Has this happened to anyone else...?



  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    This weekend, I watched a mechanic guzzle down a coke and a package of king size peanut butter cups. I used to not eat as healthy as I do now, but I couldnt ever do that without feeling like I would hit a sugar coma. As I looked at this large man I kept thinking, THAT is the reason I have changed my life - I didnt/wouldnt want me to get any bigger than I am. I mean shoot I admit I am/was an emotional eater, and actively working on changing that. I did judge him, but then I had to recind that thought because that would be like me calling the kettle black. I was once him!
  • McghanK
    McghanK Posts: 120
    I honeslty don't judge people either. I make my c hoices and I let other be. I believe that as an adult you have the choice to be healthy or not healthy. The only people I care about are my family. My kids and husband but I haven't become (or plan) to become a food Nazi to them. My husband doesn't eat the best of foods and I didn't use to either. But started doing it and as he saw me he actually cut down on his portions and the stuff he orders if we go to a fast food restaurant. I always make a side of salad for dinner to acompany whatever main dish we are eathing that night. We always have fresh fruits and veggies available. No, we haven't cut out ice-cream or treats out completely. I want to teach my kids to eat. I want them to know what MODERATION is. If they want to have oreo cookies they can have them, just not 10 in one sitting. I feel bad for the obese people but I don't know what their situation is so I can't bring myself to judge them.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I do sometimes think like this.. but I also say to myself.. Better them than me! :D
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    Right there with ya....all the time!! LOL :O)
  • salopgirl
    salopgirl Posts: 6 Member
    This is to funny! I think i am a calorie Nazi! Everything relates to calories! I never knock anyone for itbut i think it. :)
  • salopgirl
    salopgirl Posts: 6 Member
    I don't think negatively, i just think of calorie counts, i would never be mean to another person, i was that person. i would prefer to lead by example, being mean never got my attention in a positive light. :)
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Personally I'd say no... It's none of my business what anyone else eats... and I'm a firm believer in everything in moderation.. If I want to eat out and have a high calorie meal I do, I refuse to dictate to others what they can eat and what they can't.. for example...

    I have an 11 yo and if she wants to have a McDonalds or Burger King once in a while I won't stop her...

    There is a difference between eating unhealthy food every now and again in moderation and not being educated about your diet.... Heck, I'm having Pizza on Friday... anyone going to judge me on that???

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

    I do feel you have to be ready to do lose weight if you want/need to. Simply have to hit that ah-ha/rockbottom moment where they realize time has come and that the "party" is over. Not be verbally/emotionally abused (dirty looks,staring) by a self rightous person who knows nothing about me, who is so perfect or perhaps was like me 50lbs earlier!!! You succeeded and lost weight and got yourself heathier than before - Great for you - honestly!!! Unless someone asks you for your opinion - zip it.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I don't think negatively, i just think of calorie counts, i would never be mean to another person, i was that person. i would prefer to lead by example, being mean never got my attention in a positive light. :)

    Like my father says....Atta girl!!!
  • BethanyCee
    BethanyCee Posts: 70
    It's not just you, but the world would be better if there were less people who thought like that. I think that whole attitude is extremely harmful.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I also have done this. not proud ofit, and Never to any ones face, because i do also treat myself to "unhealthier" meals sometimes i think that helps me stay on track
  • risak
    risak Posts: 79 Member
    I think about the higher insurance premiums I have to pay.....

    But I smoke so I can't really judge.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I don't actually see people eating crap and judge them, I notice but I just wish I could tell them about MFP............but I never do because I know that would probably be considered rude. Oh and I do have a friend that doesn't judge people to their faces but she will tell me and honestly I hate when she does it she sounds uppity, she used to stuff her face with crap too, I know cause I was there and we were doing it together. Just poor taste.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I judge people at Wal-Mart based on what they have in their cart. White bread, sugary cereals, frozen dinners, GATORADE, and ramen noodles. Srsly, I wouldn't judge if you had just ONE of those things (except for ramen noodles; I wouldn't wanna give that crap to the homeless). I've seen plenty of guys (who I assume are single) fill their buggy with fresh meat, a loaf of white bread, fruit, and bottled water.

    Still, you have to understand that not everyone eats poorly by choice; some people are truly limited by their budget, ignorance, and distance.

    The problem with that is, maybe they're like me and buy all their veggies at the farmers market? When I'm in the supermarket, I am generally only buying the small list of processed foods my family eats. That isn't ALL we eat, by far, however. I already have three bags full of fresh fruits and veggies in the car, because I'm not buying the pesticide-laden, overpriced stuff the grocery store carries. I'm not saying that all people who have a cart full of processed junk actually have a trunk full of healthy stuff too, but maybe, what you see isn't the whole story? It doesn't hurt to give the benefit of the doubt, in my opinion.

    Very good point, I buy my meats and veggies and fruits different from where i do most my shopping. My husband is 145lbs and 5'10. he gained 30lbs when laid off and bam back to work and within 2 months that 30lbs gone. He eats processed foods and what not. I cook his meal and then i cook me and my daughter another meal. i am not going to force him to eat what i eat. but i do try to make things a bit healtier. Processed Foods arent the devil, they are ok every once in awhile. Just like a candy bar is ok, or a couple cookies. Not to mention its portion control also. Its sad our america has become basically fat. I read that each state population is over 20% obese except colorado but they werent far behind. Losing weight isnt easier, sad thing is our soceity forgot what hard work is.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    To the people bothered by overweight people making unhealthy choices, do you feel the same when you see slim, attractive people tucking into McDs and donuts?


    Why??? If my skinny friend wants to eat her grilled cheese and fries when we go out for lunch she can go right ahead. SHE EARNED THAT GODDAMN LUNCH!

    I would think the same about a skinny person eating unhealthy as a fat person because it's UNHEALTHY (though a grilled cheese, if made properly, doesn't have to be unhealthy). It's not as if I would know whether the person "earned" the food or not. It's quite possible the fat person earned it as well, as they may be on a weight loss plan and just splurging. But none of that stops me from thinking "you shouldn't be eating that" when I see someone eating McD's or something equally bad for them.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Don't be that guy. No one likes them.

  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    I don't judge people by what they eat or their weight. Unless they are close to me and I'm concerned ofr their healt. In my head or outloud, it not my business OR my place to judge.

    I agree!
  • mominabox
    mominabox Posts: 26
  • jenwarship
    jenwarship Posts: 28 Member
    Sometimes I feel that way, but I try really hard not to. I don't want people to think that way about me...
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I certainly do not judge other people on their habits. Why? I don't know the bigger picture. Food addiction/overeating often goes hand-in-hand with mental illnesses such as addiction or anxiety disorders. Overeating and lack of adequate exercise is often a symptom of something worse. I should know, it was in my case. I consider judging someone on their eating habits as bad as judging someone for having depression, but more importantly - in the end - it doesn't help anyone.

    Even if you judge someone and try to keep it to yourself, you will often inadvertently give off the wrong signals - it'll affect the way you phrase your sentences, subtly change the conversation... it is likely the person with the bad habits will subconsciously pick up on this.

    Hopefully we can all agree that letting someone know that they're being judged on their decisions, consciously or subconsciously, will have a negative affect on their ability to improve their health. Nobody responds well to judgement and may easily react by comfort eating more, especially if they have an underlying mental illness which knocks their self-esteem.
  • jenwarship
    jenwarship Posts: 28 Member
    It normally just makes me super jealous (especially if the person is skinny). I kind of feel bad when I go out to dinner with friends and order something healthy because I know they assume I'm judging them for what they get but I'm totally not. I want them to enjoy themselves and order something good! Just because I'm dieting doesn't mean someone else has to suffer.

    Also, the coffee shop here at work has really stepped up it's game with the pastries and it really sucks to say no to! Not gonna lie. I do love a good orange glazed scone *drool*

    On the other hand, I do get a little annoyed when overweight people (and generally unhealthy people) put crap into their bodies without a second thought and then complain all the time about their health issues. That, to me, is what's annoying. If you don't care about your body/health then I could care less, but if you are going to constantly complain about how many things you have wrong with you, treat your body better. I'm tired of hearing about it.

    But I am lucky since most of my coworkers are health conscious.

    Absolutely agree.