what's your go-to breakfast?



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Kashi Go Lean with almond milk during the week... and on the weekend scrambled eggs with feta, spinach and whole wheat toast.

    yum to the weekend breakfast!

    my weekday breakfast is activia rasberry yogurt and kashi go lean crunch mixed in! love it somedays a banana too!
    weekends - I splurge and do a wheat english muffin toasted with peanut butter.. heaven! :)

    or eggs with wheat english muffin and one slice of american cheese :)

    I did forget my orange... I need that along with me green tea
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Protein smoothie and coffee. Total cal: 720

    Keeps me going for a long time. Usually my biggest calorie meal.
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    my favorite is 3 egg whites scrambled with mrs. dash southwest and 2 tbls fat free cheddar- spread /4 cup fat free refried beans on a whole wheat tortilla (80 cal) and top with a couple table spoons of salsa- roll up and enjoy breakfast burrito bliss. This normally keeps me full for hours as its so high in protein and fiber. Mine comes out to about 200 calories depending which tortilla I use.

    yum! sounds amazing, thank you :)
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    A low-carb, ww tortilla, a smear of spicy ff refried beans, 1/4c of cooked soyrizo, 1/4 of scrambed Egg Beaters, and some salsa verde. Wonderful protein filled breakfast burrito.
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    Chocolate Shakeology with a Tbsp of peanut butter.
    Egg whites with whatever veggies I have on hand and a little cheese with 1 slice whole wheat toast.
    Kashi Go Lean Almond & Flax with Fat free milk
    Multi-Grain Cheerios (dry) with 2 hard boiled eggs
    Plain non-fat Greek Chobani with one of my homemade healthy pumpkin muffins

    Lisa, all of your breakfast choices sound amazing and super filling, thanks!
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    A low-carb, ww tortilla, a smear of spicy ff refried beans, 1/4c of cooked soyrizo, 1/4 of scrambed Egg Beaters, and some salsa verde. Wonderful protein filled breakfast burrito.

    I've never tried soyrizo, will have to.. thanks for another idea :)
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    new to this site, looking for new ideas. my normal is a bagel thin with low fat cream cheese, an egg on toast, pb on toast, cereal with ff milk, breakfast bar and fruit, etc. what keeps you fuller longer? I am needing to cut back on carbs and protein, thanks!

    Don't know why you would have to cut back on proteins, just to let you know MFP settings are set really really low for protein so if you are going over on their original settings, it does not mean much, you may have to tweek it.

    But question at hand...5 -6 egg whites with lots of veggies some cheese and a high fiber/low carb tortillia or English muffin, it will keep you full for a long time and it's yummy.

    thank you, I didn't know that!! I was kind of wondering.. yikes lol I am over by 20 grams at the moment and that is my full day.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    a cereal bar and 3 strong cups of tea <3
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Oat-So-Simple (any flavour but I like the ones with dried fruit in) OR
    Special K red berries
  • jessicarn76
    jessicarn76 Posts: 94 Member
    This week, do to suggestions on this site, I've been making a breakfast sandwich to eat on the way to work. Light english muffin, one turkey sausage patty, ff cheese slice, and sometimes will add in a egg beater with veggies mixed in to it also. Keeps me full.
  • purple_orchid
    purple_orchid Posts: 129 Member
    Today I tried Quinoa Flakes with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, cinnamon, coco natural coconut sweetener, 1 tbsp coconut oil, and some sprouted flax goji berry powder. Not bad!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Oatmeal & a piece of fruit for me!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I'm having to cut back on protein bc I am eating too much of it. I know that protein keeps me fuller longer as well as fiber. I have lost 40 pounds on another program but now, I have 10 left and I wanted to try something else to kick up my weight loss bc I had been slacking.. really just losing motivation. this is different than my old program, so when I enter my normal, I am over my protein.

    I see, and I see someone else answered that for you. Good luck hope that last 10 comes off faster than you expect.
  • Aurelia_Willow
    Aurelia_Willow Posts: 40 Member
    I'm pretty lazy and usually don't have time to make anything extravagant (lol, like eggs.) So, cereal is usually my go-to breakfast. I'm a sucker for sugary cereals. It's my downfall.
  • chcoley
    chcoley Posts: 63 Member
    1 egg, 2 egg whites, and 1/3 cup of Jimmy Dean turkey sausage crumbles. I usually have yogurt too.
  • DavidForthoffer
    2 oz. salmon, shredded wheat (no sugar or salt) with non-fat milk and dried blueberries, quarter avocado, and about 15 bing cherries.
  • amandaking0420
    I eat 5 egg whites 1/3 cup of cream of rice and I usually about 100g of any kind of berry in the cream of rice (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    My husband and I each have two large eggs and a piece of turkey bacon :) It takes less than 10 minutes for me to cook in the morning and even less time to eat, plus it's always nice to have a hot breakfast!
  • codyjo2011
    Hungry girl egg mug!
  • Taicort
    Taicort Posts: 14 Member
    egg white frittatas

    1/4 c. egg white, diced spinach and diced green chilies in a muffin pan cup. bake about 15 mins. i usually have 2 for breakfast with a piece of fruit.