The Bucket List - Things you want to do before you die.



  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I am currently saving up my money and losing weight over the next three years so that I can:

    Retire at age 49
    Travel the world for two years (destinations are still unknown) with my hubby and two daughters
    Start my own online business
    Learn Chinese (and become more fluent in Spanish)
    Become a professional photographer
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I've done 6 of yours! (: haha
    I've never put enough thought into my bucket list. I love reading these though(:

    Ooo which 6?

    See a solar eclipse, shoot a real gun, learn to speak a second language, witness a meteor shower, do the splits, smoke a spliff made from the page of a bible. LOL (: I need to start a list :P

    The thing that sucks in not being able to smoke a spliff from the page of the bible... I never got around to doing it because neither me or any of my friends own a bible...
    And now my fiance wont let me smoke weed so it will never happen ='[
    Is one of the top regrets of my life...
  • tsaenz09
    tsaenz09 Posts: 30
    1. Zip line wire above the Rainforest
    2. Solve an Unsolved murder
    3. Visit Rome
    4. Creat my own wine
    5. Hang glide
    6. Make a difference in the world
    7. Lose this weight
    8. See the Northern Lights
    9. Visit Jesus' tomb
    10. Visit Dracula's Castle
    11. Go to the Bermuda Triangle
    12. Write a book
    13. Save a life
    14. Jump out of a plane
    14. Meet someone extraordinary
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I like your list! I recently made a '30 before 30' list and am already in process of working to mark some of them off!
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    Burn a Witch at the stake. :smile:
    I just decided to take " learn to practice witchcraft" off of my bucket list:tongue:
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member

    You're going to have trouble rafting the Grand Canyon in Colorado.

    LOL I meant the Colorado River! Sorry bout that! :laugh: Gonna go correct that now...
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    I've done 6 of yours! (: haha
    I've never put enough thought into my bucket list. I love reading these though(:

    Ooo which 6?

    See a solar eclipse, shoot a real gun, learn to speak a second language, witness a meteor shower, do the splits, smoke a spliff made from the page of a bible. LOL (: I need to start a list :P

    The thing that sucks in not being able to smoke a spliff from the page of the bible... I never got around to doing it because neither me or any of my friends own a bible...
    And now my fiance wont let me smoke weed so it will never happen ='[
    Is one of the top regrets of my life...

    If could be one of those girls night out kind of things(: hahaa
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Im creating a list of things i want to do before i die..

    I would love to know what some of the things are that you guys want to do...

    Heres what i have so far ->>..

    - Jump in a taxi and yell "follow that car!".
    - See a solar eclipse.
    - Shoot a real gun.
    - Learn to fluently speak a second language.
    - Learn the 'Esperanto' language. (What was created to be the worlds second language).
    - Go pole-dancing.
    - Explore a temples ruins.
    - Race a formula 1 car.
    - Scale a mountain with no safety equipment.
    - Take a boat out to the bermuda triangle too see what happens.
    - See the northern lights.
    - Witness a meteor shower.
    - Go to stongehenge for the summer solstice.
    - Go to egypt and see the ancient structures.
    - Visit the doorway to hell in russia.
    - Visit all 7 continents.
    - Buy a car and pimp it.
    - Reach my dream weight goal.
    - Have a complete make-over.
    - Stay up for 80 hours in a row.
    - Win the lottery.
    - Discover an ancient artifact.
    - For a whole year do a circle for every wiccan "shabbat".
    - Become a registered high priestess and start my own wiccan "church".
    - Be knighted by the queen.
    - Mutilate my enemy.
    - Sample the spiciest food on earth.
    - Do the splits.
    - Become a P90x graduate.
    - Travel the world without returning home for a year, and leave with only a ruck-sack.
    - Stick a map to a dart board and let the darts decided what 3 places you will travel to next.
    - Be an extra in a music video.
    - Fast for a whole weak without cheating.
    - Make a difference in the world.
    - Smoke a spliff made from the page of a bible. (Apparently im not allowd to do this one).
    - Get my belly pierced professionally.
    - Get a tattoo on the bottom of my foot saying "made in England".

    Anyone have any more ideas for me to add?

    I have a huge list of my own to start crossing off. Your's is a great list, but I may recommend crossing off #21 (win the lotto) first, to fund the rest. Also, I'd move #10 (The Bermuda Triangle) down to last spot. Just in case...
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    grow old with my hubby
  • danibee79
    danibee79 Posts: 144 Member
    grow old with my hubby

    I looking forward to this too :love:
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Sleep with a woman form every continent ON that continent! So far I got North America, South America and Australia of my list!

    shake and bake babycakes!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Be a multimillionaire (before I am 30). Save a bunch of animals (in the hundreds at least, by 40). Inherit psychic powers (by 30 as well...hopefully by 25)
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Sleep with a woman form every continent ON that continent! So far I got North America, South America and Australia of my list!

    shake and bake babycakes!

    :laugh: You're ridiculous but it's so amusing !! :happy:

    My list is:
    Live in another country
    Learn French and Spanish
    Become a nurse
    Visit all US states
    Swim in Devil's Pool at Victoria Falls
    Be a happy old lady :)
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    My friend and I are going to take a trip and on that trip we are going to put together our bucket list. So I guess that's #1 on the list Lol.

    Some things I would love to do!!!

    Sky Dive
    Zip Line
    Take a Cruise
    Go to Australia
    Become part of the mile high club with my Hubby... Ha Ha Lol...
    Own a motorcycle
    Climb a mountain
    Get a boob job
    Hot Air balloon ride
    Go Sailing
    Go to Scotland
    Have one MMA fight
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Im creating a list of things i want to do before i die..

    I would love to know what some of the things are that you guys want to do...

    Heres what i have so far ->>..

    - Jump in a taxi and yell "follow that car!".
    - See a solar eclipse.
    - Shoot a real gun.
    - Learn to fluently speak a second language.
    - Learn the 'Esperanto' language. (What was created to be the worlds second language).
    - Go pole-dancing.
    - Explore a temples ruins.
    - Race a formula 1 car.
    - Scale a mountain with no safety equipment.
    - Take a boat out to the bermuda triangle too see what happens.
    - See the northern lights.
    - Witness a meteor shower.
    - Go to stongehenge for the summer solstice.
    - Go to egypt and see the ancient structures.
    - Visit the doorway to hell in russia.
    - Visit all 7 continents.
    - Buy a car and pimp it.
    - Reach my dream weight goal.
    - Have a complete make-over.
    - Stay up for 80 hours in a row.
    - Win the lottery.
    - Discover an ancient artifact.
    - For a whole year do a circle for every wiccan "shabbat".
    - Become a registered high priestess and start my own wiccan "church".
    - Be knighted by the queen.
    - Mutilate my enemy.
    - Sample the spiciest food on earth.
    - Do the splits.
    - Become a P90x graduate.
    - Travel the world without returning home for a year, and leave with only a ruck-sack.
    - Stick a map to a dart board and let the darts decided what 3 places you will travel to next.
    - Be an extra in a music video.
    - Fast for a whole weak without cheating.
    - Make a difference in the world.
    - Smoke a spliff made from the page of a bible. (Apparently im not allowd to do this one).
    - Get my belly pierced professionally.
    - Get a tattoo on the bottom of my foot saying "made in England".

    Anyone have any more ideas for me to add?

    Hmmm... I've done a few of these: eclipse, shot LOTS of guns, been to the Mayan ruins in Cancun, Mexico; Yo hablo espanol un pochito-want to be fluent; can STILL do the splits believe it or not; belly button is pierced-I know I'm a fat girl now, but it's still part of me and I can't get rid of it; Lol, like the tat idea-want to add to one of mine & get a Celtic cross or Ankh with my sons' names intertwined in the artwork...

    Accomplished a few already including the above listed ones (in addition to having my children) : Whitewater rafted the full Ocoee River 1996 Olympic Course-done on 14 May 11; Biked 20 miles- done on 21 May 11; did a free standing handstand on the beach after shoulder surgery last year & before recent recent rotator cuff surgery-done on ~7 May 11; joined CrossFit in Aug 2010; got my First Degree Black Belt in 1997 & tat for that; served in the USAF; learned to airbrush, decorate cakes, quilt, do stained glass, photography, etc.; have been water skiing since I was a kid including slaloming & want to do it more freq now; deep sea fishing a few times even though I get deathly ill-still love it

    PLUS these to name of few on MY bucket list:

    See my kids (almost grown) & any future grand kids grow up happy & healthy and see their dreams come true!
    BE healthy, happy, & at a good weight with a good self image
    Get my Third Degree Black Belt (haven't taken in several years due to an unrelated injury) but am a Sr. Second Degree
    Return to CrossFit and possibly get Lev I certified eventually & do REAL (not just ring) pull-ups & muscle ups
    See the Aurora Borealis/ visit Alaska
    Tandem sky dive
    Go elk hunting-free range only
    FIND my great-grandmother's name on American Indian rolls...
    Get a Celtic cross or Ankh with my sons' names intertwined in the artwork... that I DRAW
    Go to Ireland-my grandmother's homeland
    Rock climb something big
    Snow ski
    Deep sea dive or at least snorkel somewhere like the Cayman Islands
    Finish my BS in Biology and hopefully more.. maybe get my Doctorate someday in PT (LPTA for 17 yrs)
    Zip Line
    Do a Warrior Dash, Barbarian Challenge, or Tough Mudder
    Continue to do 5Ks and hopefully improve my time and eventually my distance
    Go to Gatlinburg... I'm the only person I know around here who has never been-see Cade's Cove
    Own a motorcycle, preferably a Harley (can ride a motorcycle and do occl/rarely ride dirt bikes)
    Learn to play the guitar (can read music but tend to play by ear)
    Go to Australia, Italy, France...
    Visit Hawaii maybe, see lots of beautiful waterfalls

    I'm sure there are more...Lol! I'm ambitious!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    - Get the balls to go skydiving
    - Go skydiving
    - Travel the world
    - Run a marathon
    - Have sex with a midget

    I'll think of more later.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm 61 and before I die I want to RETIRE! I don't want to work until I croak at my desk.
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    Mine would be:

    1. Skydive
    2. Swim with dolphins
    3. Visit Ireland
    4. Have the time to research my lineage
    5. Be independently wealthy so I could do everything on my list
    6. Make a difference in the world
    7. Lose this weight
    8. See the Northern Lights
    9. Visit Hawaii and the island where Lost was filmed
    10. Visit Jesus' tomb
    11. Live on the water
    12. Have the time to do all the scrapbooking pages I have in my head
    13. Run my own Boston Terrier rescue
    14. Be able to physically conquer any sport I want
    15. Drive a Nascar at 200 mph
    16. Be able to purchase single digit size clothes
    17. Be fluent in Spanish
    18. See my daughter accomplish all her dreams
    19. Meet a man that wants to put me first
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    Im creating a list of things i want to do before i die..

    I would love to know what some of the things are that you guys want to do...

    Heres what i have so far ->>..

    - Jump in a taxi and yell "follow that car!".
    - See a solar eclipse. - I HAVE DONE THIS ONE
    - Shoot a real gun. -I HAVE DONE THIS ONE
    - Learn to fluently speak a second language.
    - Learn the 'Esperanto' language. (What was created to be the worlds second language).
    - Go pole-dancing. -I HAVE DONE THIS ONE
    - Explore a temples ruins.
    - Race a formula 1 car.
    - Scale a mountain with no safety equipment.
    - Take a boat out to the bermuda triangle too see what happens.
    - See the northern lights.
    - Witness a meteor shower. -I HAVE DONE THIS ONE
    - Go to stongehenge for the summer solstice.
    - Go to egypt and see the ancient structures.
    - Visit the doorway to hell in russia.
    - Visit all 7 continents.
    - Buy a car and pimp it.
    - Reach my dream weight goal.
    - Have a complete make-over.
    - Stay up for 80 hours in a row.
    - Win the lottery.
    - Discover an ancient artifact.
    - For a whole year do a circle for every wiccan "shabbat".
    - Become a registered high priestess and start my own wiccan "church".
    - Be knighted by the queen.
    - Mutilate my enemy.
    - Sample the spiciest food on earth. -I HAVE DONE THIS ONE
    - Do the splits.
    - Become a P90x graduate.
    - Travel the world without returning home for a year, and leave with only a ruck-sack.
    - Stick a map to a dart board and let the darts decided what 3 places you will travel to next.
    - Be an extra in a music video.
    - Fast for a whole weak without cheating.
    - Make a difference in the world.
    - Smoke a spliff made from the page of a bible. (Apparently im not allowd to do this one).
    - Get my belly pierced professionally.
    - Get a tattoo on the bottom of my foot saying "made in England".

    Anyone have any more ideas for me to add?
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I love this idea! I was just talking to my friend about this the other day! Here's a few I can think of.

    1) Get my PhD. in Clinical Psychology & have my own practice
    2) Learn how to play piano
    3) Travel to all the 7 continents.. well maybe not Antarctica.. it's too cold lol
    4) Design and build my dream home
    5) Run a marathon
    6) Go on a safari
    7) Get a tattoo
    8) Maybe have a child (lol- I am unsure now)
    9) Write a book
    10) Drive a race car