How Can Fruit be "Free" on Weight Watchers



  • sheilaking63
    sheilaking63 Posts: 1 Member
    I never got on board with that... Guess that is why I am here and not doing WW anymore.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    They're getting X amout of money weekly while you're a member, do you really think they want everyone to get to target and leave?
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I don’t do the new Points Plus plan. I follow the old Flex plan and it’s working wonders for me. No food is “free”. But the old core plan, all of the foods were zero points. It stressed the importance of recognizing true hunger and only eating until satisfied. Which for a lot of folks, this wouldn’t work. However, I know several women who swear by it and even after hitting goal, continue to stay on it.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    If you look in the forums, you will see a lot of people complain about the old points vs new points.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    Folks, if PointsPlus did not work for you then go back to their previous plan-Momentum/Flex. This plan worked for me and many others I've seen online that have complained about their lack of success with PointsPlus...fondly nicknamed by some PoundsPlus because literally it was hard to lose weight on it compared to their previous plan. IMHO WW made a mistake with PointsPlus. It works for some and then it doesn't work for others.

    I don't understand when people say that WW is not a lifestyle way of eating. I've done it since the year 2001 and kept it off pretty much until last year when I got pregnant again. I stopped counting points and I gained a lot of weight with my pregnancy. Those are the lbs I'm trying to lose now. Point is....I've lived with Point counting for years and it worked. I did not regain my weight until after 11 yrs. I think, as with any other plan, including calorie counting...if you stop doing it ...if you stop logging your foods you begin to gain the weight again. For me it was a livable plan because I had the flexibility of eating out with my family but it made me be smart about my choices and portions.

    I tried their pointsplus plan and it really doesn't work for me. Too many calories in my opinion. Back in the day, when I used their old point system I would allow myself 2 apples a day and still lost weight but for my purposes I logged those 2 fruit servings as 0 points. I didn't count them towards my daily points. So you could say you can still incorporate a little bit of PointsPlus rules into their old point system which to me in my opinion was a better weight loss system.
  • jamm2000
    jamm2000 Posts: 79
    It worked great for me! The free fruit helped me make better choices throughout the day. I started using more of my points on healthy food, like protein and whole grains, knowing that I can satisfy my sweet tooth for fee, on grapes or pineapple.

    If you're wondering why I'm on MFP now rather than WW, well.... i feel off the bandwagon and didn't wanna go back to paying the weekly meeting fee.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I never understood that. Fibrous veggies can be considered "free" but not fruit. The fructose in fruit is the exact same fructose in sugar, HFCS. Just not in same amounts (you'd have to eat a lot of apples!!)

    Here's another interesting tidbit. The fiber content of foods that "they" say we don't have to count towards calories intake or total carb intake? About half of fiber calories are converted to fat (in the gut by our gut bacteria. Of course the majority of the carb calories we take in are also converted to fat. We have unlimited fat storage yet can only store around 500g of glycogen - the storage form of glucose. wonder the SAD causes hunger every two to three hours).
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    the key is moderation,fresh fruit is 100% all natural not a processed food so its considered free, also my thinking is most people dont over eat fruit like they do other "junk"foods so it should not be a problem eat as much as you want, which im sure will be very little:/
    hahah, wow, how different I am from most people... I could easily eat 3k calories in fruit a day. Have before, I'm sure. Whole bags of cherries, cartons of strawberries... love love love me some fruit. If it wasn't so expensive, I'd probably eat nothing else.

    Same here. I can sit down and eat an entire case of blueberries, swallow a banana, then start in on the strawberries without pause. And I am not a binge eater with any other food. I really have to watch my fruit/veg intake, or I go way over on sugars.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    Oh and by the way....the majority of those 11 years of Point counting was without fees. I'd join once to get the basic materials and then leave. I have never invested a fortune in their meetings as I seek my support online and I can do the point counting on my own after learning the rules. So really WW can be as expensive as you decide it to be.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    the key is moderation,fresh fruit is 100% all natural not a processed food so its considered free, also my thinking is most people dont over eat fruit like they do other "junk"foods so it should not be a problem eat as much as you want, which im sure will be very little:/
    hahah, wow, how different I am from most people... I could easily eat 3k calories in fruit a day. Have before, I'm sure. Whole bags of cherries, cartons of strawberries... love love love me some fruit. If it wasn't so expensive, I'd probably eat nothing else.

    ME TOO! If I could afford it, I would eat fresh fruits and veggies all day, with a little protein and starchy carbs at dinner...
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Oh and by the way....the majority of those 11 years of Point counting was without fees. I'd join once to get the basic materials and then leave. I have never invested a fortune in their meetings as I seek my support online and I can do the point counting on my own after learning the rules. So really WW can be as expensive as you decide it to be.

    Very true. I'm a lifetime member because of the time I did go for about a year. But subsequent times I go and get the new plan materials and continue at home.

    I have never once purchased a WW food item or gadget, and was never encouraged to. I agree, they're a rip-off. And totally voluntary.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Double post
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I always wondered that and knew it just didn't make sense. Then again, since joining MFP, I constantly wonder why WW never taught me about my BMR or TDEE and, further why didn't they tell me I should be eating my activity points. I have friends who swear by it... but I also notice how every couple of years they are re-joining. Personally, I want to make this my lifetime commitment to being overall healthy without the added costs. ; )

    WW says eat back your APs if you want, up to 4 a day.
    NO NO NO NO!!!!

    You can eat as many as you earn at any time during the week.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I never understood that. Fibrous veggies can be considered "free" but not fruit. The fructose in fruit is the exact same fructose in sugar, HFCS. Just not in same amounts (you'd have to eat a lot of apples!!)

    It's actually a lot more complex than that. Fruit contain many different kinds of sugars in different proportions. Some fruit is very high in sucrose - table sugar. You can find lists of fruit that are higher in fructose vs.sucrose, and it's not necessarily the ones you would expect. It gets very complicated. I am insulin resistant, and since I am sensitive to sucrose, I limit my fruit intake. Easier than trying to memorize lists of low sucrose fruits.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I always wondered that and knew it just didn't make sense. Then again, since joining MFP, I constantly wonder why WW never taught me about my BMR or TDEE and, further why didn't they tell me I should be eating my activity points. I have friends who swear by it... but I also notice how every couple of years they are re-joining. Personally, I want to make this my lifetime commitment to being overall healthy without the added costs. ; )

    WW says eat back your APs if you want, up to 4 a day.
    NO NO NO NO!!!!

    You can eat as many as you earn at any time during the week.

    Oh, then they've changed it. It's been years since I went. They took away the maximum for eating back?
  • I'm going on vacation to the Bahamas the 1st week of August. My desire is to stay focused however I want to enjoy myself too. But I know once back home after the vacation I would be heart broken if i blow the scale up just for 1 week of bliss
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I always wondered that and knew it just didn't make sense. Then again, since joining MFP, I constantly wonder why WW never taught me about my BMR or TDEE and, further why didn't they tell me I should be eating my activity points. I have friends who swear by it... but I also notice how every couple of years they are re-joining. Personally, I want to make this my lifetime commitment to being overall healthy without the added costs. ; )

    WW says eat back your APs if you want, up to 4 a day.
    NO NO NO NO!!!!

    You can eat as many as you earn at any time during the week.

    Oh, then they've changed it. It's been years since I went. They took away the maximum for eating back?

    When I started in 2005, there was no maximum. At that time, you could eat all the APs you earned that day (if you earned 7 and ate 6, you lost that one). The next year (and this is still the case) they changed it so you can ban all your APs. So say you earn 10 a day (tough but I did it in my most ardent weeks!) and eat five a day, on that last day you could theoretically eat 40 APs all at once.

    If you don't use them in that week, you lose them. It's very helpful if you like a night or two out every week or have a big party to go to or something. I was always able to eat all my weeklies and APs and lose at a very good rate until I got my stupid Mirena.
  • erinnelle
    erinnelle Posts: 8
    After 6 successful weeks on MFP (21 pounds), I cannot grasp how WW can treat fruit as point-free. On an average day, I'll eat 200-300 calories in fruit, and I count every one of those calories. I can't imagine that this is built into your points total, because there are surely many WW members who don't eat any fruit at all -- and get the same number of points. When they switched to this new version of the plan, the leaders made it a point to reassure everybody that "yes, even bananas are free".... If WW is just another, albeit patented, method of counting calories, this just doesn't compute.

    Amen! I feel the exact same way! My mom is on WW, and can get away with eating fruit as a "free" food. Meanwhile, I eat about the same amount of calories as you do in fruit each day.
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    this is silly. You have to limit your intake of FOOD to lose weight, especially high calorie food, and fruit can be high in sugar and calories. For the amount of sugar/nutrients, in some cases, you may as well eat the cookie.
    First, fruit has a lower calorie density than most processed foods, despite the sugar content. Second, the water content and fiber content are high in fruit, leading to satiation. Third, a cookie is not even in the same ballpark as fruit. The percentage of calories you get from fat in most fruit is about 5-10% of calories. The percentage of calories from fat you get from a cookie could be 50-60%! Cookies are also low water content foods. And they are incredibly low on nutrients!

    I second that. Sugar from fruit is not the same as refined sugar. Except for people who are diabetic or pre-diabetic, eat as much fruit as you want! Fiber and water make the difference!! I know people who eat 90% of their calories from fruit and they are very thin. Don't fear fruit!
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    I joined WW in 2000 to lose weight before my wedding. I went to one WW meeting under the points plus program as an invited guest about a year ago and knew I would not join again. It was way too confusing, and it cost way too much. Just using MFP was not working for me. So I dug out my old WW info, and I am currently using the old point system. I log into MFP and then use the information to calculate points. It is working great!!!