

  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey out there:)
    I was a little sad...OK -- very sad - when I realized I go back to work in a week and a half! I will go back to waking up at 6 AM next week to get back on track. I am also going to eat my meals/snacks on the school day schedule. As far as work outs go, my thoughts were to do the the C2K on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (which will mean getting up at 5:20 AM), and yoga/pilates in the afternoons; on the days when I don't do C2K5 in the AM I will do my elliptical when I get home. I think the hardest part will be the 5:20 mornings, and might have to tweak maybe a 20 minute program instead of 40...
    What do you guys plan on doing when school starts back up?
  • LauraLove85
    Wow, SO many great comments and advice!! THANK YOU!!! :flowerforyou:

    I am NOT a morning person I know I definitely will not be getting up any earlier than I already have to in order to exercise before work. I'm probably going to do the "pack your gym clothes in your car and drive straight from school to the gym" thing. :tongue:

    However, there are INEVITABLY those evenings when I won't be finished with work until late and at that time, I'd much rather be at home with my husband than the gym...
    so...!!! FANTASTIC work-outs for at-home!!

    Food wise -- just planning meals and packing food early on in the week. I'm so grateful to be married to a foodie who loves to cook in the evenings when I'm so exhausted, I'd much rather make a PB&J and call it a night, LOL.
  • Jamazurunner
    Jamazurunner Posts: 132
    First year elementary PE teacher here!

    I would love any tips and advice- us teachers need to stick together!

  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    I've been teaching for 11 years. Summers are so much better for me as far as getting workouts in and having healthy meals. This year will be especially challenging because I'll be going from middle school to elementary for the first time. I'll be out of my comfort zone and I tend to stress eat.

    I'd appreciate having more teachers on my friends list. Please add me!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    My suggestions for stress eaters & new to teaching...

    ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS:laugh: make your own lunch... NEVER NEVER NEVER:noway: eat cafeteria food!! Pack healthy snacks and drinks for between classes or during planning time.

    Don't buy candy that you like to give out to the kids for treats/bribes... (I used to bring caramels and chocolate, but guess who ate most of the candy... ME)

    Eat an apple or drink tea before you leave to go home or in the car... that way you will have something in your stomach when you get home. (This prevents me from GRAZING in the fridge upon my arrival home.)

    Try to find time to exercise... its a great stress reliever:happy:

    Have fun in your new positions!!!

    feel free to friend me if you would like to "chat"
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    I've been teaching highschool Cosmetology for 2 years now and my husband teaches Auto Tech. I have to admit that I didn't do very well the last two years with diet or exercise. (Which is why I'm in the current shape I'm in!!) I am going to try my hardest to stay with the healthier lifestyle we've started this summer.

    One thing I did last year that did help a little was to keep 100 calorie packs in a drawer and bottled water in the fridge. Kept me from running to the snack and soda machine.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Hey out there:)
    I was a little sad...OK -- very sad - when I realized I go back to work in a week and a half! I will go back to waking up at 6 AM next week to get back on track. I am also going to eat my meals/snacks on the school day schedule. As far as work outs go, my thoughts were to do the the C2K on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (which will mean getting up at 5:20 AM), and yoga/pilates in the afternoons; on the days when I don't do C2K5 in the AM I will do my elliptical when I get home. I think the hardest part will be the 5:20 mornings, and might have to tweak maybe a 20 minute program instead of 40...
    What do you guys plan on doing when school starts back up?

    Wow... sorry you are going back so soon!! I haven't thought much about what I will do when I go back. I'm starting at a new school that is closer to home, so I will be saving about 90 minutes each day. My plan is to walk after school at least three days each week and take yoga the other two days. Enjoy the time you have left. :smile:
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I was up a six this AM...ate breakfast by six forty....don't know how I will manage to work out! I am aiming for a walk tomorrow am at five forty five...we'll see!
    I just put together the pacing guide for one of my classes...that is enough work for today! We have so many meetings next week that it will be insane...with 3 new teachers on my team I predict that I won't have a boatload of time to get plans and stuff I will work a tiny bit this week to prevent the overload next week.
    Gonna hit the elliptical!
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for this LauraLove85!
    "However, there are INEVITABLY those evenings when I won't be finished with work until late and at that time, I'd much rather be at home with my husband than the gym...
    so...!!! FANTASTIC work-outs for at-home!!"

    It looks like fun and it's exactly what I have been trying to find. I wanted something that gave me variety and was already planned for the day. Love it!!! Thanks!

    This will be my 10th year of teaching. I did about five years at middle school and now I am back teaching 4/5 grade. Love it all but I think I was healthier when I taught middle school. I walked the room a lot more often and I kept to a better eating schedule. Now I am in an elementary program that includes a lot of parent involvement, small group teaching, and a lot more sitting and missing meals for me. I do love the community of this school though. The past three years I have had to move classrooms during the summer, which is a large process for me since I have way too much stuff. I teach with very "hands on" activities. It has been nice having the summer to myself this year and I highly recommend that teachers really enjoy their time off.

    Suggestions for what I have learned in 10 years:
    - keep a large glass/bottle of water near by where you can easily access it... I drink about 100oz of water per day
    - go to the bathroom at all breaks even if you don't need to pee... I am still on my peeing schedule this summer :blushing:
    - do what you can to keep work at work and work more efficiently... the person working the most is learning the most
    - having your own refridgerator in your classroom is a huge help to bringing your own meals/snacks
    - use your weekends/breaks for yourself (time to rest and exercise, plan/prepare your meals for the week, etc)
    - try to move throughout the school day

    What i want to try this year:
    - get back to a regular eating schedule... smaller meals more often
    - bring my own food instead of relying on what is at school
    - get my students involved in fitness planning... they have to train for the PE testing anyway

    I'm sure I will come up with more when the school year starts. Thanks for all the great posts and suggestions here. I look forward to getting to know you! Thanks, tami
  • danibee41989
    danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
    It's almost guys know what that means. Summer went by way too fast. I student teach this fall. I'm excited/nervous. I worry about staying fit and keeping up with exercise, especially since I'm training for a 10k. I at least want to maintain my weight, but well see. I'm student teaching in a 1st grade classroom and I'm sure the students will keep me active and on my feet all the time!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I'm 'sort of' a teacher,,, I'm an MSF certified motorcycle safety instructor. I teach 16 hour classes on motorcycling safety about a dozen weekends every summer. This includes 4 hours of classroom and 12 hours out on the range riding motocycles. Youngest student was 15 years and about 183 days and had just gotten his learners' permit. Oldest student we 88 and was returning to motoring after 50 years away from the sport.

    Lots of fun, lots of work. The neatest part is that I get to see your high school kids in some of their very first interactions where they have adults as fellow students and peers. It's neat to watch them adjust to it and teach & learn and form friendships with folks old enough to be their parents or grandparents. Most of the kids are alright BTW.

    I've been doing this for 6 years now and I've seen a lot of stuff. If anybody wants to learn to ride I've got the scoop. :-)
  • karlajohnson123
    karlajohnson123 Posts: 86 Member
    Wow! Glad to see so many educators on here. I actually go back for Preplanning TOMORROW!! All in all, I am excited about it-especially when it comes to eating and exercising. My advice would be1) skip school lunch. No one ever got skinny by eating that.2)SKip the lounge. Bring your own lunch and snacks. 3) try to arrange or trade with someone so that you can have your planning time mid morning to allow for a healthy snack. I find I do better with 3 meals and at least 2 scheduled snacks.4)get a teacher buddy to exercise with you after school. 5)If there are any extra classrooms just sitting around, ask your principal about turning one into an excercise room. Our school even put in a couple of treadmills and bike machines. It wouldn't hurt to ask.6) FInally, pray! As the school year begins, I always pray that I can be the best I can be for the kids(for the Lord). Let's face it. It is a calling. Have a great year!
    Please feel free to add me. I would love to talk to fellow educators. I teach first grade, This is my 24th year.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am going into my sixth year as a high school English teacher. I have been eating great this summer! I am a bit worried about the transition back into the school year, but based on my workshop days, I think I will be alright. I plan to pack snacks, plan my meals as much as possible, and use my workouts to relieve stress (because I know I will be stressed). Oh, and chew gum when the kids or the office offers us food (why is it always cookies and cupcakes?).
  • mathlete99
    mathlete99 Posts: 133 Member
    I actually find the school year easier to plan meals. I use a menu planner I downloaded free from moneysaving mom. Portion control is easier than during the summer. What I eat during the school day based on what I bring each day. Summer is by far my struggle :( But, MFP has helped with changing my lifestyle for the good. I try to ride my bike when possible to school. Last year, the kids could not believe it was mine until they saw my helmet and bell..hahaha.
  • mverastegui
    mverastegui Posts: 9 Member
    I have been an educator for 21 years now. Taught everything from preschool to 6th grade. In a short 2 weeks, I will be taking over as my school's Education Specialist, basically I will be the Special Ed Department. My new "office" will be a corner of our library, wherein the Librarian has a HUGE candy jar, way to tempting for me! In the back of the library is the teachers' lounge with the dreaded snack hole! I have worked very hard to begin to take off the 25 lbs., I have gained in the last 4 years since I joined the staff at my school. I use to be the furthest classroom from this area and still I gained so much weight, now I am going to be right in the middle of it. I am hoping I will have the willpower to continue the healthy habits I have established this summer.
    I know what I need to do, its just a matter of doing it!