Running on the Treadmill v. Outside



  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    The treadmill can be good especially if the weather isn't suitable, but eventually you'll find it much more enjoyable to run outdoors or on a track. I like a lot better when I get to set my own pace (for example, I never do a static speed really, my speed varies a couple decimals of a mph here and there, but it makes for a lot more comfortable of a run).

    I agree about the static pace. I also vary throughout my runs, I use runkeeper and my average pace can change by a little or a lot throughout my entire run. It is much more comfortable for myself to have the ability to naturally change pace versus having to press buttons!
  • kumarprabhat
    kumarprabhat Posts: 116
    Both have their benefits and challenges:

    I have been using Treadmill for some time now. It has definitely helped me (and continues to do so) build speed, stamina and distance. I can go much faster, much longer. I can try different settings and track lots of data with ease for comparison on how I am progressing. It has made me much disciplined, As it forces to complete (giving up is a difficult thing for me :smile:), so it helps me achieve my targets. Aparts it is milder on knees, protects from weather, and can be done without any company. :smile:

    Recently, since I ran my first 6K, I have started training outside too. It is very very differrent ballgame, and very challenging. Much tougher on knees, pumps up the HR real well. I can't go the same distance as I do on treadmill, but is much more satisfying. Sense of achievement is much more when I run outside.

    So, for me, I will continue to do a mix of both for some foreseeable future for now. I guess - 3 runs on TM and 1 Run outside each week. That way I will continue to build more and test more. That's the target till I run 2-3 10Ks outside....will re-assess then.
  • northstar699
    northstar699 Posts: 99 Member
    I get up just as it's getting light out, so I can run before it gets too hot.

    doesn't help here. It's been 75-80 at 5:30 am!

    I feel your pain! It's always hotter than... stuff here, even first thing in the AM. Even so, I can't seem to make myself run on the treadmill, so I'm just suffering through it. Can't wait for the fall!
  • iamnessa7
    I just started running a month and half ago. I can honestly say I can run twice as long on a treadmill than outdoors. I was wondering if I was the only one and wondered why this could be. I enjoy the treadmill maybe because in south ga durning the summer it is brutally hot even in the mornings. Makng it less enjoyable. But I will continue to do both to help build up my endurance and strength. I am slowly but surely getting addicted to the thrill of running whether its inside or out.:tongue:
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    My preference is definitely outside. I run outside all year long, even during the winter (until it gets colder than -20'C). I did get forced inside today though, tried to get my 20 miles in but after 8 I couldn't handle the heat (humidex at 92) so I played it smart and finished on the treadmill. Not I choice I make very often but with a late start today running early wasn't an option.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I hated the treadmill when I was younger--every minute seemed to last forever.

    However, with some later injuries and other physical issues, when the choice was either running on a treadmill or not running at all--all of a sudden, the treadmill didn't seem so bad.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Outside! Treadmill is so boring. I go faster outside because I have a point I'm trying to get to. I only do treadmills for specific interval training.
  • ketoambahh
    Running/walking outside is more fun. Instead of just staring at a wall for a certain amount of time, you can relax and look at your surroundings. It's also nice to have a destination in mind (like: I'll get to this part of town, etc), so there's something you can accomplish.

    The fresh air is nice, too.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Outside is much more rewarding and challenging with the different surfaces and hills etc. I have had no injuries running outside, but several times my knees have gone from running on the treadmill. I also get a higher burn running outside.
  • SRB8710
    SRB8710 Posts: 90
    Outside is better. If I am training for a race I want to be outside. But, with having a little one who is just a tad too big for a jogging stroller I stay on the tredmill most of the time. I really only get out on the road once a week. :noway:
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I go back and forth on this. My preference is to run outside, and if I do I try to keep it to easier surfaces like dirt trails, etc. I agree with you in the fact that my pace is always faster when I am outdoors and its way less boring. I have herniated discs in my back so I cant do outdoor running too many times a week. But if your body can handle it, I would say stay outdoors!
  • jessicae1aine
    I thought that I loved running on a treadmill.

    Then I went outside, and now I don't think I'd be satisfied with a treadmill 100% of the time.
  • Sierra_christine89
    Sierra_christine89 Posts: 156 Member
    Eh..I know someone is going to have a snide remark when I say I don't like to run outside because I don't like people watching me run. "Well, suck it up" I've been told.
    I prefer running on the tread mill because I can incline it, but when I do run on a track I feel I get a better workout for some reason even if I'm just jogging, but its not any less boring to me. I'm running around in a huge circle seeing the same thing over again, there's really no difference in boredom on the treadmill, or on a track. It's different if you run around town though! :)

    Oh, and you said you feel like you get more injuries, or get pain when running on the treadmill instead of the track..and that's completely contrary to my situation. When I run on the track I end up either falling, or twisting my ankle from the gravel.
  • foxygoesfast
    I don't like to run outside because I don't like people watching me run.

    This is me. My God, I hate running outdoors during the day. As if it weren't enough that the scenery is tedious and every passing car or pedestrian makes me conscious of my laborious gait and flailing muppet limbs, it seems like every other time I go out, some imbecile has to honk (completely unnecessarily, not in warning) or yell something indistinguishable from a rolled-down window.

    I run at night now. The Milky Way is brilliant, the trees are in silhouette, I get to watch the moon phases, and I'm barely even conscious of my body, except to enjoy the feeling when endorphins start to release, or admire the starlight on my forearms.

    Treadmill feels like dystopian torture compared to night running, but pretending to be a superhero or in Hunger Games training helps if it's the only option available.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    I find the treadmill to be easier, the pace is kept for me and I can control the incline but I enjoy running outside more, it's obviously more interesting.
  • jaysull21
    So I've only been running since June, but I already had a preconceived notion of not liking the treadmill. While I have gone on the treadmill at the gym, and done about half hour runs on there, I just cant put the same amount of effort into it.

    I have this paralyzing fear that I'm going to be "that guy" , the one that mistimes a step and falls face first onto the mat. I'm also a bit of a spazz, so I have trouble keeping a consistent pace. If I'm on the treadmill, I'm the one pushing buttons the entire time. I go from 5mph to start to 5.5 a minute latter, then 6 mph , then I stay there for a minute.... well wait, I want more incline..> I should hit that button too.... ok ok , lets go really fast .... 7.5 ... ok wait, that's too fast .... back to 6.... ughhh back to 0 incline.... Seriously I button-mash more than a 8 year old with a new video game. I can control how fast I go outside by my own body... no buttons.

    Also, I enjoy the surroundings. I live in a small town in rural area, and I tell you, I enjoyed my surroundings yesterday with my long run, where I was on a county road , with little traffic, and I could hear a rooster crowing as the fog hadn't burned off yet. Something I never understood about people wanting to run with iPods... you miss so much. I love music, don't get me wrong, but .... the little things I hear on my run... a stream I didn't know was there... the only sound is my sneakers and the pavement ... rabbits bounding off as they hear me coming.... a psychotic rottweiler ready to turn me into lunch (well, maybe not that one).