Eating breakfast makes me more hungry too soon...

So I was never a big breakfast eater, basically only started because my husband would eat it...

I noticed that when I DON'T eat breakfast, I'm tied over from hunger pains until about 11am.

When I DO eat breakfast (6am), I'm STARVING by 9am. Doesn't matter if it's eggs, special k, etc. I've already downed 2 glasses of water to try and feel full! I don't really want to snack either...

What gives?

I'm tempted to go back to skipping breakfast but I don't know what that will do to my weight loss...


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I believe some of us are OK skipping breakfast. For most people, it's a good idea to not skip. Just like most of the diet recommendations out there. They work for MOST people. You have to figure out your own body and what works for YOU! Even as a kid, I hated eating breakfast. I'd get in so much trouble because I'd lie (badly) to my parents about what I ate for breakfast. I am never hungry in the mornings. And frankly, I'm really trying hard to learn how to NOT eat when I'm NOT hungry. To do it at breakfast seems wrong to me.

    I say do what feels right for your body.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Try eating breakfast a little later in the morning?
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 918 Member
    or have a mid-morning snack, like a yogurt or a piece of fruit. it's ok to have something between breakfast and lunch.
  • Rocknsynchrogrl
    Sometimes if I eat breakfast really 6 am. I have a small cup of coffee when I get to work around 8 or 9. I think it may be the caffeine but it curbs my appetite.
  • bethc370
    bethc370 Posts: 41 Member
    or have a mid-morning snack, like a yogurt or a piece of fruit. it's ok to have something between breakfast and lunch.

    I agree with this, I eat something every 3-4 hours. I also eat breakfast at 6am and then between 9-10 I have a mid-morning snack. (usually a fruit and a protein, like today will be strawberries and string cheese.) the snack keeps me satisfied until lunch time. I also have a snack between lunch and dinner, and sometimes between dinner and bed.
    Good luck!
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    You're hungry because your metabolism is actually up and running as opposed to still "asleep" or whatever.

    My typical morning is 20 minutes of pilates at 6, oatmeal and coffee at 7:30, half an ounce of almonds at 9:30 or 10 and lunch at noon. I was never a breakfast eater, but I've only seen good things come from it.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Have a snack. Nuts, cheese, fruit.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The same is true for me, so I just have a glass of soy milk in the morning since I'm always thirsty and rarely hungry. Then around 10:30 or so if I get hungry I'll have a snack (apple, handful of almonds, granola bar...). But sometimes I won't eat anything else till lunch. It's never affected my weight one bit except perhaps to help keep it off because I'm not forcing myself to eat calories when I'm not hungry.
  • vnvdvci
    vnvdvci Posts: 16
    I've been struggling with this too. I always had a piece of dark chocolate and some milky coffee for breakfast, but got nagged over how bad that was for me. I eat breakfast now and am ravenous 30 minutes later.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Maybe try something more filling for breakfast? I usually have two turkey sausage links, oatmeal, and an egg for breakfast and it's pretty filling. Still I have a snack 2.5-3 hours later to keep me from filling starved by the next meal.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    I had the same issue. It's your metabolism.

    I've gone from no breakfast to having yogurt + protein shake at 7:45 and then oatmeal at 10 (lunch at noon-ish). It's actually worked out quite well and I've noticed a different in my awareness/activity level.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I have the same problem but I rejoice in that hunger pan when it hits, because I know my metabolism is MOVING :):):) I 'split' my breakfast up sometimes, esp when I exercize like today. I woke up today at 5 AM. Between 5:15 and 5:45 I nibbled until I finished my Luna bar. I exercized between 6:45 and 7:30 AM, and ate second breakfast (egg substitute, skinny cow on a natures own 'thin' round bread thingy) at around 8:00.

    I know this will make me hungry for lunch earlier than usual. Which is why I will break lunch into two parts too. I'll probably eat again at 10:45 ish, and then at 1:30. Dinner will be around 6, after dinner snack around 7. Bed around 11.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    So I was never a big breakfast eater, basically only started because my husband would eat it...

    I noticed that when I DON'T eat breakfast, I'm tied over from hunger pains until about 11am.

    When I DO eat breakfast (6am), I'm STARVING by 9am. Doesn't matter if it's eggs, special k, etc. I've already downed 2 glasses of water to try and feel full! I don't really want to snack either...

    What gives?

    I'm tempted to go back to skipping breakfast but I don't know what that will do to my weight loss...

    Don't eat breakfast then! Absolutely no harm in skipping breakfast if you can operate without food.
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I never ate breakfast because I wasn't hungry, but decided that if I'm nagging the kids about eating before school I should do the same. Now I'm starving when I get up in the morning, and I tend to be hungry again a couple of hours later. I have heard that it's your metabolism waking up but haven't noticed a weight change due to eating. I have noticed I'm not dragging as much in the mornings.
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    I would vote to eat breakfast. It will wake up your metabolism. Have a snack in the 150 calorie range 3 hours later or halfway between your lunch. You WANT to wake it up!
  • cmbuchanan
    Sometimes if I eat breakfast really 6 am. I have a small cup of coffee when I get to work around 8 or 9. I think it may be the caffeine but it curbs my appetite.

    This seems to be the case for me too. Also, if I drink a cup of coffee in the morning before breakfast I tend not to eat until later in the morning.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    same thing happens to me, and i think the 9am hunger that i don't usually get is because i'm speeding up my metabolism, which is GOOD! i always have something small when i first wake up, like an egg, and then have a REAL breakfast around 10 or whenever i get hungry. i've never heard anyone say it's GOOD to skip breakfast, just that skipping breakfast won't kill you. i think that a lot of my weight loss is because of having small meals throughout the day, especially an early breakfast.

    i never used to like to eat breakfast, and it DOES make me hungry later in the afternoon, but it's just like vitamins. you don't LOVE taking them, it's just something you have to do.
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    So I was never a big breakfast eater, basically only started because my husband would eat it...

    I noticed that when I DON'T eat breakfast, I'm tied over from hunger pains until about 11am.

    When I DO eat breakfast (6am), I'm STARVING by 9am. Doesn't matter if it's eggs, special k, etc. I've already downed 2 glasses of water to try and feel full! I don't really want to snack either...

    What gives?

    I'm tempted to go back to skipping breakfast but I don't know what that will do to my weight loss...

    This is a natural and normal response for your body. Your supposed to eat 5 to 7 small meals a day not 3 bigs. You need to eat breakfast because it does what it says it Breaks the Fast. It tells your body its not in hibernation store mode and goes into work/burn mode. Have a sensible snack like and apple or some fibre if you haven't had any at breakfast. Then have a small reasonable lunch and another snack in the mid afternoon

    Its a totally new way to think about things but once the nutritionist and I got it all worked out in my brain it all clicked for me and I started losing weight even thought i felt like I was eating all the time!
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    If you like eating breakfast, like you are hungry when you get up then eat and just bring some fruit or nuts for a snack when you get hungry at 9.

    Otherwise, if you are force feeding yourself not hungry just for the sake of eating breakfast then skip it and bring a snack to kick the binge from starving at 11am

    I think its a matter of listening to your body, just do what will help you achieve your goals.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Your supposed to eat 5 to 7 small meals a day not 3 bigs.

    There is no evidence that this help or hinders weight loss.