Anyone else get dizzy when they don't eat for X hours?



  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    If I wait too long between meals and am overly hungry, I'll get a serious headache and horrendous stomach pains. I generally eat ever 3 hours or so. I tend to be hungry in the moring. I will eat a half of a banana if I'm working out in the morning because I'll get light headed and won't have any energy to actually finish the workout.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I had this happen to me for years! And I did fall down when it got very bad. The doctor ran every test he could think of for ages. No result, so I wa chatting to a nurse who told me "You know, it sounds like you're anemic, like your body isn't storing iron properly. What you need to do is make an appointment for a blood test and then not eat for x ammount of hours before the appointment" so that's what I did. By the time I went to the doctors I was so weak that I was on the verge of fainting and hey presto, I had a very low iron count! Thing is, several doctors have told me that iron take days to regiter raises or decreases, so it shouldn't be anemia, it hould be sugar. But my sugar is fine, my iron count can change in only a matter of minutes. Heat make it worse, as does anything in my system (I got a throat infection and ended up passing out twice in a day from anemia)...
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Unless your doctor tested your blood sugar when you were having a bout of it, then they wouldn't see it as low blood sugar. More then likely you have normal blood sugar if you eat on a schedule, but because you are using the sugar in your blood throughout the day, it will dip if you don't replenish it, which is when you feel the dizzy, light-headed, nausea, etc. If you can test your blood sugar at the time you are feeling bad (IE: With a home monitor like diabetics use), then you can see the low blood sugar. I'd still bet that is what it is and would recommend eating something with a mix of simple and complex carbs so that you can get some immediate increase in blood sugar so you feel better immediately but also have the complex carbs that will keep your blood sugar more stable for the next few hours too.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Unless your doctor tested your blood sugar when you were having a bout of it, then they wouldn't see it as low blood sugar. More then likely you have normal blood sugar if you eat on a schedule, but because you are using the sugar in your blood throughout the day, it will dip if you don't replenish it, which is when you feel the dizzy, light-headed, nausea, etc. If you can test your blood sugar at the time you are feeling bad (IE: With a home monitor like diabetics use), then you can see the low blood sugar. I'd still bet that is what it is and would recommend eating something with a mix of simple and complex carbs so that you can get some immediate increase in blood sugar so you feel better immediately but also have the complex carbs that will keep your blood sugar more stable for the next few hours too.

    You rock my world Tonya!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I asked my doc again today when I went and she agreed that's it's low blood sugar but she can't test it since I wasn't feeling that way.. so thought I would update and say that :)

    She told me just to keep crackers or something nearby at all times in case it happens.
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    This is so me! It is also one reason why I have put in the weight and find it hard to lose it. I wasn't always like that, as a kids I wouldn't eat much food and Bam! I started eating every time I could. At the start of this spell I will feel weak, my tummy is like a washing machine, I feel a headache coming on and I feel dizzy. If left untreated the headache will increase, the dizziness increase and the nausea starts. The third stage leads to a migraine
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    Shweedog wrote: »
    This happens to me. I used to feel dizzy and even faint after showers. Exercise makes me dizzy too. My doctor said it was from the heat and the way my body is wired to respond to it. I just make sure I am hydrated and remain as cool as possible (ac, fans, etc) when I am doing something that raises my core temp.

    yea same here if i take too hot of a shower (which i prefer so almost burn myself) it takes me like 45 mins to cool down and be able to stop spinning. Cant be in the car unless air is blasting lol. for me its more dehydration then it is not eating.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    necro thread
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    necro thread

    Almost 5 years!
  • kristinaschmidt129142
    kristinaschmidt129142 Posts: 17 Member
    I am completely healthy other than being obsese (which is something I'm trying to fix!) but I have had this weird problem for awhile now and to me it sounds like low blood sugar, but the doctor said mine was fine.. so I just wanted to see if any of you ever had this problem.

    When I don't eat for such a period of time I get dizzy and nausiated and feel like throwing up. I used to lay down in front of something cold like a fan or air conditioner and it would fade.. there were times in the past I felt it in the shower and had to get out IMMEDIENTLY and lay down on the bed... I was afraid I'd fall down, which I never did.

    I was worried about this when I started dieting about being able to stay under the calories if I got this way, but since I started exercising it's only happened a couple of times.

    I think it's the reason this morning I got a big headache and a tummy ache after doing my first round of EA Sports, because I didn't eat breakfast... I have exercised early without breakfast plenty of times during my diet (I find I loose more weight this way.. when I feel up to it) and this is the first time it has happened.. so it might have been the heat or a combination of both.. but either way it got me thinking and wondering what's wrong!

    The doctor finds nothing wrong with me.. but it's weird... it's not like I'm starving... I eat my 1200 and my exercise calories back.

    So does anyone else here get that problem? Getting dizzy, headaches, stomach sickness when you don't eat for X hours. Anyone know the cause?

    I came across a couple articles one day about excess stomach acid and how it affects your body. I have the same problem (especially when I'm trying to cut down my calories), I would eat breakfast and before lunch I would start to get a headache and feel really nauseous and dizzy. Once I ate lunch, I felt completely normal again.

    For me, it was because my stomach was producing excess acid because I was very stressed at work. The reason you feel better after you ate is because food in your stomach triggers your stomach to start releasing the food and stomach acid down into your intestines. Apparently there are quite a lot of people that go to their doctor and believe it has something to do with their blood sugar, and the doctors can't find anything wrong because they're looking at the wrong cause.

    I spoke to my doctor about what I had read and about my stress, and first he obviously told me to reduce my stress, but he also gave my some acid reducers, which have significantly helped me!

    This was a life changer for me, as I had been gaining weight as I thought I was constantly hungry and would eat the minute I started to feel nauseous. (It didn't help that I would eat crap, and overeat).

    This may not be what's happening to you, but it's always good to bring up with your doctor, I really hope this can help you as it has helped me! :)

    Also, if I can find the articles I will post them here.
  • amymac87
    amymac87 Posts: 2 Member
    This has happened to me my whole life. I was skinny as a kid and am probably average now. Because of what you described I have been tested for diabetes every couple years and it has always come back and negative. I just make sure to keep a bar or nuts in my purse in case I don't feel good. I am working on continually improving my diet, but if I start feeling dizzy or shakey fixing it before it gets worse becomes a top priority.
  • auntjudith254
    auntjudith254 Posts: 29 Member
    Are you in menopause? It sounds like a hot flash. I get that sometimes.