Where do you exercise?



  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I exercise every where. Gym Classes home inside out side. I have learned to be creative with what I have or dont have. Plus I get bored easy so changing it up is great. I have learned varitey is the spice of life
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    I have a friend that has been training at home only and she is the fittest person I know. She doesn't go to a gym. So it can all be done at home.

    For me I have a treadmill, and use either DVD's or Exercise TV to change things up. I have lost 12 3/4 inches sense April and have done it all at home. My next thing I want to do is get some heavy weights to really start toning and show definition.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    My attention span is nil, so depending on the day
    I swim laps, run outside, run inside (gym has indoor track), use eliptical, use stair treadmill, regular treadmill, take a class (body core, etc).
    At home, again depending on my mood, I jump rope, use weight aerobic DVD's, or dance Dvd's.

    I'm pretty sporatic and my mood for what my workout will be for the day will change between the time I wake up and leave work.
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    I exercise at home in my living room with the Xbox using Dance Central or Your Shape Fitness Evolved. I will also workout in one of my spare bedrooms. It's unfurnished with the exception of a desk which holds the desktop computer! I pop in a DVD (Kettlebell, Zumba, Tae Bo, or Hip-Hop Abs) and workout in there! I got an elliptical machine for my birthday, so I'll use that also. I use to have a gym membership with my employer, but it didn't workout because either I had to stay late or come in extra, extra early to workout in the morning.

    Although I have been considering a gym, Lady of America. I haven't sign up yet, but I'm using the one week pass to see if this is something that I would want to do also!
  • laneymclean
    I do love to walk and love yoga, but signing up for something like bootcamp or zumba just frustrates me. I joined my local gym last December and try to at least do 3x / week 30 minutes+ on the elliptical trainer. I've moved to a bigger, badder elliptical from the little arms/legs one that I was using. Now I feel like I'm missing out on UPPER body workout.

    I keep thinking that I need a fitness ball chair for my desk at work!
  • laneymclean
    I will also say that using the "Just Dance" game for Wii for about 30-45 minutes is a GREAT cardio workout!! (and fun!)
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    In my living room. My treadmill is in the corner and though I rarely use it, I like being able to watch tv while on it to make the time pass by.
    I also use the TV for DVDs (such as 30DS) and the Wii for Wii Fit or Exerbeat.

    Right now it's too hot to go for walks outside in the neighborhood or at the park, but once it cools down I will probably start doing that more while pushing the baby in a stroller.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Gyms and I just dont seem to get on.
    Ive joined a few times - even one that was next to work - but it never seemed to work.

    Since I joined MFP - What motivated me (initially) to exercise was so I could eat more food !
    I was really committed to keeping under my calorie goal - and if i didnt exercise i was feeling hungry.

    So I just started walking outside and playing tennis once a week.
    Since then Ive also added swimming and cycling to my routine.

    As Ive progressed - my core is really starting to strengthen and my fat is starting to peel away.
    My new body tone is my new motivation for exercise. I love the direction my body is going in and cant wait to get fitter and fitter.

    So - In answer to your question - Most of my exercise is outside - doing things that I really like to do.

    I have also started doing the 30DS workout with my wife. That is inside - and we do it in the living room. I know the video is targeted more towards females - but I have enjoyed doing it with my wife and am noticing alot of muscle toning.
    I applaud you for doing the 30DS with your wife!!!! I bet she is so pleased to have the company. I've tried to get my husband to join me (I have several Jillian dvds including the shred) and his excuse is he's too out of shape. What he really means is it's a "chick workout" (because I can read his mind like a book haha!!!) I'd really love to hear what kind of results you get with the shred. Best of luck!!!!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I also have a small tv w/a dvd player and I watch my Zumba dvd's down there.

    Cool - you can just watch them?
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    I either run outside or go to my gym.

    The types of exercise I like to do I can't do successfully at home. My gym isn't *fancy* but it isn't bare bones either. I do Zumba, boot camp, weights, and cardio machines there.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I do my workout DVDs and Wii in our living-room. But also in our study in front of the computer at times. :)

    I try to get outside, weather permitting, as much as possible. But I'm not a really big fan of heat, though, so I do my workouts inside for most of the summer months. I'm constantly outside in the autumn and early spring when it's nice and cool.

    I run on a treadmill at my hubby's office (he's a Physical Therapist). It's a great treadmill and it's nice and cool with the A/C going. I'm spoiled!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I do my P90X DVD's in our living room, which is entertaining, because we're renting this old house with a tilted floor that shakes the antenna off the TV when you walk across it, so the plyometrics jumping nearly knocks the TV off the stand. But I digress about our Dr. Seuss house..

    I also go outside. I do all my runs outside, rain or shine, and then a lot of the time, will stop in a park or somewhere with grass and do some pushups and situps there, just to get outside. Nighttime is awesome for that, since otherwise it's way too hot during the day.

    Then again, we don't have extra money for a gym membership, and we don't have AC in our house, so I just make do with what I have, and escape the house whenever I can. I've found that it doesn't hinder my weight loss any, but I've never had a problem with motivation, because working out is the only time I get to myself; I really look forward to it.
  • BAMA66
    BAMA66 Posts: 240
    Gold's Gym and jogging outside
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    The gym 3 days a week for mostly strength training and home 2 days a week.
  • lhanks89
    lhanks89 Posts: 90 Member
    Swimming pool