I just ate ice cream



  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    hey, it happens.... i used to do that with office potlucks!!! i would eat all the food that everyone made and then i would feel so disgusting after that i actually had to lay down for a little bit. so i know how you feel! but the beauty of it is, now you know for next time and it will be so much easier to say no thanks! because you wont want to give up that 2 mile run! :O)

    hang in there! and i hope you feel better~
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Ice Cream is actually good for you -- has calcium in it -- which is good for your blood and the bones and your mental health. So don't be sad. :smile:

    Ice cream is always good for my mental health! The Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough (one serving not the entire container) is worth every spoonful! Its either that or the vodka after my son is in bed some nights.....
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I eat ice cream every other day! Skinny cow is my new best friend and LIFE SAVER!! :)

    Don't beat yourself up!
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    Just work it into your calories for the day. I HAVE to have my ice cream. All in moderation and not everyday. I fit it into my calories. I consider this a lifestyle change and not a diet. And I will not be giving up my ice cream, cookies or other baked goods. I also like the Skinny Cow or Aldis brand and with baked goods I make my own that are low calorie.
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    If you had the calorie allowance then what's the problem, if you didn't then there is still time to earn them...stay positive hun ((((HUGS))))
  • szqnva
    szqnva Posts: 52 Member
    You have made AMAZING weigh loss progress!!! You should know that having a treat now and then is better than totally denying yourself and then binging later. The important thing is that you're keeping track of what you're eating and exercising too! :happy:
  • Don't be so hard on yourself, we all cave a little. My company has lunch catered in on Mondays and we had fried chicken today- great. Luckily they bring roasted chicken as well and that's what I ate, but still I'm sure I could have brought a much healthier lunch from home. Instead of beating myself up about it I know I'm going to have to workout extra hard tonight.

    I know it's easier said than done, I do the same thing all the time. My weakness is pizza. My husband will order pizza, I'll eat it and feel extremely sick and guilty afterwards. Instead we have to just really stick to our guns and either completely stay away from those junk foods or just eat it in moderation.

    To deal with today's ice cream calories maybe you could go for another quick run tonight? Whatever you decide on though, don't beat yourself up over it. That one ice cream isn't going to break your diet.
  • aamon17
    aamon17 Posts: 54 Member
    Don't sweat it! I eat 1/2 - 1 cup of Blue Bunny Red Carpet Red Velvet Cake OR Triple Chocolate ice cream a couple times a week, INTENTIONALLY because i like it! LOL! . . . . I was eating Skinny Cow (1 cup @ 150 calories) -- which is good. The Blue Bunny is 150 & 190 calories per 1/2 cup respectively, and of course more fat than the Skinny Cow. So, I pay to play! I work out & deduct it from my daily exercise calories and it never even touches my daily "food" calories.

    It is what it is. Enjoy simple, occasional indulgences where you can. Life is too short not to. :smile:
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Can't change it, you can only remember this feeling. Don't beat yourself up about it and don't dwell on it letting it ruin your week. Just remember how you felt. If you didn't even enjoy it, remember that.
  • memieof3
    memieof3 Posts: 33
    I LOVE Skinny Cow!!!! I eat it almost everynite. :)