SIXERS Swimming to Success--Week 1



  • mlek13
    mlek13 Posts: 44
    Hey Ladies.
    So glad many of you are joining me on the measurment challenge... :bigsmile: ... they were a wake up call for me. Anyways just got back from an meeting, and have a call at 2:30, but I wanted to check-in and say hello!

    I ate a bit more than I wanted to last night, but stayed within my calories with all the activity i did. today is going well so far, although i don't have a plan for dinner... tomorrow Jeff and I have to head up north for a funeral and wake... but i am going to try and stay on track, then we are heading to the beach.

    Cathy - That is an amazing looking cake! Yummy too I bet :happy:

    Amy - Nice work with the NSV!!! I love when I start noticing the self control kick in... :drinker:

    Lula - I also added many inches since december... :grumble: but it's OK we are here and going to start trimming down!

    Have a great rest of the day ladies!
  • jdklove18
    jdklove18 Posts: 252
    So I was just asked to make the desserts for my SIL-to-be's shower on Saturday. This is not a problem for me, as I am a fantastic baker. I just need the willpower not to sample EVERYTHING that I am making. Looking at what goes into the recipes that I am using makes me want to cry! Everyone send me some strength not to eat as I bake!

    I'm interested in taking measurements, but don't have a soft measure. Would I be able to use a tape measure or is the rigidity a problem?
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ...........SW 137.2 lbs / GW 127.0 lbs / CW 137.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Cathy(chipper)............................SW 234.8 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 235.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).........................SW 153.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 153.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Em (MLEK13).............................SW 172.2 lbs / GW 158.0 lbs / CW 172.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW152.0 lbs / GW147 lbs / CW152.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kim (JDKLove18)........................SW 196.0 lbs / GW 192.0 lbs / CW 196.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amy(Amy_36)..............................SW 203.6lbs / 193.6GW lbs / 203.6CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs

    AmyLou (amylou_24)..................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).........................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Julie (juliebily)..............................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12....................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Lorena(reyna99)...........................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jennifer(candycaneps).................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Stacey(Stacey765).........................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman).......................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ................................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)...............SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS lbs
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    measurements (I am horrified with them but there you go):

    Arm 13 1/4
    Thigh 25
    Waist (at belly button) 39 1/4
    Chest 39
    Hips(my hiney included:laugh: ) 45

    I have never been big chested....even when pregnant/nursing but it horrifies me that my waist is as big around as my chest:sad:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Morning ladies. Wanted to share something cool that is happening in my household.

    Yesterday, I went to Wal-Mart and bought a three-section plastic container which has the same "portion" sizes as what is recommended ($6 compared to "portion control plates" advertised for $18) and I wrote on them "protein", "starch", and "vegetables/fruit". Then kids and I sat down and talked about what a portion size was and how to use it, which they were excited about and couldn't wait for dinner.

    So, every three months we measure and weigh kids on their doorpost. Yesterday, I realized that Shaelyn who will be 11 in September is 5'3.5" (having grown one whole inch in three months). But we decided in June not to concentrate on the weight, but rather her measurements. So she decided she wanted to be re-measured yesterday, which is about 5 weeks since the last measurement. She was so excited because she had lost an inch EVERYWHERE (except 1 inch gained on biceps with muscle and chest remained the same). She was so proud of herself!

    THEN for dinner we had pasta with meat tomato sauce (homemade), and salad. They used their plates. Where she would normally have 2 to 3 huge helpings of pasta, last night with the plate she only had one small serving of pasta, one small serving of sauce, and half a plate of salad, and she was satisfied and happy. She's doing it! Not only is she looking great, but her confidence and self-esteem has improved and she is strutting her stuff. I told her skinny is out, athletic is in.

    This is exciting for me because I had a mother who took whatever diet pill was out there and was always super-skinny and made me feel fat either by telling me I was "chubby", or simply self-absorbed in her own world. So I decided that I was going to do for my daughter what I would have wanted, as she has the same build and proportions that I did (super tall, belly baby fat, surrounded by rail thin girls her age).

    In addition to being a proud mommy, I want to shout a huge THANK YOU for all you lovely ladies. Your stories, your persistence, and your examples have been inspiring me for quite a while now, and it has become infectious and is spreading through my household now. Before I tear up too much, I just want you guys to know that I really, really appreciate you and am thankful for the friendship and support that you have consistently given and continue to give. It helps me on a daily basis. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    lula....big shout out "YEA". sounds like a great plan. idea, could also get clear glass plates and paint on the bottom of them prtion sections. they have serving spoons out now that are measuring cups. i have two, one is a cup and the other is 1/2 cup. so i use them alot. we love you too....
    jdklove....stay away from the baked goods. shanell made me my cake, she also made this mini cupcakes. i thought great once the cake was gone i could treat myself with these. so last night we (as in all 3 of us) finished the cake and i though great 3 cupcakes left for the week. got up this morning and all of them were gone. i think (i hope) i woke my son up with my yelling and throwing things around the kitchen (next to his room) at 5:30 in the morning. wait until he gets up. i soooo want him gone. he eats sooo much.
    amy_36....are you still doing weight watchers?
    kisten....isn't this heat just a pain for outside workouts?
    clair...did you get your blood tests back yet?
    everyone is the last part of your summer going?

    nothing on "to do" list today. going to finish up laundry. (folding). do a little cleaning and read my book today. i might try to clean the pool.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    this measurement thing could be something to think about for the next challenge. instead of weight let's do something else?

    lula....i did make a mistake it should have been gain 100#s in 6 weeks. off to the gym. need to burn some of this anger.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    this measurement thing could be something to think about for the next challenge. instead of weight let's do something else?

    lula....i did make a mistake it should have been gain 100#s in 6 weeks. off to the gym. need to burn some of this anger.

    Nope. You are stronger than the stresses in your household. Great job getting to the gym. That's the way to show them. You will conquer this challenge. I'm gonna be right there with you ;)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i have had a good day.

    talked to my sister in canada. haven't spoken with her in a long time. we talked for at least 3 hours. she is the 4th of the 6. i am 6th of the 6. it was great talking to her again. we are going to start again. we use to but, just sorta fell out of it.

    off to relax and watch some tv
  • jdklove18
    jdklove18 Posts: 252
    I successfully baked all of my cookies (took over 4 hours just to bake the darn things tonight) and I only had 1!! I feel very accomplished for that. I guess in some ways that is a NSV, right?

    But another NSV for me today (and I guess what I recognize as my first) was by the little Armenian man who runs our cafe at work. He hadn't seen me in a few days, and I was wearing a new slightly tighter top, and he noticed. He came up to me and said "You lose weight. I can tell. You look really good." It made me happy. Nice to know other people do notice my hard work sometimes! :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Cathy - that's awesome that you reconnected. Sometimes a positive reconnection with our past can help us deal with stressors in our present. And offers a cool place to vacation in the future :wink:

    jdklove18 - amazing self-control and wonderful example. Great job! :drinker:


    Total blow day yesterday. I feel so sick this morning from just overeating for no reason. So today I am recommitted (I hope :embarassed: ) I now have exactly four weeks before the beach. I have to undo the past couple day of bad choices and then hopefully keep it going...
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    great job with the cookies. i sure couldn't do just one. glad the guy put you up in the clouds. it's the safest place to be at times.
    lula....i am not going to lie, yesterday was so hard going back. each day will get easier. you can do this. one hour at a time if need be.

    AFM: it's friday. i do heavy cleaning for the weekend, laundry, zumba and some book time. i am really tired. i think it's the heat.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i have had a bad aternoon. it's only 2:30 i am turning this around.....
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    today is a new day.

    i need to lose at least 100 lbs before summer of 2013. DH wants to go to idaho for his vacation that year. it's also the family reunion he really didn't want to go to, but, he doesn't have to be around the family he doesn't like. (his sister, brother, mother). he is excited about it. last time he was in his home town was to scatter his dads ashes in 1991. he comes from a very small town. plus by than we will have lots of money, cause they open a casino we want to stay in at $150 a night. he wants to relax. he made the comment about being buff when we go. i just don't want to run into his exwife. i hear she's fat and has loads of kids, and sits in a run down house in another town. but, her dad owned the only bakery. in fact i meet him the night she left him.

    well, off to get ready for the flea market, going to get my coach knock off purse. son's car broke down again last night. he better fix it today. he's not using mine for the next 3 nights. that's like suck it up. your 30 now....
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    ran errands, got the stuff in the pool hope to swim in it this afternoon or tomorrow. almost lunch time. flea market didn't have my purse darn it. oh well.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just did a little tough love....told son he had until aug 23/24 to move out. it didn't matter if his trailer was ready or not, he has to leave. he didn't take it well. told him he could no longer use my car. that he was 30 years old and we were not going to support him anymore. it's done, now to wait for that day to come. a month and we will be alone.....
  • jdklove18
    jdklove18 Posts: 252
    Cathy, I hope that all goes well with your son. I'll be honest, I don't have any kids, but as someone who is currently 30, I can't imagine still living at home. I really hope that he gets his life together and you can get your peace. And you can totally lose 100lbs by summer 2013 if that is what your goal is. Just put your mind to it! :)

    I had a bad eating day. Today was SIL-to-be's shower. I tried to do well, but there were just so many good things there, and way too many deserts. Then the family hung around and just talked for another couple of hours, so we ate more food. I'm so full. Hope I do better tomorrow :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    BAD day. Oh well, guess to reset AGAIN...
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    boy, yesterday seemed to be a BAD day for all....we ate out, don't want to start that habit again.
    we are playing hookie from church today. we intended to go. but, DH was up most of the night. i slept, must not have been a good slept. i am sooo tired. so we decided another cup of coffee a little computer time and we are going back to bed. i have the girls at noon, so they can go to the gym.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    another bad day, just allot of munching.