How much do you spend on groceries?



  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    $100 a week for our family of 4.. For everything. Lots I don't have to buy because I have a nice stockpile from couponing.. I typically save close to the $100 I spend if not more with sales and coupons..
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    Under 100 a week usually for my boyfriend and I... but we eat out and I'm not home a few dys a week lol
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    For my boyfriend and me, plus our cat and snake....around €40 a week.

    Sometimes we spend more for things like bathroom stuff but not usually over that. I buy lots of pasta stuff as I love pasta so I save quite a bit there. We don't eat much anyway and don't like expensive fancy stuff so it does us fine.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    We spend about $100 ever 1.5 weeks. Our house is 2 adults and 1 child. I also use coupons and save abuot $20 per trip give or take.

    I think our one thing that really helps us is that we plan out our meals before we leave. I look to see what I have to make different meals and build from there. This keeps us from just adding extra stuff for the most part.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I would never purchase toiltries or paper products at the grocery store. I usually buy that stuff at Target or Costco. For food alone we spend around 80 a week. My husband does not eat meat, but the rest of us do. I tend to purchase our chicken and fish at costco. I purchase ground turkey as needed at the grocery store. We rarely eat red meat and when I do purchase it I go all out and get something grass fed from a local butcher. We don't coupon shop, but we purchase wisey and watch the sales.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Wow! Maybe because I'm poor, but my man and me only spend 120-150 a month on groceries...and we get a TON for our money!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Family of three, two adults and one toddler, on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington: approximately $200-$300 per month unless I work some overtime and we go nuts stocking up on stuff.

    We also eat relatively clean, buying local and/or organic when it's available.
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    My husband and I probably spend $300 a month on groceries... We eat most meals at home, pack lunches, etc., and spend between $100-$120 every two weeks and usually end up having to pick up missed things/bits in the between time :)

    $800 for 5 people DOES sound like a lot, but if you're eating all of your meals at home and you take into account how expensive groceries have become lately it's not all that surprising
  • etaven
    etaven Posts: 25
    There's just one of me plus a cat, but I managed to spend around $30-$40 and it'll last me for a few weeks. I use coupons/sales and rarely buy anything that isn't discounted from one or both of those.
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    I spend about $450 a month on food. BUT... I stock up on items we use a lot when they are on sale. I only buy what is on sale unless I absolutely have to have it. This week my favorite coffee is on sale. With 3 adults in the household we consume 14 cups a day. So this coffee that normally sells for about $7 a bag is bogo... I purchased 8 bags. That will get us through 2 months. I'm in FL and nobody doubles coupons down here, but they still help. Know your prices and check out other stores. Our adds come out on Wednesday for new sales, and the sales run from Thursday to Wednesday. I check the adds then wait for the Sunday paper to get the coupons. I have found that the coupons go along with sale items. I wait until Monday to shop and go early in the morning or around 7pm because this is when you will find mark downs in stores that have fresh meat cases(unwrapped) and delis. I love mark downs! If there was some type of disaster, I have enough back stock to feed us for a month or more.
  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    It's just me at home and i budget $50/week on food
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    It's only my husband and I (plus 2 birds and 2 dogs), but we spend $100-150 per week total on groceries, supplies, dog meds etc. I only buy stuff to pack for lunches and I plan out all our dinners the weekend before and only buy those ingredients so nothing goes to waste. You can save a lot of time and $ doing that. Good luck!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    We are a family of 4 (DH, myself, 7 year old and 2 year old-still in diapers). We spend roughly $200-$300 a month on groceries, health and beauty items, cleaners and diapers.

    I am a couponer, and although I don't buy as much as I used to, since I am purchasing less foods and more that are healthier, I still buy based on sales and do A LOT of price matching at WalMart for our produce and/or meats.

    In fact, I just got back from WalMart and spent $10 on everything I bought (6 bags). I pricematched, used coupons, and then used overage from coupons towards my produce costs. I highly suggest it to everyone!
  • lajojo
    lajojo Posts: 5
    We are a family of three - Myself, Husband and our 10 month old daughter (and one cat & one dog).

    All food, household goods and baby needs we spend about $100-$120 a week ($400-500/month). I saw a few other posts on here about couponing, I would HIGHLY recommend it. Also, if you can afford to make a couple bulk buys at your local Sam's (Costco, B.J.'s....etc) its worth it. I once bought enough shampoo and laundry soap to last me a year :laugh: BUT not only did I not have to budget it out for the rest of the year, it was a few less things to run out of or to have to add to the basket at the store. Good luck :happy:
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I spend about $450 a month on food. BUT... I stock up on items we use a lot when they are on sale. I only buy what is on sale unless I absolutely have to have it. This week my favorite coffee is on sale. With 3 adults in the household we consume 14 cups a day. So this coffee that normally sells for about $7 a bag is bogo... I purchased 8 bags. That will get us through 2 months. I'm in FL and nobody doubles coupons down here, but they still help. Know your prices and check out other stores. Our adds come out on Wednesday for new sales, and the sales run from Thursday to Wednesday. I check the adds then wait for the Sunday paper to get the coupons. I have found that the coupons go along with sale items. I wait until Monday to shop and go early in the morning or around 7pm because this is when you will find mark downs in stores that have fresh meat cases(unwrapped) and delis. I love mark downs! If there was some type of disaster, I have enough back stock to feed us for a month or more.

    I do this too.. Some weeks if nothing good is on sale, I might spend $30 on basics/perishables and when things are really good on sale I might spend $125+ to stock up.
  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    wow! I have alot of great ides from everyone now, thank you so much for sharing. I NEED to start looking for coupons, and thats a really good idea to go to a cosco or sam's club. We even have a sam's membership and I never thought to use it. It will def save in the long run for t.paper, paper towels, etc.... I just cant get over the fact we blew thru 800 bucks between Publix and Walmart and one trip to Target. IN LESS than a month!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    My pantry is STOCKED yet I still continue to buy. ( the kids and hubs dont want what in there sometimes and I just keep buying) I need to make some changes

    That was me!! Cupboards full of stuff that no-one would eat & ended up getting thrown out!! After blitzing the cupboards - I now just buy what I know I'm going to use during the week. For a family of 4 adults (+ 3 pets), my bill is £60-80 pw.

  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    We get a lot of stuff at costco like once a month .... about $150 there and then Sunflower Market about $45 every 2-3 weeks and toiletries and such at walmart $40 and then small grocery things at Frys $50 both Walmart and Frys are about every 2 weeks.... There are only 2 of us and a dog.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It's just me and my husband. We spend more than some because I'm on a low carb diet. Foods on that diet are more expensive. We spend about $500 a month on groceries.

    I cannot stand to grocery shop. I refuse to go more than once a week. I made an excel spreadsheet with all the food items we ever buy, organized by aisle. Nothing peeves me more than having to go down an aisle more than once or going down an aisle where I didn't need anything. Not to mention all the rude customers who think they're the only customer in the store and park their cart diagonally across the aisle. I just loathe to go grocery shopping. So I plan all our meals for the week, mark down how many of what I need to make all those meals. Get in, get out. Breathe. Until the week is up, and I have to go back. ugh.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    It's me & the (big) dog & we spend about $450 a month...