Forced into eating a cupcake

I TRIED! My girlfriend's daughter had her birthday at a Japanese hibachi grill tonight. I was good and did NOT have the hibachi, but ordered sushi instead. Still the calorie count was high..ish. BUT then she brought an onslaught of cupcakes. One for everybody. EVERYONE had unless I was going to be Debbie Downer I had to have one to. I didn't know the exact calories so I found the closest I could find with MFP. 440 calories! I had to walk the dog for an hour tonight just to get green. I didnt want the cupcake! I felt peer pressure from the table. UGH. Annoyed!


  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    U went thru way too much guilt for that cupcake. Live a little. It's okay to enjoy food by choice. It's also okay to politely pass on cake etc. do u eat a cupcake or hibachi everyday... One a week.... Twice a week? Me neither.... Keep the big picture in mind. Not trying to be judgmental just want u to be okay with ur indulgence.... I know that for me if I don't let myself enjoy it.... The guilt and non joy leads to a binge etc. So I either have pride that I didn't partake. Or I enjoy every single morsel. :-) just my two cents.
  • Just_Bethy
    Just_Bethy Posts: 272
    Guilt doesn't burn calories so I don't waste time on it...!!! Enjoy the cup-cake..this isn't a diet its for LIFE and ..Cake Happens!! Its all good mama!!!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Sorry but I dont believe you had to eat the cupcake - everyone has a choice. You were with friends - im sure they'd understand. Just my 2 cents.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I hate it when people hold me down and force a cupcake into my mouth. HATE IT!!

    ... Personally I would've planned my day around something I knew was coming (A birthday dinner) :) track it and mooooooove on.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    It's a cupcake.. at a birthday party.. that only happens once a year.. I think you'll be all right.

    As the other poster said, not trying to be judgmental but saying that you were forced to eat a cupcake seems bit a extreme... You didn't have to have it, or you only could have had half of it. If you're friends know about you trying to eat healthier and lose weight, I'm sure they would have understood.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself -- cake happens. You have burned off the extra calories by walking the dog -- and I'm sure you both enjoyed it!

    Next time, rather than feel guilted into something -- either enjoy every bite of it . . . or politely say "no thank you." Believe it or not, people will understand. Unless it's your mother-in-law! :laugh:
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    You have to decide one way or another what you want more, the cupcake or the workout.

    IMO ONCE and awhile going over because you ENJOYED a cupcake is totally fine. BUT don't say anyone forced you to do it. No one held a gun to your head and shoved it in your mouth. ONLY YOU decide what you put in your body. I have plenty of times been the only one to turn down dessert because I didn't WANT it. So if you're going to beat yourself up over ONE cupcake, then don't do it next time. If you feel like "oh it's one cupcake and I haven't indulged in a long time" then have one.

    I went to a wedding this past weekend. Had a blast, and chose to drink ZERO alcohol, even though other than the pregnant women I was the only one to not have a single glass. I'd rather have a small slice of wedding cake than glasses of alcohol. Turns out on Monday morning I had gained no weight. I ate smart, danced, and had FUN, lived my life.

    No one forces me to eat anything. Only *I* choose what I put in my body, drop the excuses.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Next time tell them you will eat it later, take it home, have somone else eat it or just throw it away. Cupcakes suck! It's called Birthday CAKE for crying out loud! If i'm going over on calories, it's going to involve some kick *kitten* cake!
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    Next time tell them you will eat it later, take it home, have somone else eat it or just throw it away. Cupcakes suck! It's called Birthday CAKE for crying out loud! If i'm going over on calories, it's going to involve some kick *kitten* cake!

    Fo sho'nn
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Next time tell them you will eat it later, take it home, have somone else eat it or just throw it away. Cupcakes suck! It's called Birthday CAKE for crying out loud! If i'm going over on calories, it's going to involve some kick *kitten* cake!

    You obvi. have not hopped on the cupcake wagon. I had a S'more Cupcake from Crumbs Bakery in Chicago on Sunday that was quite amazing. Plus there is a mocha brownie/chocolate peanut butter one from a local bakery that are kick *kitten*.. and I will def. indulge if that is on the menu.

    And for gravy's sake, if you find me so amazing to friend me, put a message along with it:)
    Totally unrelated, but saw this in another posters signature and thought it was the cutest thing ever :)
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I would have "accidentally" dropped or knocked that cupcake on the floor then stepped on it again by "accident" trying to reach for it. "Oops!", I would say, "what a bummer that cupcake looked so moist and delicious, thanks for making one for everyone."
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Next time tell them you will eat it later, take it home, have somone else eat it or just throw it away. Cupcakes suck! It's called Birthday CAKE for crying out loud! If i'm going over on calories, it's going to involve some kick *kitten* cake!

    That would've been my plan. I'm a total *Debbie Downer* when it comes to people offering me calorie ridden foods. If they are easily offended, I'll bring it home for my Husband to eat lol. But most of the time, I say "No thank you."
  • megskin15
    megskin15 Posts: 94
    ahh crap I forgot about the mini cupcakes I ate today.... I totally didn't log that..... man now I'm gonna be red... :( haha oh well
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Next time tell them you will eat it later, take it home, have somone else eat it or just throw it away. Cupcakes suck! It's called Birthday CAKE for crying out loud! If i'm going over on calories, it's going to involve some kick *kitten* cake!

    You obvi. have not hopped on the cupcake wagon. I had a S'more Cupcake from Crumbs Bakery in Chicago on Sunday that was quite amazing. Plus there is a mocha brownie/chocolate peanut butter one from a local bakery that are kick *kitten*.. and I will def. indulge if that is on the menu.

    And for gravy's sake, if you find me so amazing to friend me, put a message along with it:)
    Totally unrelated, but saw this in another posters signature and thought it was the cutest thing ever :)

    SMORES cupcake? Where's that bakery? I live near Chicago . . .
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Heck -- annoyances and frustration aside, look at how you responded: you went for an hour-long walk to work off the calories. Good for you!

    Life happens. You made your friends happy AND you burned the cals. Plus, you got ideas for how to maybe handle the same sort of thing next time. At the end of the day, seems like a win-win-win to me.

  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    As Marie Antoinette once said, "Let them eat cake...", well my update to that quote is, Let THEM eat cake! Yes, I believe when ppl are surrounded by their peers even as we age we still have this need to follow the crowd and I think that is what happened sort of with you as well as maybe a part of you might have wanted some too. Either way, tomorrow is another day to start afresh and you exercised and don't pop cupcakes all day I hope is safe to assume then no worries! ;)
  • tweety170
    tweety170 Posts: 167
    Heck -- annoyances and frustration aside, look at how you responded: you went for an hour-long walk to work off the calories. Good for you!

    Life happens. You made your friends happy AND you burned the cals. Plus, you got ideas for how to maybe handle the same sort of thing next time. At the end of the day, seems like a win-win-win to me.


  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    I know how you feel. I just piled 500 empty calories into my piehole ( it was pie) no one forced me, I just had a moment of weakness. I know what you mean though. When someone offers you something it's almost rude to decline! Especially a birthday cupcake. :) I'll be thinking of you while I run :)
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    Sorry but I dont believe you had to eat the cupcake - everyone has a choice. You were with friends - im sure they'd understand. Just my 2 cents.
    This, really. Unless she shoved it down your throat, you have no reason to complain. You did not HAVE to eat it, you willingly made the choice to do so. Just get over it and move on, it's only one little cupcake and it's not going to kill you.
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself -- cake happens. You have burned off the extra calories by walking the dog -- and I'm sure you both enjoyed it!

    Next time, rather than feel guilted into something -- either enjoy every bite of it . . . or politely say "no thank you." Believe it or not, people will understand. Unless it's your mother-in-law! :laugh:
    Ha ha! Cake happens.