Help me I want to eat chips really bad!



  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    My husband siad yesterday, just don't eat!
    I was like Gee thanks. If that freaking worked I wouldn't be fat :laugh: :tongue:

    My husband says that all the time!! Gets on my nerves so bad...I always tell him if I were able to "just not eat" then I wouldn't have to be trying to lose weight! Geez!

    Haha exactly what I do. Darn guys

    Just an advice here, so that you learn from my mistakes. When we went to restaurants, I usually had 1/2 a beer, 1/2 a pizza and so on, and passed on the rest to my hubbs. Needless to say, he's the overweight in the house. Don't ever do that! This is also how my dad gained weight when I was lill - mum used to encourage him to finish up whatever the little me was not able to *giggle*

    On a different register, I have to agree that men sometimes don't think when they say something - they just, sort of ironically and with no feelings, drop lines which they don't even see as being mean to us. Sometimes I just wish my hubby would place himself at least for a few seconds in my shoes!

    Bottom up, we :heart: them to bits, right? :love: :love: :love:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Chips are my WEAKNESS!! My name is Roni and I am a salt-o-holic....

    What I do is not buy them at all!! That is the only thing that works for me. If they arent here, not gonna eat them:happy: But on occasion someone will slip them into the house, one of the boys will bring some home from school...and they seem to just call me and call me and at those times I will look at the serving size, the nutritional info, and BOOM! Thats enough right there to do it for me. WONT eat them. I think to myself...I have worked soooo hard to get where I am and although I dont want to completely deprive myself of any of my favorites, I ask myself if its really worth it? Is the 5 mins of mogging them down worth all the discipline and hard work I have put in so far? Nope! At least that works for me....:wink:

  • sugartwist01
    If you absolutely have to eat chips then I suggest getting baked lays, esp the bbq ones. They are really yummy and are 120 cals per 14 chips. I also record everything I eat BEFORE I actually eat it, it really helps to know exactly how many cals you can have, and I also leave about 200 after dinner for those late night cravings in which I'll either have a pack of crackers or even some chips. I'm sorry to all those gals with the boyfriend/hubby issues. My fiance and I are actually having a contest to see who can lose the greater percentage of weight and inches before our wedding in June. It helps to have someone on the same page but even more when you want to beat him really bad!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    My favorite are the Flat Earth "veggie chips" as my 3yo calls them. They are SO good, still not the best in the calorie & sodium department, but better than Doritos! Tasty! The cheddar ones I have right now are 130 calories for 12 chips. Plus, I can rationalize that I'm eating veggies. LOL