Today I'm not a fan of vegans...



  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Not all vegans are f*cktards - don't hate us all!! :sad:

    edited to disclose that I am a vegan who occasionally eats honey...

    further edited to disclose that I encourage everyone to be a little vegan some of the time. change is incremental and any positivity toward veganism is doing the earth and the animals some good :heart:
  • MsNiss
    MsNiss Posts: 57
    That really sucks. I dislike it when vegans have that "all or nothing" approach. I really enjoy vegan food sometimes, and I even try to make a point to lean more towards that way of eating, but that doesn't mean I don't eat meat once in a while. I think any reduction in eating meat helps the planet, even if its just one meal a day or a week.

    She had no right to throw her views on you like that. I'd be mad too!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    With how much that guy loves his bees, I bet that honey is downright amazing.

    Just like any other "extreme" lifestyle choice, there will be some angry nut jobs. Thankfully the couple of vegan sellers at my local Sunday market are tolerant. One of them has even spoken out in support of the sausage guy who treats his pigs right.

    Don't buy that pizza anymore!
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    Im sorry, I was under the impression that you killed bee's for honey? wtf is she thinking...
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    LOL! I would have calmly just said, "I'm a carnivore" and just got on with getting the pizza.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Seriously, you guys are awesome.

    She's not the owner, and I probably will talk to the owner on Saturday. I think I set her off when I told her how good this honey was. IMO veganism is about the cruelty that mass farms employ. I know it's not the only reason, but if I were to go vegan, that would be the reason why. This guy doesn't poison his bees or kill his queens or any of that stuff. What peeves me is that I was so flabbergasted this was happening that I had nothing to say to her. So now all day I'll be running the conversation in my head and I'll get wittier and wittier and have no outlet for it.
  • charli246
    charli246 Posts: 35
    What a whack-a-doodle. You did not deserve that. Hope the rest of your day goes better.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I had no idea honey would be considered non-vegan. So it's the product of the work of bees... so is EVERY pollinated plant!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Not all vegans are f*cktards - don't hate us all!! :sad:

    edited to disclose that I am a vegan who occasionally eats honey...

    further edited to disclose that I encourage everyone to be a little vegan some of the time. change is incremental and any positivity toward veganism is doing the earth and the animals some good :heart:

    Not a vegan but I certainly respect the conviction. And I respect opinions when stated LIKE THIS!! And not like the original *kitten*!

    Sorry that happened to you, OP.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Don't worry she won't sell much pizza with that attitude.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    You are too kind. I would have stepped on her (nicely) and let her know where I stand and let her know her opinion no longer matters so please stop talking and ring me up.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    I love vegans for all the creative recipes they come up with. Can't eat dairy at all or gluten or a slew of other foods either, but some of the vegan recipes out there are amazing.

    That being said, that would royally piss me off and I probably would have had the come back of "Who ever said I was vegan?"

    Or as one of my friends likes to say "The stupid, it burns."
  • mrdavidjk
    mrdavidjk Posts: 105
    tell her YOU buy her pizza because they are tasty not because they are vegan.
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    Like any group of people there's always one who doesn't want other people to have fun!
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Seriously, you guys are awesome.

    She's not the owner, and I probably will talk to the owner on Saturday. I think I set her off when I told her how good this honey was. IMO veganism is about the cruelty that mass farms employ. I know it's not the only reason, but if I were to go vegan, that would be the reason why. This guy doesn't poison his bees or kill his queens or any of that stuff. What peeves me is that I was so flabbergasted this was happening that I had nothing to say to her. So now all day I'll be running the conversation in my head and I'll get wittier and wittier and have no outlet for it.

    I hate when that happens---the wittier and wittier part--I am so witty in my head...real life, not so much! :) As far as the honey goes, Id have opened the lid and stuck my finger in for a quick taste, licked my lips and walk away. (or maybe thats just the in-my-head-wittiness again!) ;) I know someone who is vegan and posted pics of a turkey being slaughtered on FB at Thanksgiving time and basically insulted everyone who didnt enjoy her lifestyle. I had an extra piece of turkey just for her. And I have to say...just to be petty...I am healthier than she is...and I eat meat and meat by products. So there-dont throw your lifestyle at me like Im a bad person.

    I hope you do talk to the owner...
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    You should have told her to "Buzz Off" cause she's bugging you....
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Wow that is BS!! so you have to be vegan to like a vegan pizza?? Shes dumb!
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    We're not all like that, I promise!! I don't eat honey, but not because it's not vegan, but because I just plain don't like it. But we're not all like that! I'm vegan because I believe in being kind to all living beings, which includes my fellow humans...she was a meanie vegan!
  • digitalsinner
    Vegans...meh...its more about a cause than it is a lifestyle.

    I lol'd. Most of the vegans I know, that's the case.

    If that's someone's lifestyle that's great! More power too them. Just the same with religion and politics and many other topics, don't try to shove them down my throat and we'll both be the happier for it.

    Personally, I don't ever want to be without my animal flesh.
  • DoctorWhoFan
    Just give her a Falcon Punch and eat your awesome natural honey.

    My mother wondered why I just burst out laughing.

    To stay on topic, I can't believe she didn't let you buy your pizzas! Enjoy your honey!