Has this happened to anyone else...?



  • takemeaway10
    Not when the buggy is piled so high or when they have two buggies... no amount of fruits and veggies can redeem you for that much crap food!

    I do, however, buy my produce at other stores because the stuff from Wal-Mart always goes bad fast. I'm not so concerned with the truth value of the things I say in my mind. They are just random thoughts that go away in seconds. I'm not condemning these people in my mind; rather, I pray that things get better for them and people like them. Fact: Not many people would eat like that if they had better means and resources.*

    *Not a real fact.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    The only time I get judgmental is when I see parents pushing loads of sugary soda and large portions of junk food to their young children. It bothers me as the kids are still at an age where they're learning examples from parents and that's just a really crummy example.

    Once saw a mother giving her infant a bottle Coca Cola. WTF? Are you mental????

    If you're of age to have a say what goes into your gullet, then whatever you're eating is YOUR choice. If you want to down a liter of soda on a hot day, again, YOUR choice, your body, whatever. I may not agree with your choice, but I'm not going to judge you for exercising the freedom to make that choice.
  • takemeaway10
    But, just like my diet is my choice, so is my child's diet...

    On that note, my kids will either love me or hate me (or both) for the amount of veggies I will push on them.
  • sinkasc
    sinkasc Posts: 5
    I went to PF Changs with a friend for dinner. This friend works out and is skinny; and is in much better shape than me. I watched her put down over 3,000 calories. Two dinners and one appetizer. I was sick. It took all my might not to say anything and just laugh.

  • scarletfever2005
    scarletfever2005 Posts: 141 Member
    Man I've been catching myself doing this all the time. It's driving my wife crazy (mostly because she eats a lot of crap). But I think it is actually helping me (as long as I don't say anything out loud to them) because it makes me realize how bad I really used to eat. It also makes me NOT want to eat what they are eating.

    So I kinda look at it as a good thing, as long as I don't make a issue of it with them. Of course I also stay on the lookout for opportunities to talk about healthy eating when reasonable. But I've learned that you have to do that in moderation and that a little goes a long way!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes. Not as much as my husband would say, but yes, I am guilty of that sometimes. But I only say it out loud to those I care about. But I'm sure they appreciate it. It's not nearly as annoying as when they do it to me when I eat something unhealthy. :wink:
  • mikihainesy
    The only time I get judgmental is when I see parents pushing loads of sugary soda and large portions of junk food to their young children. It bothers me as the kids are still at an age where they're learning examples from parents and that's just a really crummy example.

    Once saw a mother giving her infant a bottle Coca Cola. WTF? Are you mental????

    If you're of age to have a say what goes into your gullet, then whatever you're eating is YOUR choice. If you want to down a liter of soda on a hot day, again, YOUR choice, your body, whatever. I may not agree with your choice, but I'm not going to judge you for exercising the freedom to make that choice.
    I LOVE THAT and completely agree
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Sometimes, but only in my head, I never say anything to anyone about their eating habits.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    To the people bothered by overweight people making unhealthy choices, do you feel the same when you see slim, attractive people tucking into McDs and donuts?
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I don't judge people by what they eat or their weight. Unless they are close to me and I'm concerned ofr their healt. In my head or outloud, it not my business OR my place to judge.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    To the people bothered by overweight people making unhealthy choices, do you feel the same when you see slim, attractive people tucking into McDs and donuts?

  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    To the people bothered by overweight people making unhealthy choices, do you feel the same when you see slim, attractive people tucking into McDs and donuts?

    I def react to people making poor food choices, I don't say anything but I think, 'why' and then I think, "You ate crap like that too because you chose to ignore the truth about how bad it was." Just like I chose to smoke cigarettes for 5 years. Soy is what really makes my skin twitch though. Thinking back on the soy meat substitutes I used to eat, that crap gave me so much joint pain.

    I def judge the skinny who eat at McDs, too. I judge everyone. I am an equal opportunity judger.

    Part of my judgement comes from a very jealous place though, my food intolerances/allergies have taken away many of my 'cheat' foods and I can't ever have that cheat meal or snack. What I tend to do when I see people eating McDs is to assume it's a cheat meal, or they'll run it off, even that fat ones.
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    i do it too but only out loud to my oldest son who by now expects me to criticize what he is eating and how much of it he eats but like someone else stated im just jealous that he can eat that much and never gain an ounce hes 25 5'8" and weighs in at a whooping 145 with rock hard abs he came to take his mom to lunch the other day i had limited time as i was at work so we went to burger king i know i know not the best choice but theres not much to choose from when youve got 30 minutes to get there order eat and get back i ordered a jr whopper no mayo ( yuck) and no cheese and a diet coke what does he get? 2 yes 2 triple whoppers 1320 calories each a larger order of fries and a hot fudge sundae amazing i wish i could eat like that and never gain weight sigh .....
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I don't really notice what other people are eating until they force me to notice (usually by pointing out what I'm NOT eating...ugh...so annoying). But I don't ever say anything.

    I think the only time I've ever actually been bothered by food is when I how over weight children eat. Especially in my family. My aunt and cousin are currently visiting, and it drives me nuts watching an 11 year old eat cookies for breakfast, chips fro lunch...and maybe (and I mean maybe) a hot dog for dinner, followed by all kinds of googies for dessert.... I just keep thinking "OMG picky eater or not, your the parent, don't let her have any sweets unless she eats something healthy for day!...or just keep it down to only one a day...gah"
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    When I see really overweight people, I judge. They look so uncomfortable, unhappy, self concious. It make me sad because it does not have to be that hard.
  • peripah
    peripah Posts: 120
    No, it hasn't happened to me. I only get to decide what my husband, my kids and myself eat and I have enough things to think about so I don't bother concerning myself with strangers' choices unless I'm getting paid to.
  • nurse_carolyn
    Yes, that happened to me too. I think it's because when you have a healthier lifestyle you notice when others don't. It's kind of like non-smokers notice the smell of smoke more than smokers do. I ran into a friend at the grocery store the other day and my cart was full of mostly fruits and vegetables and hers was all boxes of processed food.

    I would never say anything or comment, I just notice and for me it re-inforces me to keep making healthy choices.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    yes, i'm horrible. Have to keep a zipper on my mouth at all times. :(
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    I was a top athlete as a kid and brainwashed that fat on my body would rob me of energy and speed. I can't help but admit that I think the same of Obese people. I see people who are overweight or can't control their eating habits as undiciplined. I'm not talking about the occassional big meal, but when I see someone who has no self control. I just keep telling myself that I need to only focus on myself, and keep my thought of other's weight or poor eating habits to myself!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    On the other hand, I do get a little annoyed when overweight people (and generally unhealthy people) put crap into their bodies without a second thought and then complain all the time about their health issues. That, to me, is what's annoying. If you don't care about your body/health then I could care less, but if you are going to constantly complain about how many things you have wrong with you, treat your body better. I'm tired of hearing about it.


    I am SO in agreement, I don't judge skinny or fat for what they eat or don't, but I have a hard time NOT saying something if the person (usually an acquaintance, friend or family member) is complaining how they don't have energy (skinny non-eater) or complaining how they feel so awful (heavy over-eater) etc, that's when I usually judge (mentally) and find it hard not to say "Well you know....."