TEAM MELEE! --- Challenge of the Living Dead (CLOSED)



  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member

    Not sure - these crazy Americans keep different hours to us! :wink: Keep an eye on the thread, it'll be there soon. :glasses:

    Fae XX

    thanks Fae, sure we'll get there eventually lol
  • Faete
    Faete Posts: 63 Member

    Not sure - these crazy Americans keep different hours to us! :wink: Keep an eye on the thread, it'll be there soon. :glasses:

    Fae XX

    thanks Fae, sure we'll get there eventually lol

    Just in case you missed it, this week's challenge is here :-

    Fae XX
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Thanks Fae, now i just get to work out how to put it all together, start fresh tomorrow i think :yawn:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am apologizing for my disappearance, but I'm having trouble finding time to get my doc all set up.

    I'm working on it, though.

    Also, I'll be doing the biking, solely because I don't have any way to carry weight while I'm running.
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    I will also be biking, though I ran this morning. 3 miles but with no extra weight haha, my backpack just was kinda painful and I don't own a weight vest unfortunately!

    Mini challenge of the week: Eat 4+ servings of veggies a day! This will be difficult for me, I'm a fruit person haha.
  • Faete
    Faete Posts: 63 Member
    I'm walking with a weighted backpack - I don't have a bike! My mini challenge is to drink 8 glasses of water a day whilst twatting zombies with my trusty cricket bat. :drinker:

    Fae XX
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    i've been added to this by ACowboyKid, just trying to get to grips with it all, will the next challenge be posted tomorrow or tonight?

    Not sure - these crazy Americans keep different hours to us! :wink: Keep an eye on the thread, it'll be there soon. :glasses:

    Fae XX

    Haha. That cracked me up.

    The challenges I try to post either Sunday night (EST) or Monday morning before work at 7a (EST). Keyword there being try x.x
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I've been quite busy and still will be busy for the next couple of days. Haven't been physically active for a while. I did manage to walk 3 miles today while holding on to a 10 pound dumbbell. Not a whole let but it's better than nothing. My mini challenge this week is to consume at least 100g of protein per day.
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    That's cool. Everyone's been busy.

    Man I killed my legs Monday doing squats. 90 squats with 140lbs. I can barely walk. X.x
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    The zombies got me guys! I got hired at a new job and my work schedule is gonna be hectic because I'm starting school as well. It's going to be hard to adjust my schedule to the gym so when I can go, I'm just gonna do the stuff I normally do. Sorry guys, but good luck!!

    Just saw this. Congrats on the new job! Stay in touch. =]
  • Faete
    Faete Posts: 63 Member
    Morning Team, how's everyone doing this week?

    I've got one more day's walk to do - gosh it's horrble carrying weight and walking at the moment - the weather is humid and nasty - we could do with a good thunderstorm to clear the air!

    Keep teatting thoses zombies!

    Fae XX
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I've done two walks with a weighted backpack, didn't have a chance yesterday as i was at a wedding - but i avoided all the cakes,
    my mini goal; is to avoid junk food which i am doing really well,

    one thing i don't get what is this about crickets bats etc?
  • Faete
    Faete Posts: 63 Member

    Keep teatting thoses zombies!

    Fae XX

    Teatting? LOL - twatting!

    @ bubblesburst the cricket bat etc is your weekly mini challenge - pick a weapon and what it represents to you.

    For example weilding your cricket bat can represent eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetable each day or you may need help in drinking 8 glasses of water - your cast iron frying pan might just do the job. It's just a bit of fun to keep us in the zombie theme :bigsmile:

    Fae XX
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    aah thanks Fae, i get it now, i think i'll have a frying pan for keeping off the junk food - cakes crisps etc

    i've just done another walk with a backpack, 4 miles. i'm with you on the humidity Fae, we had a little rumble of thunder this morning but it didn't help!

    only one more walk to do!
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    Morning Team, how's everyone doing this week?

    Bit confused this week. My sleep schedule has been all over the place and has royally f-ed up my ability to function without turning into a zombie (oh noes).

    Hoping you guys are having a good week. Seems everyone has been busy this past week! Yikes!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    sorry to still be the dumb newbie but how do i go about posting my weeks results?
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    OK TEAM MELEE....The Zombies Have Ravished Your Team!!!!

    They Took Your Captain & Some Teammates Too...
    But Those Of You That Remain Are Fighters And YOU WILL SURVIVE THIS CHALLENGE!!!

    With All The Changes Happening...We'd Like To Get A Roll Call For Your Team.

    * * * * * * * IMPORTANT * * * * * * *
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Thanks For Your Patience During This Transition! And TEAM MELEE Needs A Captain...There's Got To Be ONE Of You Strong Enough To Take On The Captain Role! Let Athenawho or myself know...Thanks Guys!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member

    I made a (mostly) blank one from mine! Please do not enter your data directly to this link as multiple people may be accessing it. You can make your own from it by doing the following: FILE---> Make a copy... ---> Rename with your username instead of YOUR NAME HERE. Once you do that you can go back through (in your newly renamed file) and add your old data if you want, but make sure to at least put your name and starting weight at the top!

    ~Michele from Team Explosives :explode: (I'll repost this in the other forums as well!)
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    i stayed green for calorie, carbs, fat and sodium everyday this week, i have no idea what the spreadsheet is for posting results though...
    i weigh 217 this week

    thanks for the spreadsheet i'll give it a go, i use google docs for other stuff so should have half a clue.
  • dmnosu17
    dmnosu17 Posts: 55
    I'm alive anyone else survive???