What are your food allergies?



  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I am allergic to pineapples.... i eat it anyways..

    sorry but this isn't an allergy - probabaly an intolerance.

    An allergy is when your body produces dangerous levels of histamines resulting in side effects like mouth swelling, cramps, sickness, vomiting, rash, constriction of airways etc. They can be fatal in some severe cases.

    Some people have intolerances, but they're not allergies, per se.

    Sorry but I suffer quite badly, theres no way I'd eat nuts/eggs "anyway"!
    THIS. I am epi pen carrying allergic to seafood. I cannot even walk [*kitten* the seafood section without itching and coughing. If I ate it anyway, I'd stop breathing in 15 mins.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    bananas. And the last time I had cantaloupe I had a similar reaction, so I hesitate to try it again.

    I avoid kiwis because they are linked to bananas as far as allergies go.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I am allergic to cantelope and that is it. It makes things pretty easy but it sucks because moat people but it in fruit salad .
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm alergic to certain types of "fake meat" vegetarian foods. Seeing as I'm a vegetarian, and this happens, it makes it even harder to get my protein....D:. I get incredibly sick to my stomach, where it hurts so bad I can bareley move until it's out of my system hahaXD.

    do you ever eat "nutritional yeast"? you can add it to your food an it has 8g of protein!
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    i just did the alcat food intolerance test and i'm pretty much allergic to everything.... chicken, apples, bananas, almonds, strawberries, clove, cocoa, green and black tea, coffee, mint, cinnamon, coconut, fig, fructose, egg white, garlic, honeydew, iceberg lettuce, peaches, scallops, sesame, tuna, corn, green pea, halibut, green pepper, grapefruit.... the list goes on. but once i stopped eating all of these things, i've felt more energetic and am able to live a much more fulfilling life. and i've lost a few pounds in the process. :happy:

    what is the alcot food intolerance test? that sounds interesting!
  • faithfitnessandnutrition
    I am allergic to pineapples.... i eat it anyways..

    sorry but this isn't an allergy - probabaly an intolerance.

    An allergy is when your body produces dangerous levels of histamines resulting in side effects like mouth swelling, cramps, sickness, vomiting, rash, constriction of airways etc. They can be fatal in some severe cases.

    Some people have intolerances, but they're not allergies, per se.

    Sorry but I suffer quite badly, theres no way I'd eat nuts/eggs "anyway"!

    Well the reason why I know I AM allergic to pineapples is that I was officially diagnosed as being allergic to it as a baby after being hospitalized for it and again as a toddler, I did have the constriction of airway, rash on my skin and tongue and mouth. However, as i grew older the symptoms seemed to abate and I now get the swelling of my tongue, rash on my skin and tongue, splitting of lips ... growing up in the Caribbean where pineapples were plentiful, somehow because I continued to eat them I built up a tolerance for them but the allergy still remains.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm allergic to sulfites. This used to mean I just avoided the biggies: wine, balsamic vinegar, dried fruit, molasses, etc. but it seems that as I get older, I'm becoming more sensitive. My allergist has given me a ridiculously broad list of foods to avoid, which in addition to the things listed above, also includes: shrimp, salmon, pork, onions, garlic, peppers, mushrooms, baked goods, canned goods, corn syrup, corn starch, pectin, eggs, tomato products, condiments, crackers, dried coconut, soy...these are just the things that come to mind off the top of my head, this is not even a third of the full list. Sometimes, I think it must be BS, there's just no way to avoid all of this, but then...I'll have a reaction to something and I'm forced to reconsider.

    Normally, I can safely allow some of these things into my diet. It's more of a sensitivity than a true allergy; my body has a certain threshold of tolerance. But if I inadvertently go over it once, I'm screwed for weeks. A few weeks ago, I ate like 6 oz. of gazpacho that a friend made; she said it was just fresh veggies, spices, and lime, no wine or wine vinegar. But I developed swelling and urticaria/hives on my neck and face anyway. I went to my doc and was given a course of prednisone and antihistamines, but within a few days of finishing the meds, the hives were back. Got another, stronger, course of prednisone, and again a few days after finishing it, I woke up this morning to discover the hives are back.

    After a reaction, I always "detox" for several days: I eat just very plain meat, "safe" veggies, and rice, pasta, or homemade bread. Usually that along with the prednisone clears it right up and I can go back to allowing limited amounts of the above listed foods. But it seems that's no longer the case. My last few reactions have been more severe and more difficult to get rid of, so I guess I'm going to have to resign myself to the fact that my eating (and cooking) habits are going to need a serious overhaul.
    Its annoying having to ask at every restaurant about ingredients, although most big chains carry lists I can check out before ordering.
    This is the worst! When eating out I have to order everything "plain" and I constantly ask the wait staff to ask supervisors and kitchen staff to check food labels. Half the time none of them know what sulfites are, much less whether or not they're in the food! More often than not, I just avoid eating out and cook at home. And when I do go out, I go to the same places all the time: places I've been to before where I know the staff will take my concerns seriously and where I know the "safe" choices for me.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    I'm allergic to beans. Does anyone else have that allergy? I think its a lentil allergy. I can eat beans but hours later I throw up. I have never had it diagnosed. But it has happened at least 5 times. Any info will be helpful. Besides that I have a milk/dairy sensitivity. I try to stay away from it.
  • kamiyu910
    kamiyu910 Posts: 16 Member
    I was diagnosed with having Oral Allergy Syndrome, but it's rather severe. I'm allergic to every plant except one that they tested me on, and I can't eat any raw fruits, vegetables, or nuts, and can only eat a few cooked. Apple are the worst so far, constricting my airway, breaking out in hives and causing pretty bad digestive troubles ^.^ Sometimes all it takes is the smell. I even sometimes get reactions to grain, like oatmeal or wheat cereals! I was getting allergy shots for a few years but I had to stop because I kept getting sinus infections from them.
    I keep trying to find people to help me figure out a better diet, but the dietitian I saw was at a complete loss, and I've never met anyone with the same severeness of OAS :( If anyone has any tips... ^.^
  • jacsta88
    I'm lactose intolerant. I hate it, because I love yogurt...it just doesn't love me :'C

    You can buy lactose free yoghurt.... theres 2 brands i know of... but I have Vaalia... only comes in Strawberry and French Vanilla but you can add stuff to the vanilla so not too bad. Can't get it everywhere though... luckily my local supermarket stocks it.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I'm alergic to certain types of "fake meat" vegetarian foods. Seeing as I'm a vegetarian, and this happens, it makes it even harder to get my protein....D:. I get incredibly sick to my stomach, where it hurts so bad I can bareley move until it's out of my system hahaXD.

    Are you sure it's the fake meat per se and not one of the additives in certain brands? Some soya products make me really, really sick, but others don't and I'm pretty sure it's the flavouring that does it, not the substance itself. And have you tried quorn - completely different base to the 'fake meat'. I'm also a bit intolerant of eggs, and the meat substitute products that contain them make me feel icky too.

    Not that vegetarians should eat these - we can obviously be perfectly healthy and happy without them. But it is a quick and easy product to bulk your proteins.