to skip breakfast. You want a nice level blood sugar through the day, so don't go heavy on the sugar with a poptart, donut, or sugary cereal--that's almost as bad as skipping breakfast. Get some fruit, some protein, some healthy grain each day, but you can mix it up. OJ, eggs, and a slice of whole wheat toast one day, a high-fiber oatmeal or cereal with blueberries and walnuts the next, peanut butter and bananas on a sliced bagel the third day.

    As I have stated before eating increases insulin which will inhibit fat burning. Steady levels of blood glucose isn’t created by eating multiple times a day. Each time you eat it will go up, if you eat 6 times a day this will be 6 spikes of insulin per day, this isn’t “stability.”

    It is all about the degree of spike little tiny bumps are much better than mountains. I would rather have 5 mole hills than 3 huge mountains in my blood sugars. The only way to have truely steady blood sugars in your sense would be to never eat carbs--we both know that doesn't work. The key is to spread the number we eat throughout the day to not effect the blood sugar as severely. It is all about balance. If you eat protein with carbs they cancel each other out, if you eat fiber with fat it cancels out. By balancing every meal that spike will be lower and the body will thank you. Just because eating increases insulin doesn't mean we shouldn't eat, it is more that we should be careful about what we eat.
  • jday1960
    jday1960 Posts: 1
    I like to mix it up a little. Some days I have 1 cup of cheerios with fresh fruit and skim milk. Other days I do an 2 egg omelet with 2 turkey sausage patties. Or I will do a 2 egg scramble with salsa on top. The low card low fat wraps by Ole' are only 71 calories so I can make a breakfast burrito About 280-380 calories depending on the combinations. If I want cheese in my omelet I will use egg eaters instead of 2 eggs. I am usually full until lunch and don't need a mid morning snack with either breakfast.
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    Eating breakfast slows down fat oxidation. That entire deal of "Breakfast is the most improtant meal of the day" was strated by breakfast companies. Here are the studies to support my claim.

    They aren't discussing breakfast vs no breakfast - but rather a high energy breakfast vs something lighter. They definitely did not recommend no breakfast (at least not in the abstract).
  • lucian25
    lucian25 Posts: 12 Member
    I have busy mornings so my go to breakfast on the go is a smoothie. I keep frozen fruit in the freezer and I also keep some plain greek yogurt in the fridge. I use an immersion blender to blitz my fruit of choice and some yogurt together and pour in all in large to-go cup. I also like this because I can also add some nut butter or flax for healthy fats. My favorite so far is peanut butter banana smoothie - it's like dessert and only 300 calories!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    It is all about the degree of spike little tiny bumps are much better than mountains. I would rather have 5 mole hills than 3 huge mountains in my blood sugars. The only way to have truely steady blood sugars in your sense would be to never eat carbs--we both know that doesn't work. The key is to spread the number we eat throughout the day to not effect the blood sugar as severely. It is all about balance. If you eat protein with carbs they cancel each other out, if you eat fiber with fat it cancels out. By balancing every meal that spike will be lower and the body will thank you. Just because eating increases insulin doesn't mean we shouldn't eat, it is more that we should be careful about what we eat.

    You did make a good point about the intensity of spike of insulin. I’d prefer a large spike after I workout. It depends on what you’re doing. If you cancel out insulin, and glucagon, you get no benefitts hormonally. Growth hormone is also released when you don’t eat breakfast, which burns a lot of fat. I mostly do low carbs, with out eating breakfast or lunch. Been getting amazing results.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    There are a ton of threads on this topic. You will hear that you don't need breakfast, that you do need it, that you should eat protein, or carbs or dairy etc. The important thing is to find out what works for you and make it healthy.

    Personally, I won't leave the house in the a.m. without eating either oatmeal or eggs or something. I would be pretty grumpy camper without something in my stomach to start the day.
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    Home made granola with almond milk. Just eat it like cereal. It's always tasty, it's not heavy and it will keep me good to go until lunch.
  • chuff31
    chuff31 Posts: 2
    I've just discovered a yummy and quick breakfast. Whoelgrain toast with avocado and sliced tomato.
  • FitFreeland
    Have you heard of the meal replacement called Shakeology? It is one of the most amazing things I have added to my daily intake! You mix it with skim milk, or almond milk, a banana and yogurt if you like. It is chocolate flavored and Delicious! If you have never heard of it you can check it out at Click on the shakeology link and take a look at how AMAZINGLY healthy it is for you! And it is so easy to blend together and drink on the go! This has defenitly been the change factor in my fitness life and weight loss goals.
    Let me know if you want to try a sample! I would be happy to send a packet your way!
    Good luck with breakfast! It truly is the most important meal of the day!
  • c1gaya3
    c1gaya3 Posts: 1

    I find the breakfast that helps me keep going the most is 1 egg poached in the microwave with some salt and pepper and a small whole wheat roll or Trader Joes' reduced carb whole wheat tortilla (only 45 calories) and then finish with a cup of tea.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Eating breakfast slows down fat oxidation. That entire deal of "Breakfast is the most improtant meal of the day" was strated by breakfast companies. Here are the studies to support my claim.

    They aren't discussing breakfast vs no breakfast - but rather a high energy breakfast vs something lighter. They definitely did not recommend no breakfast (at least not in the abstract).
    First sentence she says is she's struggling with eating breakast. All I am saying she doesn't need to.
  • lorabaybai
    lorabaybai Posts: 43
    WOW there is alot of replies on this thread !
    and also a little dispute lol!

    this morning i went with an omelette with a little cajun spice in it, not going to lie it was an effort to eat and its going to take alot of ajusting. omelettes arent practical for me everyday because of cooking etc so ill try some of your other suggestions, 'oatmeal' tho im really really not into x