For the ladies...



  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I'm worried about how to tell that it's still where it's supposed to be...

    1.) Wash hands thoroughly and ensure your index & middle fingernails are like, lesbian short.
    2.) Squat all the way down so your cervix is easier to reach.
    3.) Use lube if necessary, insert and feel for the strings.
    a.) if you can feel the hard bottom of the actual IUD, this is bad. Far less likely though without kids.
    b.) if you can't feel the strings at all, don't freak right off the bat. Your cervix changes position throughout the month, the string would feel longest mid-month and may disappear in the week prior to your period because your cervix slides up an down on the string. Not sure how much it'll change with hormones though. The point is, get used to gauging your cervical position in relation to your cycle in the same way a woman who is trying to get pregnant & charting would. That way, if your cervix is low & hard and short/no strings you know not to freak as compared to a high & soft cervix with short/no strings is cause for worry. If you're too squeamish or frequent checking & cervical changes are confusing for you, pick a cycle day when you know you can feel the strings and check at the same day in each cycle. Do not check your strings immediately following insertion, you can introduce infection. Just make sure you check your panties and the toilet in the first few days to ensure it doesn't fall out entirely (this is when the risk is highest).
    c. ) partners will almost always initially feel the strings poking and freak a little or relish in the ego boost of bottoming out. Some docs will offer to cut or trim the string in a knee-jerk reaction. This actually makes the poking problem worse, and/or it makes checking for the strings even more difficult. The preferred solution by more knowledgeable OBs is for the patient to "train" their strings to bend back up so they lay agaist the cervix or even curl around the outside of the cervix in the vault area if long enough. This makes checking your strings easy and they are less disturbing for your partner.
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    Thanks again to all for the tips... had the iud put in today had some cramping.. actually a lot of cramping, but not like shooting pain or anything... just like a constant cramping and pressure... laid down most of the day with the heating pad and slept some and that helped. doc prescribed something to dilate me prior to, which helped (i've never had kids) and she said it went in very well... so a little bleeding so far, but i'm sure there's more to come. thanks again for all the suggestions... this site rocks and so do all of you!!! :)
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