how do you control yourself?



  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    I know for me I had to decide what I wanted more...the food or the change. I am choosing change over and over. Doesn't mean I don't treat myself, it just means that food is not/can not be my focal point. My health is a good to myself but my husband as well. I have realized I have no less of an enjoyable time if I say no to the things that aren't good or the best for me.

    So I guess I would ask myself, what do you want more? food or change?
  • Christina269
    Christina269 Posts: 110
    I'm going through the same thing... I'm a food addict to the core. Here's the thing - people say you can't deny yourself or you'll binge. That's great when you don't have disordered thinking. For me, it's like a drunk going into a bar. I do FANTASTIC when I'm in my home or in a controlled environment. But as soon as I'm some place where it's acceptable to eat an unhealthy meal or if I'm in a group of others eating like crazy - I can't control myself. I'm a drunk on a binge.
    For me, I have to get my mind changed first. I need to stay with in my own boundaries and set my own limits that others may think is ridiculous - but I know myself., One slip up and then every day will be slip ups. For example, we went out to dinner with friends on Thursday night. The restaurant we were going to had healthy options. So, I made a calorie budget and picked an item from the menu ahead of time. Our plans had to change at the last minute and I ended up having no time to plan and the 4 year old in my brain threw a fit and I ended up choosing VERY poorly but the addict in me justified it in my mind as we were eating. And then the regret came in after we got home. And shame... And thoughts like, "See? you can't even go out to eat ONCE and make a good decision, why even try to lose weight??"

    So for now, I'm the only person making my meals until that addict in me calms down. I have to change my relationship with food and really learn to eat to live not live to eat.

    This is just my personal situation - not everyone is like me - most people when trying to lose weight can give in a bit every now and then. I do better with structure and control.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I check out the menu of the restaurant online first and go for healthy. I now even order the healthy version from the Chinese restaurant (steamed) and am pretty used to it. You can always eat an apple or a few grapes before going out to dinner to deter you from going for the bread or munchies at the table before the meal comes. That way you have something in your tummy and not starving when you are looking at the menu. Eating out is the hardest thing for me but when you look at the plate sizes and portions compared to what you eat at home, it should be a huge reality check.
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    I have the same problem. But, I have noticed that two things have helped me to change that. The first thing is that I have the myfittnesspal app on my phone now. So, I make sure I check calories before we even get to the resteraunt and have something in mind. (I've also started telling the waiter not to bring the bread to our table. If it's not there then I can't mindlessly eat it.) The second thing is we have started being more active. We've added bicycling and walking to our daily routine. I try to fit in some kind of activity everyday that I can add to the exercise of myfitnesspal. That way I really don't want to mess up the hard work I put into exercising.

    I also thought about something else the other day at Carrabas. I ordered my favorite, Pollo Rosa Maria. Comes with soup, side and the chicken, plus the bread they bring to the table. I was filled up on bread and soup by the time they brought the meal and I hardly touched the side. I've decided that next time I will order a cup of soup and the chicken ala carte. (And tell them to keep the bread of course!!) That way, you can still have your favorite as long as you don't have all the other stuff that comes with it that adds calories!!

    Hope this helps...and good luck!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    Until you allow yourself to realize how amazing actually losing the weight, fitting into smaller clothes and feeling more confident feels I dont know that you will actually ever exercise that will power and self control. For a long time I worked out hard and watched my cals during the week and then totally blew it on the weekend eating whatever I wanted. I stopped that 2 weeks ago and now only have what I want in one meal. The pounds started coming off quickly and I feel like a million bucks!!! When I am able to associate how I feel now to eating that brownie or pizza its just not worth it. 5 mins of something that tastes great compared to the longterm benefits of weightloss.....the food is NOT worth it!!!
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    Thank you all for your advice!! I do appreciate it. I have learned this will be a problem for a while, especially when i don't know where we are going. My other thing is to get the app back on my phone (just had to order a new one because mine was broken) so that will be easier to control. I love eating healthy, but when face to face with pasta, i'm a sucker!!

    So here is to self control, and will power, and to seeing size 6 again soon!!!(much more size 8 first!!)