How the HELL?!



  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I'm to the point I LOVE the soreness! It means I worked it!

    Funny how perspectives change.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    i love feeling sore. it tells me i've had a good workout.
    but don't forget to let those muscles repair, so u can rip em again!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'd suggest lowering the impact of your workouts, AFTER you've given your body a chance to rest. Soreness is a good thing. Pain is not. It's your body's way of telling you something's not right. And definitely drink a lot of water. Especially right after exercise, to help flush out the lactic acid.
  • changeisgood55
    Sometimes I'm so sore that when I get up from sitting too long I sound like an 80 year old moaning and groaning. But I know I must have worked hard to feel this way so they are good moans and groans.
  • blondebaby9890
    I'm walking like i'm 6 months pregnant, to stop my thighs from screaming!! My arms are a nice sore but my legs...they don't want to work!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    always push yourself hard but remember if you are really sore after 2 days you have pushed too far, per my trainer....stretching does help relieve the pain believe it or not....keep on doing what you are doing...
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    here's a thought - if you don't ever exercise again, and continue to gain weight, having achy muscles and trouble walking will become an inescapable way of life.
  • roraborealis
    The first few times you push your body harder than it's used to are the worst. So long as it's soreness and some stiffness, but not sharp or severe pain or inability to move your joints, then you're probably just experiencing the normal initial soreness.

    My personal recommendation: Warm up for several minutes with some light, low-impact aerobics. Then stretch a little. Complete your workout, and then do some more stretching, this time a bit deeper, but be careful not to be too strenuous.

    When I was sore, I still worked out and once my body got warmed up, the soreness melted away and I was able to complete my workout just fine.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    I'm walking like i'm 6 months pregnant, to stop my thighs from screaming!! My arms are a nice sore but my legs...they don't want to work!!
    1) Do some flexibility pilates = it sounds like you really need to slowly stretch those leg muscles out to relieve them
    2) Also drink TONS of water/fluid! Help your body repair those muscles & they will get "unsore" quicker (yes I know not a word :devil: )
    3) Also try a protein shake or unsalted/lightly salted nuts after your workout (give your body some "free" protein to help get the repairs done easier/faster)
  • VICKY_83
    VICKY_83 Posts: 51 Member
    when I feel sore I feel better as I know I have had a good work out and I have attacked the fat...x
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    From what I have read, if you are sore after a workout then the next day do some low intensity cardio to get the blood moving again and to flush the latic acid out. You might think this is craziness if you are really achy but I've tried it and it works. Also- if you are sore after every workout you may not be doing the best service to your body. Try dialing it back just a little to give your muscles time to recover.

    actually it's not a build up of lactic're sore because your muscles have gotten used. Good idea with the low intensity cardio though, and maybe some yoga or thai chi if you're that sore..personally I continue on my merry way, but I do calisthenics the day after I lift weights so it feels good... (I'm not b.s'ing I promise, so I've provided references lol)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    suck it up
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member

    actually the lactic acid has recently been proven to aid in the reparing of muscles...for a long time it was thought that L.A. hindered it. It's're sore because your muscles have gotten used. Good idea with the low intensity cardio though, and maybe some yoga or thai chi if you're that sore..personally I continue on my merry way, but I do calisthenics the day after I lift weights so it feels good... (I'm not b.s'ing I promise, so I've provided references lol)

    i agree
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    It will go away eventually. Once you're in the swing of things you get less sore, unless you're pushing too hard. Drink lots of water, hydration is key. Also, remember to stretch before and after.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    thanx xraychick, I like how it explains that lactic acid is automatically flushed after 30 minutes of your work's a new study so we have to spread the news lol and the explanation of ATP (you know when you get that wicked stitch in your side when you're running? that's a build of up ATP, but it goes away)
  • WowieGarcia
    All I can say is that it gets better. Ya should've seen me when I first started working out. I walked around looking I had something stuck up my bum. My co-workers were looking at me funny. Now I don't get sore anymore even after an intense workout the day before.
  • blondebaby9890
    suck it up

    No offense but I am new to exercising and didn't expect this, so excuse me if I don't 'suck it up' right away, I'll continue to exercise and push through but the help others have given me have helped. Just saying.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Protein, water, and some suck it up are the best things I have found. You will be sore at times and if you aren't you probably are not working hard enough. Eventually it becomes low level bearable pain, not that crazy crap you are feeling right now. I only get that now if i change to a different type of exercise that uses different muscle groups. And if you think this pain is unbearable, wait and don't exercise. The heart attack will hurt more and have longer lasting effects :)