oohhh new study!! too much water is bad for u



  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    If you read carefully, it says: 'The current evidence is that there really is no evidence' to support the idea that water helps people to lose weight by suppressing their appetite. MY COMMENT - I DONT EXPECT IT TO "SUPPRESS" MY APPETITE!

    We've also been told that drinking water is good for flushing out bacteria from our kidneys but a study has found that it could actually cause kidney damage, instead of preventing it. It has also been found that drinking excessive amounts of water can also lead to disrupted sleep as people have to get up in the night to go to the toilet. MY COMMENT - WHAT'S THE DEFINITION OF "EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS" OF WATER? AND YEAH - IF YOU DRINK LOTS OF WATER BEFORE YOU GO TO BED, YOU'RE GONNA WAKE UP TO USE THE RESTROOM. SO MAYBE STOP A FEW HOURS BEFORE BED - BUT FRANKLY, I'M AT THAT AGE WHERE I'M GONNA GET UP AND USE THE RESTROOM DURING THE NIGHT ANYWAY.

    So, I suppose if you're looking for an excuse to drink less water, here it is. Me? I'll just keep drinking my 10-12 cups a day. I believe in the benefits of drinking water.

    Agree with this
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    And on top of it, some of the people here are insisting that people would know. That's just not the case, or no one would die from it. I also see tons of people on here who are intent on drinking a very specific amount of water, yet complain about incessantly needing to use the bathroom... ummm.... I think that would be enough to tell people that they're drinking too much. Drink til your pee is light yellow. That's all your body needs.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    They actually say more than 1 litre per hour can do damage, its not that the water itself causes damage its that your kidneys can not process the amount your putting into it, sodium is released, and then your sodium/electolyte balances become off. Ignorning these signs and continuing to drink is what will cause damage.

    But the problem therein, is that it can cause confusion. You might not be thinking clearly or even able to notice the signs by the time it catches up with your body.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I drink 6 - 8 pints a day! :happy:
    I used to drink 6-8 pints a day but realized too much beer was bad for the diet....... Oh, did you mean 6-8 pints of water?? My bad! :drinker: :drinker:
  • kappy_hollowell
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    There was actually a woman who died hours after having a water drinking contest. I don't remember hoe much she had but it was a lot more than anyone drinks on here day to day

    There have been many deaths related to this! try google.....

    Ok Ok Ok I understand now..Please stop correcting me.. I said that previously; I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't have all of my facts, just like others, I was confused.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    It is true but extremely rare :water intoxication...check out this link...

  • suprfast
    suprfast Posts: 49
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin


    Its called water intoxication.
  • kappy_hollowell
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    It is true but extremely rare :water intoxication...check out this link...


    I GOT IT
  • messy_jessie98
    Too much water can be dangerous. My grandfather almost died because his liver and kidneys failed from too much water consumption. He basically leeched all the necessary salts from his body and he collapsed on the floor and then had to be rushed to the ER. Scary stuff!
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    There was actually a woman who died hours after having a water drinking contest. I don't remember hoe much she had but it was a lot more than anyone drinks on here day to day

    I remember that, it happened locally where I live. She was trying to win a WII game system for her kids ("hold your wee for a WII"). Really sad.

    Seems like most water intoxication deaths result from a hazing or a contest. Most people wouldn't drink that much water on a regular basis. I'll stick to my goal of 64 oz. per day. That feels about right.

    I remember that hitting the news pretty big in my area too but couldn't for the life of me remember where she lived. I'm in the Denver area and I remember hearing about on a radio station. I guess that contest was to see who could drink the most water WITHOUT going to the bathroom....maybe that's where the fatal mistake occurred.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    It is true but extremely rare :water intoxication...check out this link...


    I GOT IT

    After I found the info and posted it..20 other ppl already had..I wasn't trying to cram it down your throat after you already heard it. :/
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    People didnt already know that too much of anything is bad for you? :o

    Bottom line with water: Listen to your body. If it needs water, it'll tell you.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    There was actually a woman who died hours after having a water drinking contest. I don't remember hoe much she had but it was a lot more than anyone drinks on here day to day

    I remember that, it happened locally where I live. She was trying to win a WII game system for her kids ("hold your wee for a WII"). Really sad.

    Seems like most water intoxication deaths result from a hazing or a contest. Most people wouldn't drink that much water on a regular basis. I'll stick to my goal of 64 oz. per day. That feels about right.

    Yeah I remember when that happened as well. That poor family, she was only 28 and had three children. Granted, no one forced her to do it but I'm definitely glad that they found the Radio station culpable in her death.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Just drink when you're thirsty and then drink some more if you've been sweating. Too much of anything is bad for you obviously. Use common sense people. And the easiest way to judge hydration level is by the color of your urine. Darker yellow = drink some more. Yellowish-Clear = good to go!
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Just drink when you're thirsty and then drink some more if you've been sweating. Too much of anything is bad for you obviously. Use common sense people. And the easiest way to judge hydration level is by the color of your urine. Darker yellow = drink some more. Yellowish-Clear = good to go!

    But what if it's purple???
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    It is true but extremely rare :water intoxication...check out this link...


    I GOT IT

    Hey Kappy...I think most people were just responding to the comment as they came across it (as I did as well) and didn't see you had apologized (not that this was warranted) when they did!

    I am sorry if you felt ganged up on. I know I didn't mean to make you feel that way!

  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    Just drink when you're thirsty and then drink some more if you've been sweating. Too much of anything is bad for you obviously. Use common sense people. And the easiest way to judge hydration level is by the color of your urine. Darker yellow = drink some more. Yellowish-Clear = good to go!

    But what if it's purple???

    Stop drinking so much purplesaurus rex Koolaid!
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    It was in the Sacramento area. Happened a little over 4 years ago.
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    There was actually a woman who died hours after having a water drinking contest. I don't remember hoe much she had but it was a lot more than anyone drinks on here day to day

    I remember that, it happened locally where I live. She was trying to win a WII game system for her kids ("hold your wee for a WII"). Really sad.

    Seems like most water intoxication deaths result from a hazing or a contest. Most people wouldn't drink that much water on a regular basis. I'll stick to my goal of 64 oz. per day. That feels about right.

    I remember that hitting the news pretty big in my area too but couldn't for the life of me remember where she lived. I'm in the Denver area and I remember hearing about on a radio station. I guess that contest was to see who could drink the most water WITHOUT going to the bathroom....maybe that's where the fatal mistake occurred.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Just drink when you're thirsty and then drink some more if you've been sweating. Too much of anything is bad for you obviously. Use common sense people. And the easiest way to judge hydration level is by the color of your urine. Darker yellow = drink some more. Yellowish-Clear = good to go!

    But what if it's purple???

    Stop drinking so much purplesaurus rex Koolaid!

  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    Just drink when you're thirsty and then drink some more if you've been sweating. Too much of anything is bad for you obviously. Use common sense people. And the easiest way to judge hydration level is by the color of your urine. Darker yellow = drink some more. Yellowish-Clear = good to go!

    But what if it's purple???

    Seriously am I the only one that remembers that flavour??? SO YUMMY!!! well as yummy as kool aid can be!
    Stop drinking so much purplesaurus rex Koolaid!
