Since I started tracking my food I have learned...



  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I've learned that when eating "clean", it's hard for me to reach my 1800 a day calorie goal.

    It's hard for me NOT to hit my 1700 calorie goal with clean eating, and that's at half portions of a lot of stuff.
  • monniemon
    monniemon Posts: 10
    i have learned that i need to eat the correct amount of calories in order for my body to come out of starvation mode. I usually have 600-800 calories left over in the day without execrise, when i add execrise i could have 1200-`1500 left over. i have constantly been told that by my doctor and yet it never really registered until i started tracking.:sad:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The most surprising thing I learned was that I was doing things right before I got here. I don't know why that surprised me. I've never been very overweight and usually lose weight easily when I try, including the 20 I lost before joining this site. But it just surprised me that a fitness site thought I was doing it right even with my nightly wine. My calories and most of my nutrients are good, except iron. I can never seem to get enough iron. :huh:
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I very quickly learned that a bagel and peanut butter is not a good breakfast-- especially since I can NOT eat just a TBSP of peanut butter. PS did I mention that I liked butter on that bagel too :devil: :devil: :devil:

    However, since I've started MFP I have learned that I CAN run. :blushing:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    LOL. Fun and smartpost!

    I have learned that the only food more deceiving than cheese is hummus! Seriously, why even eat just two tablespoons? ;)

    I know!!!! i love hummus and cant sit and eat less that half the container. its easier for me to keep my house hummus free rather than fight temptation. bummer.....

    Sabra makes 150 calorie hummus singles. It's not much but if that's all I take to work then I know that's all I'll eat.
  • Taicort
    Taicort Posts: 14 Member
    LOL. Fun and smartpost!

    I have learned that the only food more deceiving than cheese is hummus! Seriously, why even eat just two tablespoons? ;)

    I know!!!! i love hummus and cant sit and eat less that half the container. its easier for me to keep my house hummus free rather than fight temptation. bummer.....

    Sabra makes 150 calorie hummus singles. It's not much but if that's all I take to work then I know that's all I'll eat.

    id love that.... IF... i didnt work at a well known italian restaurant. if im still hungry... i have chicken alfredo and chicken parm to temp me. and at half price on the clock!! i try to pack a filling lunch to help fight the cravings. :)
  • timeforachange2011
    That I can still eat dessert sometimes and that portion control is EVERYTHING! I never did well with thinking..oh I can't have that, it's not on my "diet." Now that I have made a lifestyle change I can have WHATEVER I want... I just have to have a serving of cookies...not the whole bag! :smile:
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Ok.. 30 days now. Average 1kg pw loss. I've briefly posted on this thread before but wanted to be a bit more positive. In 30 days I have learnt;

    1. Starting the day with oatmeal or a wholemeal sandwich keeps you regular and hunger at bay.
    2. Ending your day with a herbal tea (I like lemon green tea) is a great way to end the day - very relaxing, strangely satisfying and seems to assist with metabolism.
    3. Thinking "healthy eating" rather than "dieting" helps you make better choices. I know I can have a small bag of crisps for the same calories as a piece (or 2) of fruit but the fruit is healthier and fills me up.
    4. Keeping an eye on nutrients as well as daily calories helps me decide when I have had a healthy day and allows me to choose the occasional treat.
    5. Some small treats are important to keep motivation up,
    6. Protein fills you up but it's hard to keep fat low.
    7. It's easy to pig out when friends come over (I've posted that before) but... you can overcome it with a few good days.
    8. Exercising 30 mins a day helps develop a good habit.
    9. I don't worry about how many calories I burn doing exercise and don't compare myself to others - as long as I know I have been making a decent effort during those 30 minutes. I simply cannot understand how others seem to burn 4-5 times the calories that I do in the same time slot which is why I don't bother comparing exercise - which depends on fitness anyway.
    10. If I miss exercise for a day I try to make it up another day or over a few days (eg 10 mins extra over 3 days)
    11. Avoiding sugary drinks and sugar substitute drinks seems to help me keep those junk food pangs (mostly) away. I try to drink as much water as possible (it's winter here so 8 glasses is a bit hard to achieve though)
    12. Keeping an eye on nutrients is important but at times frustrating- calcium, potassium and iron hard to get enough of. Its too easy to go over on sugar even with fruit!
  • ttsmitty
    ttsmitty Posts: 6
    What have I learn...

    1) I feel more responsible when I have to log in my food.
    2) Honesty is the best policy, you can try to hide what you eat when logging, but you clothes and the scales are going to ultimately tell the truth.
    3) I am going about this all wrong, I have no clue what I am suppose to eat and not supppose to eat, but I'm willing to learn (friend me if you are will in to teach :-) )
    4) I really need to leave resturants alone until I get the hang of things and the discipline to say no. And NO TO APPETIZERS!! (learned that today when I logged my lunch in....EPIC FAIL)
    5) Even though I know that I have cut back on ALOT of things.... I HAVE to reduce my carb and fat intake, I just don't know how.
    6) I learned not to beat myself up about when I screw up, just learn from it and and DON'T do it again.
    6) IHOP pancakes are the devil!!!
    7) Still have a DIETERS' mentality when I want a healthy way of life (there's a huge difference)
    8) Have learned so much since joining MFP
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    Oh yeah, cereal... Who decides what constitues a serving anyway? Only a two-year-old who's already had a full meal could get full off of one serving of cereal. >:(
    Other than that it surprised me how many calories fruit has. I used to tell myself that I could eat as much fruit as I want throughout the day, and that just added up to insane amounts because I LOVE fruit. I know, by far not the worst habit one can have :p But I now try to restrict it to 3-4 pieces a day, eating veggies and other healthy things besides. And also: not eating an entire melon, a banana and five apples and three oranges per day saves you some money.
  • Smileymum
    What a great topic - lots of helpful advise!

    I have learnt they I need to do my 30 mins excercise when I 1st get up - sest me up for the day.
  • sarahwebb81
    Cheese...most definitely. Also, someone already took juice. (V8 w/ Green Tea is only 50 cals). Greek yogurt...a WHOPPING 190 cals...think I'll pass.

    Maybe try Chobani greek yogurt. It is only 140 and has 14 gram of protein... keeps me full for HOURS
    I eat Oikos plain Greek yogurt. Only 80 calories per container. Although, if I'm eating that as my entire breakfast, I'll add some blueberries and walnuts to keep me full longer.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    A TON actually! But what really got me was just how much sugar I was consuming by 6:30am!!! Typical breakfast was a bowl of Froasted Flakes, with 1% milk, and about 6oz of OJ. MY serving of Froasted Flakes = 20g. Milk = 12g. OJ = 23g. THAT'S 55 GRAMS OF SUGAR within the first 30 minutes of me waking up!!! 22 grams more than I should have for the ENTIRE DAY!!! Needless to say I stick to the recommended serving size, switched to Corn Flakes, and gave up the OJ all together :)
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
  • StaceKaiman
    I learned the shocking truth about my favorite Iced Cappuccino it has more Sugar in it then my daily allowance for a small, I was drinking a large everyday, when I learned that I felt so guilty about what I was doing to my body, but now I understand why I gained so much weight.

    I learned that what I thought was okay to eat was most definitely not and I have learned that Sodium is in absolutely everything.

    I have actually learned quite a bit about food and what our bodies need since joining this site and it has allowed me to make more informed/better choices while grocery shopping. Which brings me to my next realization that eating healthy and eating lots of fresh veggies and friuts can be very expensive depending on where you shop.
  • moni237
    moni237 Posts: 6
    that the reason I was struggling so badly , was that I was eating way too much in a day !!
    Since I have lessened my carb intake ( my downfall is bread ) I have noticed that my body
    is losing the weight at the same time as losing inches....
    Eating bread goes straight to my belly ....... I have noticed since starting this eating plan,
    that my belly fat has diminished enough to make a difference in my clothes and for being
    able to see more of the floor space I am standing on !! lol !!
    I am feeling better over all, knowing that I can eat and be satisfied by choosing the proper
    foods without going over in carbs, sodium , calories, and fat.
    I know I will succeed !!