This is what I have been told....



  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    Dump the bast@rd, lose the weight and find somebody who actually deserves you!

    What he said............
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    If he is at minimum window shopping now (and I mean - that's only what you've caught...), you need to think long and hard about what the chances are that the issue would fix itself once you were married and it's more complicated. And you need to know it's not because you got heavier. If you lose all the weight, it'll likely continue but it'll be because of some other 'fault' of yours - cheaters rarely take the blame themselves.

    I saw you mention you have a child with him... I just have to say, I would destroy the earth before I let my children see that it's ok to treat anyone - especially their mother - with that kind of disrespect. And don't think she won't notice or overhear something. Kids pick up on a lot more than we think.

    I'm sorry you have to go through this garbage, but I'd be out of there, kid in tow, in a heartbeat.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My realationship with my fiance has been on the rocks for a while now I keep catching my fiance' talking to other women on the internet....telling them they are beautiful wanting to meet them etc....
    I caught him doing it again this past weekend...we talked it over, as usual.
    However it hurts my heart so last night I asked him is it because I am fatter?
    Just to get right to the point I have gained roughly 50lbs since we have been together and I was chubby to begin with so this is not good..
    Last night he basically said that he was embarassed to take me out now.
    I feel heartbroken...
    I know its my fault that I am fat but to hear it like that...
    sigh, maybe this is what I needed.
    Who knows.
    Has this ever happened to anyone before? Did you find the drive u needed to get in shape and healthy?

    Love, I will say this one time and one time only (okay, or as many times as you need to hear it for it to sink in): It's not you, it's him. He doesn't love you, he would rather have you as a safety net and take care of him while he talks up these chicks. He's with you because you're comfortable, and you deserve better. You deserve someone who is going to have a passion for you, not someone who is going let you take care of them while they have a passion for someone else. You can lose that 50 pounds, hell you could lose 100 pounds and he's still going to find something, there will always be something. If he's not already he's going to cheat, even if you lose the weight and become Kate Moss. These are not the actions of a good man, these are the actions of a coward. Lose the weight for you, kick his *kitten* to the curb and believe that in all things you deserve better.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Exact same thing happened to me. I mean the EXACT same thing. I dumped him because if he couldn't love me for who I was at any given moment, he didn't deserve me, plain and simple. I lost 15 pounds before I moved (had to move back in with my parents), and started dating my down the street neighbor. He could love me at that weight, and since then, I've lost a lot more. You should get rid of him; he's not doing anything to help your self-esteem and you deserve better. And you'll FIND better. I promise.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    DUMP YOUR BOYFRIEND. DUMP HIM!!!!! What a damn loser to sit on a computer and try to hook up while he's involved with you. It's so disrespectful. Let me tell you that 50 pounds gained or lost won't make him a different person. He's a cheater with excuses because he got caught. You should be embarrassed to take HIM out. UGH!!! Hugs girl.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    DUMP YOUR BOYFRIEND. DUMP HIM!!!!! What a damn loser to sit on a computer and try to hook up while he's involved with you. It's so disrespectful. Let me tell you that 50 pounds gained or lost won't make him a different person. He's a cheater with excuses because he got caught. You should be embarrassed to take HIM out. UGH!!! Hugs girl.