Help! I want to blow off my workout!



  • SherryLynn82
    SherryLynn82 Posts: 69 Member
    Workout kicked my butt today...but completed...ugh...
  • tifffanyD
    tifffanyD Posts: 44 Member
    I need someone to give me a swift kick in the booty. I am PMS'ing, boobs hurt (sorry guys), tired, stressful day at work. I do not want to exercise. I am supposed to do Pure Cardio/Insanity today. Wah! I don't want to! :sad:

    Not sure if this will help but I will tell you what works for me.

    I ask myself... what if this ONE workout would cause me to meet all my goals... could I do it then? The answer is almost always yes... and if I could do it then... then I can do it NOW!
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    I had the same problem. So I put my shoes on and went jogging anyway. Any journey starts with just one step :)
  • SweGuy
    SweGuy Posts: 78
    Hi there... Sorry to hear you are not going through a nice time with the things we guys don`t have to worry about (even though we have some issues you don`t.. lol); anyway, I would like to say that even though you might not like doing exercise (what kind do you normally do?) you can always do another kind..
    Instead of doing - let´s say, running on a treadmill - you can go for a walk outside with good music because that always help me; having some really good upbeat music...
  • I know the feeling, i had to drag my *kitten* out of bed early this morning to do a run, but i sooooo just wanted to stay in bed! Trust me though, you'll feel a hundred times better once its done and out of the way!