lowest calorie cereal? (UK)



  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Well my favs are Weetabix with a few sultanas, rice krispies if I need a big full bowl and porridge in the winter. To reduce calories I have my cereal with water rather than milk, it took a while to get used to it but now I don't miss milk now. Like the sound of those pancakes, how many calories? Nice for a weekend treat.
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    I definitely have to agree with Weetabix or porridge. My favourite thing is porridge made with half water, half skimmed milk with half a banana cut up in it before you heat it. The banana goes all gooey and you can stir it in when it's cooked - it's sweet enough to not have to add any honey or sugar too. Delish :D
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    A great breakfast (I think) is hot oats, like Readybrek, 108 cals for 30 grammes (and that's quite a lot, it weighs nothing that stuff) and then another 49 cals for 100ml low-fat milk. I usually add some raisins or chopped up banana as well.
    Fills me up for hours.

    I'm sure the likes of Special K would be even lower in cals, but I'd be hungry again only an hour later.
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Have a protein shake fruit smoothie, I usually have blackcurrents (frozen- and full of antioxidants) and banana flavoured whey protein with skim milk. This is only about 250 calories, and provides me with around 30 g protein to start of my day well.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i never stick to just a 30gram portion, or i would be hungry by half past 9! i generally go for either 1.5 servings or 2, depending on the cereal. Cheerios are quite low in cals.
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142
    Not the lowest by any means but i have Jordans Crunchy Oat Granola - Raisin & Almond. Its about 255 cals for 50g including 100ml semi skimmed milk. I tend not to snack between breakfast and lunch when i have this.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    isnt 354 cals worth of porridge and golden syrup probably one of the highest cal cereals lol?
    and chocolate pancakes??

    tasty im sure, but the OP did specifically ask for the lowest calorie ones, not just for general breakfast ideas

    Granted it is, but it fills me up, so I don't have any mid morning snack. Toast, with jam & butter is about 250kcal- for one slice, shreddies, 40g with milk is 209kcal- and 40g is a tiny bowl! I was suggesting an alternative, because low calorie doesn't necessarily mean the best fuel for your body first thing.

    Im still hungry 2 hours after a bowl of porridge tbh. The only breakfast that keeps me going for hours is a proper fry-up, but thats certainly not slimline
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    I always have rolled oats (around 50g) and a chopped apple with some cinnamon for flavour. It's around 320 cals I think. But if I do my exercise in the morning, I need a proper breakfast.
    In order not to be hungry again by the time i get to work, i tendto eat there, so the time between breakfast and lunch is shorter.
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    I have 30 g of special K topped with the same of museli , with semi skimmed milk - it's around 290 cal but keeps me full until lunch time, and I find a decent breakfast helps keep me on track for the rest of the day.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member

    Im still hungry 2 hours after a bowl of porridge tbh. The only breakfast that keeps me going for hours is a proper fry-up, but thats certainly not slimline

    Nope, but it is tasty! :happy: I'll have bacon, scrambled eggs, toast mushrooms and tomatoes on occasional weekends - that certainly fills me up! If I can manage through til 10 - 1030 before having it, I generally don't need a lunch, which then makes it a more economical option, calorie-wise!
  • tannyasawyer
    tannyasawyer Posts: 106 Member

    Nope, but it is tasty! :happy: I'll have bacon, scrambled eggs, toast mushrooms and tomatoes on occasional weekends - that certainly fills me up! If I can manage through til 10 - 1030 before having it, I generally don't need a lunch, which then makes it a more economical option, calorie-wise!

    I agree - the scrambled egg (sometimes with a few flakes of poached salmon and/or diced tomato) and wholemeal toast keeps me going for a while.

    What I also find works is fill up on water around half an hour before your meal. Seems to keep me feeling fuller for longer.
  • Damiilla
    Damiilla Posts: 66
    I get tesco fruit and nut muesli. It's around 190 calories for 50g. I don't like having just cereal though, I have 25g instead and bulk it out with an apple. Much more filling.
  • cathomer
    cathomer Posts: 88
    Oats are by far the best, filling and low calorie. I find if I eat the low calorie cereals they just don't fill me up. I make myself 50g of oats (half a small kids mug) with a mug of milk or water (same mug) and a tbsp of honey, and I find I can only eat half of it!
  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    I buy Tesco porridge oats - 50g cooked in water or Alpro almond milk (I do a bit of both ) with a tsp of Half Spoon sugar - and I pop it into microwave for a minute and a half and it's very filling , tastes great and low cal.
    Make sure you do add enough liquid tho or it gets dry- if it does i just add a bit more almond milk.
    Tesco porridge cooks softer like this than Sainsburys but you can try it from any local supermarket.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Hint for those people who think 30g is a small portion: get smaller bowls. Seriouy, this is plenty to fill you up: it just looks small!

    the optical illusion effect - i do this with everything!
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    Weetabix Crunchy Bran or Porridge. I make both with homemade almond milk (less cals than skimmed milk) and a sliced banana on top :-)
  • HamsterNut
    HamsterNut Posts: 78 Member
    Some good suggestions here but my suggestion is an egg or two. I personally cant eat cereals or im ravenous by 9.30 whereas if I eat nothing im not hungry til 10 ish and if I have eggs I am happy until lunch!
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    At the moment I'm on rice crispies - 30g portion and 125ml semi skimmed milk comes in at around 175cals - I usually have a yoghurt and or fruit with that :)
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Depends on what low calories means to you.

    Bran flakes are low but they don't fill me up.

    I much prefer porridge oats with protein powder and soya milk, or a white muffin with a vege sausage and an egg (makes a homemade McDonalds muffin).

    A cooked breakfast can be very 'slim line'. It all depends on what you have and how its cooked. I have a cooked breakfast of some shape or form at least once a week. Its usually the highest protein and most filling breakfast I have all week.

    Edited to add

    But also if you do really want to eat breakfast and are hungry half an hour later then maybe you aren't eating enough food for that breakfast. Puffed rice and the like aren't going to fill a child up until lunch...how can us adults expect them to fill us up until then?
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