100 Day Burpee Challenge



  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Well, I'm going to try this challenge! missed the first 4 days so I made them up yesterday, now onto day 6 (should be easier than the 15 I did yesterday to catch up) but then again I'm pretty sore from yesterday's work-out. This is going to be quite the challenge for me. Wish me luck!
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Sorry everyone, I thought the challenge started Sept 1 so clearly i'm way more behind than I thought! I'll bow out of this competition but do my own burpee challenge with a Sept 1 start date. Thanks for the idea and good luck with the rest of your challenge!
  • dieselbugparrot
    Sorry everyone, I thought the challenge started Sept 1 so clearly i'm way more behind than I thought! I'll bow out of this competition but do my own burpee challenge with a Sept 1 start date. Thanks for the idea and good luck with the rest of your challenge!

    I think there is only one other person besides myself still doing this challenge. I don't mind if you keep posting here. You will be approximately on day 50 when we reach 100. Stick with it. They do suck but the energy rush I get 5 minutes after words is worth it!
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Have you ever done this many burpees before? My shoulders are really sore after 2 days (i did 15 to catch up yesterday and as part of another work-out I did about 30) and I must say the more I do the worse my form gets. I'm hoping if I keep stretching and pushing through that eventually the hurt will go away. I have a long way to go in my fitness journey so I hope I'm not biting off more that I can chew here!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    IMO, this sort of HIIT is not the best idea for people just getting into exercise. Yes HIIT is all the rage these days and I do love it but there is a time and a place. If you are still struggling to do pushups for example then doing a high amount of burpees probably isn't a good idea. (because of the form break down basically)

    Would be more beneficial to do a regular medium intensity steady state cardio workout and increase your strength by doing pushups, squats, lunges etc also.

    Once you up the fitness/strength level a bit HIIT is awesome. You still have issues with form as your push yourself to the limit but if the risk of injury is outweighing the benefits of the exercise then you have you weigh up if it is really worth it. Not saying it is for you but just in general :smile:
  • dieselbugparrot
    I have to agree with Chris, if it's causing you pain, I don't think you should do these. Maybe you could try to do the burpees without the pushup. They are still causing you pain you should lay off them for awhile until your muscles get stronger.
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Thanks for the input Chris and Renee. I will try and modify (knee push-ups and slow burpees) and see how it goes. I'm not sure if it's just stiffness or if it's more than that but I will be careful. Thanks again.
  • dieselbugparrot
    Day 54 & 53 Done! I was too warn out to do my burpees last night so I did them today. 107, not fun.
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Wow Renee, awesome! Now you know you can do the rest of the 47 days!!
  • dieselbugparrot
    Wow Renee, awesome! Now you know you can do the rest of the 47 days!!
    That is a really good point! Thanks! How did your burpees go today?

    Day 55 Done!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    watching again. Awesome work :smile:

    I'm off for xrays/ultrasound on my shoulder this arvo so hopefully know how long I'll be out for soon.
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Burpees are going good! Shoulder are still stiff but my regular work-out is kicking the crap out of them too so ...Day 9 done and ready for more!!
  • dieselbugparrot
    Burpees are going good! Shoulder are still stiff but my regular work-out is kicking the crap out of them too so ...Day 9 done and ready for more!!

    Way to Go!!!
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Day 11 and 12 done and onto 13! My shoulders are feeling pretty good. I guess it was just a learning curve for those muscles and now we're doing good!!
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    Way to go everyone - keep up the burpees! I will be a cheerleader, but alas, I don't think I'm at a place in my workout routine to join the challenge. But I will do at least a burpee every day and dedicate it to this thread! :)
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    day 13 done!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Ok, I'm able to do 50 as my stitches are healing, so I'll join in again!
  • wtbf
    wtbf Posts: 57
    Wow, you're my hero! 50 WITH stitches? That's amazing! Something to aspire to 9minus the stitches of course!)
  • dieselbugparrot
    Forgot to post last night, Day 63 done.
  • dieselbugparrot
    Day 66 Done! Yeah! :0)