Low Carb Lifestyle?? Yay? Or Nay?? Did you have success?



  • Toniteach
    Toniteach Posts: 12
    Low Carb Lifestyle? YES!
    Ketosis a bad thing? NO!
    I used Ketosis to lose significant weight, and eat low carb to maintain.
    I just love how some people think they are experts (slow eye-roll).

    Good luck with your decision,
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I've done the Atkins type of diets over and over. You discover new and unique ways to satisfy that sweet-tooth - and still drop pounds. My favorote was Half and Half, and use a handmixter to mix in Sugar-Free Chocolate Fudge pudding. It whips up to a frosting type of consistency - then chill and you have low-carb Chocolate Mousse. Freeze for chocolate ice cream.

    So, yes it works. Get those Keto-strips and monitor your ketosis. You can over-do it.

    But, I don't support them. Why? Did I lose weight? Yes, I lost 20-50 lbs each and every time I tried it; this is a TEMPORARY lifestyle change. Sooner or later, you are going to have some spaghetti, bread, real ice cream, pancakes - those carbs are going to come back; and you'll resume your old eating habits - and before you know it; you are smack back where you started, plus usually another 10 lbs for good measure.

    To get the weight off, and KEEP IT OFF - requires a diet that you can eat, literally anywhere - and some exercise. I'm using MFP to learn to budget my calories. So, light breakfast; and I get Chinese buffet (anything I want) for lunch, and a light supper before bed (probably lightly buttered microwave popcorn and Crystal Light) - and I'll be below my calorie intake for the day - and will STILL manage to lose weight. It's about learning portion control, caloric intake, and budgeting. These are key concepts that the low carb diet does NOT take into acccount.

    That weight is only going to come back if you go back to the real ice cream, pancakes, bread, etc. I have a sensitivity to carbs. I eat processed sugary carbs and my blood sugar spikes, I crave more and it is a never ending circle. I dtiched, donuts, pancakes, white bread, spaghetti and tons of other carbs mainly to them being to high in calories and then once I read The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet I kept them gone. It is healthier for me and the only way I can maintain my weight loss. I have tested it time and again. If I add those foods back, I gain and have a terrible time controlling my food intake.

    For me it has to be a lifestyle and it has been. I don't miss any of those things that much and I certainly don't miss how they made me feel.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    Just a question.... If one is following a low carb diet, then how is MFP helpful to you? I wouldn't think you'd need MFP at all if you are doing low carb. ???

    I like logging my calories in the program. I still watch my calorie intake. I still make sure I burn more than I intake. I just also try to keep my carbs low. I can literally gain weigh the next morning if I eat an apple on a day that I didn't workout. It doesn't matter if I did everything else completely right. My leptin levels are just that whack.

    I do eat until I am satisfied... but that usually means about 1200 calories and rarely more than 1700 in a day. I do not eat my calories back either so if I eat 1200 and I burn 900 in exercise I am left with 300.

    exactly. I have never been tested and I can eat an apple but I have done what you are doing. I count my calories, I keep my carbs low, stay away from trigger foods and don't eat back exercise calories. I think our tickers speak for us.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Lindsey thats just awesome with the success you have had over the years. :) Congrats!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    Lindsey thats just awesome with the success you have had over the years. :) Congrats!

    Thank you! :smile:
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I am doing low carb but not to low... I try to keep it around 100 a day give or take. I do much better without breads, rice, pasta.
  • nhgirl30
    nhgirl30 Posts: 52 Member
    I was on south beach for year, I lost 80 pounds. It works but I would not recommend staying on it for a lifetime. I find it is better and more realistic to stick to a low calorie diet. It is a great diet to get you started on the right track.
  • Ladywindchaser
    Ladywindchaser Posts: 44 Member
    The best thing and the most intelligent thing a person can do before starting or making a decision to try a diet is ask YOUR DOCTOR!!!!!! I wish people would stop giving out advice as to whether or not a diet is good or not based upon your own personal experience.

    My Endo. Dr. set my Carbs, cals, and fat. As a Diabetic my carbs are set at 130 per day, 5 meals per day, 30 carbs per meal and NOT one over. I guess if a low carb diet was bad for you there would be a lot of dead Diabetics out there.

    For those of you that like or on a low carb diet and want to eat pasta, try "Dreamfields". This pasta is really good and was made specifically for Diabetics and low carb dieters. I know a heck of a lot of Diabetics that eat this pasta including me. You only consume like 5 grams of carbs per serving. My Dr. this the one that told me about this pasta.
  • pucks_mom23
    Eating all you want is not equal to eating all you can. We can all eat more than we truly want.

    I say yes to the low carb lifestyle. My body does not tolerate a high carb intake. It quite literally makes me sick and is a poison to my body. All these years I followed the conventional wisdom of low fat and it was doing more harm than good. I never realized how lousy I felt eating low fat until I stopped and started feeling good. I've lost 60 pounds so far. I have a few more to go, but you won't hear me complain!

    Everyone is different. All I can say is if it interests you read up and consult a doctor before trying any diet. I did and that's how we figured out low carb is what I needed.

    Good luck!
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    I eat 1400-1500 calories a day and exercise without thinking about carbohydrates and I am absolutely not hungry. And I still lose weight. I am just doing what MFP has set up here at this website and it has worked for me. My profile pic tells the story.

    If you had rather not eat carbohydrates, then that is great! Whatever makes you happy.

    And that is great FOR YOU. Certain carbs mess up my leptin levels in my blood and make me gain. So I have to each my carbs. Everyone is different. Gotta do what works for you.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    A resounding YAY. The rest of the diet and nutrition world seem to be catching on. Has anyone noticed that Weight Watchers, and Dr. Oz have both jumped on the low-carb wagon? Just saying... :)

    I have noticed that they reluctantly agree to lower carbs, but they're not quite there yet. But, I see good things on the horizon...!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    As a student majoring in nutrition, I say nay. Low carb diets are very unhealthy for the body. Diets such as the Atkins diet are so low in carbohydrates that your body will go into a state of ketosis.

    You can read more detail about it here: http://women.webmd.com/guide/high-protein-low-carbohydrate-diets

    Although low carb diets are tempting due to the quick results, they are not healthy in the long run. If your looking to be fit and health, feed your body with the nutrients it needs and consume a balanced diet. The key to loosing weight is simple, expend more calories than you consume. You will have success and feel great :)

    Hope this helps!

    PS- Carbohydrate restricted diets are beneficial for people suffering from insulin resistance issues such as diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

    As a student majoring in nutrition, you should know that Atkins is high fat, not high protein.

    Still ends with the same result. It stops your body functioning as it should and forces it to protect its major organs by putting you in ketosis.

    And as a student majoring in nutrition, you should know that ketosis is not a dangerous state...it's the body burning stored fat for energy, instead of burning carbs for energy.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I've done the Atkins type of diets over and over. You discover new and unique ways to satisfy that sweet-tooth - and still drop pounds. My favorote was Half and Half, and use a handmixter to mix in Sugar-Free Chocolate Fudge pudding. It whips up to a frosting type of consistency - then chill and you have low-carb Chocolate Mousse. Freeze for chocolate ice cream.

    So, yes it works. Get those Keto-strips and monitor your ketosis. You can over-do it.

    But, I don't support them. Why? Did I lose weight? Yes, I lost 20-50 lbs each and every time I tried it; this is a TEMPORARY lifestyle change. Sooner or later, you are going to have some spaghetti, bread, real ice cream, pancakes - those carbs are going to come back; and you'll resume your old eating habits - and before you know it; you are smack back where you started, plus usually another 10 lbs for good measure.

    To get the weight off, and KEEP IT OFF - requires a diet that you can eat, literally anywhere - and some exercise. I'm using MFP to learn to budget my calories. So, light breakfast; and I get Chinese buffet (anything I want) for lunch, and a light supper before bed (probably lightly buttered microwave popcorn and Crystal Light) - and I'll be below my calorie intake for the day - and will STILL manage to lose weight. It's about learning portion control, caloric intake, and budgeting. These are key concepts that the low carb diet does NOT take into acccount.

    Why do you go back to spaghetti? You lose weight and do well going low-carb, and then for some reason go back??

    I don't understand this non-sustainable argument.

    Why should the "diet" be faulted because people would rather be overweight and feel like crap than go without their spaghetti?

    Again, using the smoker argument, that's like a smoker saying "Don't even try quitting smoking. I've done it for a while and felt great, but you just end up falling back into the habit. It's not sustainable."

    As an ex-carber and an ex-smoker, I totally get the smoking analogy. And for me, the only way to quit both carbs and cigarettes happened cold-turkey. I haven't had a smoke in 5 years, and I haven't had refined, processed carbs since February 2011. I'm down 47, and still going strong. It's true, why would I go out and eat a plate of noodles, after all my hard work? And to be honest, I don't even crave the carbs anymore! It's all about making it a permanent lifestyle change.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Just a question.... If one is following a low carb diet, then how is MFP helpful to you? I wouldn't think you'd need MFP at all if you are doing low carb. ???

    I'm following Atkins. I like MFP because they seem to have the widest range of food/nutrition info, they have an app for my smart phone, and i can (and do) set my diary to show carbs, fiber, sugar and calories (because it seems to be defaulted to track calories, I can't seem to remove it). These are the only things I care about tracking. And, of course, these lovely forums...
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Happy Thursday friends!! I hope your day is fabulous and filled with sunshine (its super cloudy here..so SOMEONE might as well be enjoying sunshine) :)

    So...for the heck of it, I'm researching different eating lifestyles and wonder if anyone out there has tried or fully jumped into the LOW CARB lifestyle??

    If so...what were the results? Did you stick with it? DId you lose weight? Did you physically feel good?

    Thanks for the input everyone...and have a SPLENDID afternoon! :D

    I've been doing Atkins since February this year. It's very easy to maintain, and I feel like I can do this the rest of my life. I've lost a good amount of weight (almost 50 lbs), gone down 2 dress sizes. I feel great, my blood pressure has gone down, and I no longer have heartburn or acid reflux. It used to wake me up at night, at least 3 nights a week. Also, I'm sleeping through the night every night. I've recently received compliments on my skin looking better. I've got a ton of energy--I can now make it all the way through Zumba class doing the high-impact, bouncy songs. The secret to doing this diet is 1). make sure you have a variety of foods to eat, so you don't get bored. 2) Don't cheat--give it at least a month, without cheating 3) Read the book(s), know what you can eat 4) Drink enough water.
    On a side note, I should mention that I've tried Weight Watchers, Curves Diet and calorie counting. Those made me feel hungry all the time, grumpy and I never lost any significant weight doing those. This is the only thing that works for me. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I don't fear carbs. I fear foods that can make you sick or ill or make you die. Ground beef (e coli); fish (mercury); dairy (just not into cholesterol).

    I would like to eat foods that fill me up but not in calories. As I read, some here don't do well with carbs, some do.

    For me, eating a low fat diet works, and I am trying to make it a lifestyle.

    I do find that products low in fat by weight usually has high sodium (as well as other things).

    I would say to go and find comparable products (bring a calculator) and compare calories from a "regular" product and a "low carb" product.



    What the label doesn't tell you in the "low carb" version of the bread is the weight in grams, only 1 slice. So next time you are at the market, compare the two and see if the serving size is the same as well.

    Food for thought.
  • SusanRN2b
    SusanRN2b Posts: 106 Member
    Just a question.... If one is following a low carb diet, then how is MFP helpful to you? I wouldn't think you'd need MFP at all if you are doing low carb. ???

    I'm following Atkins. I like MFP because they seem to have the widest range of food/nutrition info, they have an app for my smart phone, and i can (and do) set my diary to show carbs, fiber, sugar and calories (because it seems to be defaulted to track calories, I can't seem to remove it). These are the only things I care about tracking. And, of course, these lovely forums...

    I'm doing the same thing. I lost 50 lbs using MFP, on a 1200 per day diet, eating all exercise calories. Once you quit that, guess what? You gain weight back. I have recently decided to go low carb after reading everything I could on nutrition and dieting. The scientific evidence is there. If I could afford it I would be doing the Ideal Protein program, as most of the doctors, (yes, MD's), I work with are doing. I have learned quickly on here to lay low because it seems to be such a HOT TOPIC, it's too funny!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Are there somethings I use to eat that I miss? Sure, but I enjoy being almost 100lbs lighter more.

    There are few topics that start more debate than low-carb lifestyle questions! Just reading to learn more, but that quote has to be the best so far! :wink:
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Yay!!:smile: Why? my body feel much better than before.
  • vinkariz
    vinkariz Posts: 17
    I followed the Atkins diet for 2.5 years and I was able to maintain my goal wieght. It took a lot of getting used to but once I did I was fine. I felt great. The only reason I stopped was that my appendix burst. While I was in the hospital all the Dr.s and nurses told me to stop following the Atkins diet. I did ....and I have gained 40 lbs. I tried WW several times and I even went back on Atkins but it didn't work the way it did the first time. I have no idea why. As I've tried to drop the lbs. I've tried every diet you can imagine and what I have found is I just can't follow them for long. WW is the best I think because you can eat all the food groups with an emphasis on fruit and vegtables. So the answer to your question is....it worked but not for long and it's difficult to maintain over the long haul. The medical community doesn't like it and you'll catch a lot of grief with them. I'm just trying to follow the nutrient guidelines onmyfitnesspal. I don't seem to ever get it right but I'm still trying. Sugar is a problem for me...that I know so I'm trying to stay away from it as much as I can. Fat I've managed...sugar ....not so much.