The "I want a six pack" group!!



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Another thing that I would add is that, although having a six pack is great, if you're a guy, please be sure you already have a decent amount of beef on your frame before you try to shred down to 10% in the quest for abz. This would be especially true for 'skinny-fat' dudes. I've seen too many people just spin their wheels forever at the gym, lifting weights and doing cardio while under a caloric deficit (myself included!).

    This is the exact reason I eat 3000 calories a day.. great advice...
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    This would be especially true for 'skinny-fat' dudes. I've seen too many people just spin their wheels forever at the gym, lifting weights and doing cardio while under a caloric deficit (myself included!).
    i have never heard the term "skinny-fat dudes," so i had to go and google it, and everything i found on it talked about people who looked ok, werent over weight according to the scale but didnt work out and hat high body fat % and such were not healthy, sounds like you are talking about something else though