Exercise ALONE and on a BUDGET :-/



  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    I do exercise with my family sometimes, but I tell you what, I love to put my ipod in and just go, it gives you a little bit of me time, and time to just let everything go. My suggestion would be get some music that really pumps you up and just go to town, then log it in on the website, it is encouraging to see all the calories you burned. And the comments from the amazing people on here cherring you on it awesome!!!! Just remember...you can do it :smile:
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    We're poor as beans! My husband and I exercise together, but often we work when the other is off, so I exercise alone much of the time.

    Can you skype with someone while exercising? I will usually watch TV shows on Netflix streaming while working out.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Here's two things that work for me
    - I get all my workout clothes ready the night before, even socks and undies. As soon as I get out of bed in the morning I put them on. Then I'm ready to exercise - no excuses!
    - I listen to audio books on my iPhone, so I don't get bored when I'm running or walking.

    You have all the gear you need, plan out a schedule for the week and just do it!
    Why not post your schedule on here and check in every day so you are accountable for doing it?
  • ndlakebum
    ndlakebum Posts: 20
    I struggle with motivation as well and heard this interesting tip from someone. If your not feeling motivated at the moment, give the exercise at least 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes, you're still not feeling up to it...stop. But more than likely after 5 minutes, you'll be on a roll and feeling great about getting out and doing it and able to put in the full time! It's helped me.
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Ok, sorry I keep posting over and over.... I am passionate about this subject..:) It isn't about a feeling or being motivated either... It's about making a decision to eat healthy and work out... Once that decision is made you don't have to decide if you are motivated or feel like working out. My baby woke up 3 times night before last... when the alarm went off I didn't "feel" like running....not one little bit.. But....it was already decided that it was my run day.. I live in Texas so if I didn't run at 6:30a then it would get way hot...So I drug out of bed and ran..Not because I was motivated and not because I felt like it... Was it hard...YES... But I had already made the decision.. I had a period of time when I stopped exercising and gained a little of the weight I lost back, and couldn't get motivated to get back on track.... I was watching Extreme Home Makeover, Weight Loss Edition, and the man who lost weight said that people will not reach their weight loss goals until they get to the end of their excuses.... Well, I had a list of excuses, some really good excuses.... I sat on the couch and cried that night because I wanted to hang on to my reasons why it was ok not to continue taking care of my body... So....that night I decided....No more excuses and I have logged food and stuck to my decided exercise regimen..... I don't say that to be ugly in ANY way.. It really helped me ALOT so I thought I would pass it along... You CAN do this and I personally will be cheering you on all the way... So....Decide on your exercise regimen and do it... It won't matter ifyou are motivated or not, because the decision has been made...
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I know the feeling. At the beggining of my journey I had some very good coworkers who would push me to work out even on days I was making excuses. Accountability is very important. You may try to find someone on MFP who can workout at the same time you do. Chat about what exercises you are going to do and then do them seperately but at the same time and then log what you did on the messae board.

    Another idea is to look for local jogging/running groups in your area; there's always one out there or you can start your own. I've also met 2-3 other guys while jogging the local middle school track in the mornings lately. I don't know any of there names, we just exchange a nod of the head, but knowing they will be there makes me want to be there so they don't think I've slacked off...