


  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    There are many good reasons to fast; Dr orders for a procedure, for religious reasons, maybe even to detox ( That one I don't know about) I fast occassionally for religious reasons. I have my last meal on Thursday at sundown and I don't eat again until Friday at sundown. I am basically giving up 2 meals. I drink my coffee, and take water. It's not a huge sacrifice but its one I want to offer. I don't do it weekly, but wish I did.

    Here are your reasons:

    i want to get in shape because being thin makes me more confident and i want to find a boyfriend and i cant do that if im fat.

    My Inspirations

    my little red dress
    looking hot in my bikinis
    my hip bones showing
    my sexy langerie going to waste

    And there is not a thing wrong with any of them save one. You want to find a boyfriend and can't do that if you are fat? :explode: Wow. that sentence says a lot about your self esteem. Do you really think no one would want you if you weigh 135 instead of 120? Do you think all fat people are unhappy because they are fat? do you think they are ugly or disgusting? well, there are many beautiful fat women who lead happy fullfilled lives and are confident and independent and successfull. But too much weight does eventually have its health problems. so, you don't want to be fat, and you want to show your boyfriend you are thinner and happier and better.... have you thought of weight training to develop self confidence? Those women work hard to sculpt their shapes, they eat right, and they know there is no quick fix. and they weigh a lot more than you think. :wink: why? muscle. muscle weighs twice as much as fat. your size and weight should not be about numbers. if you weigh 120 and look like a holocaust victim what's the point? but...if you are 135 and sculpted (my personal goal) THEN you have accomplished something.
    One more hint, then I will get off my soap box. you want to fast... fast, you want to starve, get dizzy, nauseaus, live on just juice, stick your finger down your throat for a quick fix, instead of taking the time to educate your self and develop true self it. You are only hurting yourself and possibly driving your loved ones crazy with worry... but a much easier way is go to one of the body wrap places and get a wrap, they take inches off in HOURS ... Do it the day of the party and you will fit like a glove into your unforgiving dress. Plus, you won't die. :heart: good luck kiddo, you are going to need it.
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    And breathe. Everybody breathe: deep cleansing breaths.

    Let this one go. It's like the negative campaign ads or Britney always in trouble. The more attention it is given, the more times it POPS to the top of the queue.

    We've all had our say. Some of us many times. Put it to bed.

    Agreed. Well said.
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I don't think posting the link for a pro-anorexia website on myfitnesspal helps anybody. Like I said, people will find it on their own, without our help. To people who are not anorexic, we will be upset by what we see.

    Some people -- those who already have eating disorders -- will not be upset by what they see. They will think it is "cool." They will aspire to be that way. Many of them are not yet adults and don't have the years of experience and rational decision making abilities required to view that type of content with the right frame of mind.

    I don't want to direct them to go there. I want them to stay here, where there's sanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is it possible that someone on the brink of anorexia could be stunned into reality by seeing those images? Clearly so. It's sort of a circular argument, however, as you don't know whether that person would have developed anorexia anyway further down the line had not they looked at the website. It's not a controlled experiment: there is no proof either way.

    When there's next-to-no empirical evidence to support the inclusion of something that's universally regarded as the equivalent of crack to its intended audience, isn't it wiser to simply leave it out, ensuring its intended audience doesn't grow? Seems rational to me.

    That's why I think the link should be removed.

    I am going to be honest here as a former anorexic. Yes I would be upset by what I see on that site (although, because I know it would upset me, I am choosing to not go into it). However, will looking at the site make me think about doing it all over again. Maybe. But so would an anti-anorexic site. Let me tell you, even talking about it and having people point out the NEGATIVE side effects still makes me wonder if I should do it again. If I could still have the DISCIPLINE to do it again. It is not usually something that is brought on by looking at pictures or hearing how easy it was for so-and-so to do. It usually goes much deeper than that.
  • maybeoneday
    thank you you helped me so much. i was going to fast so i can be prtty. i see that that was not t he way to do i t. i think i get it now
    thank you
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Good for you Maybeoneday! You hang in there. There are a lot of us who will help you and keep you encouraged. You need help? You just ask! This is something you want to be successful at and the ONLY thing you need to do to be successful is to stay the course. If you slip, no worries, you just get back up and keep going. This thing isn't a "diet" and it isn't short term. This, if you do it right, will make it so you never have to worry about another quick fix as long as you live, 'cause you WILL be "fixed". You'll already know how to manage your food and exercise and it'll be YOUR choice what you want to do with food not some advertiser, or multi-billion dollar conglomerate''re taking back your freedom. Hang in there.
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    I love the "fixed" idea. I will be fixed. :laugh: very cool
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Hey Flachix! Give her your poem it's the best!:bigsmile:
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    This makes me sad. First of all, I think fasting can be done safely if it is done for the right reasons, like before surgery or religious reasons. Maybe even detox (although I've heard positives and negatives on that one). Second, you are a beautiful young woman. I looked at your profile and wanted to cry because I could see myself in you. I'm really not that much older than you. I'm 23 but even from 18 to 23 life changes so much and you learn so much about yourself. When I was younger I thought I needed to lose weight, and looking back now I'd give anything to have that body! I've struggled with self esteem. I know what it's like to feel like you have to look a certain way to get a guy. I mean that's what our culture tells us. But really, you have to look at yourself and know that you are beautiful. You have to be ok with who you are. A guy that wants you just because you're thin is not worth it! Maybe nothing we say will get through to you. But I hope that you can love yourself soon. I think you should talk to someone because just from what I've struggled with, it seems like you're headed for an eating disorder. Surround yourself with positive people, people who love you for you. Look in the mirror each day and tell yourself you're beautiful even if you don't believe it. Life is a gift. Stay healthy so you can enjoy that gift as long as possible. I'm sure most of us are willing to be here for you if you need anything. Take care of your beautiful self!

    <3 Kelsey
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