Just curious...anyone else do this?



  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    I dislike most salad dressing, though I love salad, so I don't dress my salads at home and I usually ask for salad to be served with no dressing when I eat out. I also dislike mustard and mayo, pesto on sandwiches (though I love it on pasta), and most other liquid condiments. Tomato sauce on pies and chips and chilli sauce on felafels and samosas are good, though.
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    I always used to do that as a kid and teen.

    Even now as an adult, I can't stand to use more than about 1 tablespoon of dressing (ranch), even if it is a HUGE salad. I usually dip the tip of my fork in the dressing really lightly and then get a huge forkful of salad.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Nope, love veggies but need dressing. I make an enormous salad once a day most days (I call them brontosalads) and use just enough of my homemade ranch to flavor everything without masking everything's flavors. Or if I'm not in the mood for ranch, a really good evoo is scrumptious. Need some fat for those fat soluble vitamins :)
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm trying to teach myself to go dressingless. I've managed with a couple of salads so far, but I miss my dressing :sad:
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    i find that if I add pico de gallo, I can go without dressing, other than that, I must have it
  • tenomyls
    tenomyls Posts: 23
    I have always ate my salads plain..its wasnt to be healthy its beacuse I never liked dressings, sauces or anything that makes food "soggy"..LOL. I think it started as a kid.
  • ladyjay60
    ladyjay60 Posts: 2
    I don't care for most dressings, so if I have a salad I normally ask for it without dressing (the exception being Japanese restaurants, which is the only dressing I can get past my taste buds). My big problem is eating a salad without adding salt, but over the last couple months I've learned that adding a little bit of fruit or just a few raisins (about a teaspoon or so) can really liven up the salad to the point where I don't miss the salt (helps satisfy my "sweet tooth, too)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I have not put any sort of dressing on my salad for about six years now, and I will often skip salad at someone else's house rather than eat their already-dressed ones. It started because I had decided dressings weren't worth the calories and then when I realized that vinaigrette (one of the few kinds of dressing I like anyway) exacerbated a health problem that was developing, I decided I was okay with being a lifelong non-dressing person. So, rock on, OP!
  • MsPacMan04
    This may sound strange but take an orange and cut it in half and squeeze half an orange over your salad. It's very good. Let me know if you try it and what you think. I normally do that or Fat Free Zesty Italian Dressing. YUMMY! You can also put chicken brest in the crock pot with a bottle of FF Zesty Italian Dressing cook for 4-6 hours. Absolutely delish!!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I have not put any sort of dressing on my salad for about six years now, and I will often skip salad at someone else's house rather than eat their already-dressed ones. It started because I had decided dressings weren't worth the calories and then when I realized that vinaigrette (one of the few kinds of dressing I like anyway) exacerbated a health problem that was developing, I decided I was okay with being a lifelong non-dressing person. So, rock on, OP!

    I really dislike when a salad has the dressing mixed it! *cough* Olive Garden *cough*
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Does it count if I put spices on it instead? Salt and pepper. Or Chili Powder.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    This may sound strange but take an orange and cut it in half and squeeze half an orange over your salad. It's very good. Let me know if you try it and what you think. I normally do that or Fat Free Zesty Italian Dressing. YUMMY! You can also put chicken brest in the crock pot with a bottle of FF Zesty Italian Dressing cook for 4-6 hours. Absolutely delish!!

    Now there's another one I haven't tried :) I'll have to give that a try with the fresh squeezed orange! Thanks!