Khloe Kardashian



  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    with no offense, i assume you get told you look like Khloe alot, lol!,
    im jus one guy in a world of 6 billion & growing, but imo, all of the (3) kardashians are cute, but i jus prefer a more voluptuous woman aka "pawg" so i wud prefer if i cud, date khloe over kim. kim lacks personality, outside of the pretty face she is boring (thus hence see all of her acting attempts) but khloe is a fireball!! she can get pretty fiesty, i wud rather have personality over looks
    mucho calliente!!

    No. I look nothing like Khloe. I AM 5'10, but that is the only thing we have in common.
    I'm just someone who gets annoyed with girls getting beat down over their weight when they look perfectly beautiful.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    who in hell cares about Chris Brown? do khloe a favor & stop buying his discs - banish him to oblivion where he belongs - I DO NOT support abusers in any way, shape or form & will NEVER buy anything he's selling. I don't watch MTV, VH1 or ANY shows that feature him and I never will -
    he can rot in hell far as I'm concerned and THAT'S too good for him ~

    Team Rhianna / Khloe K
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I like Khloe the best and wish she wouldn't get harassed about her weight or lack of weight issue. It's bonkers.

    She is tall and looks great. Love Lamar and her together. They are so cute and fair play to them.
  • RocketsGirl75
    My sister and I always joke and say YEAH I want to be "FAT" like Khloe! I seriously love her and think she is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for posting this! I think it is awesome!

  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    who in hell cares about Chris Brown? do khloe a favor & stop buying his discs - banish him to oblivion where he belongs - I DO NOT support abusers in any way, shape or form & will NEVER buy anything he's selling. I don't watch MTV, VH1 or ANY shows that feature him and I never will -
    he can rot in hell far as I'm concerned and THAT'S too good for him ~

    Team Rhianna / Khloe K

    I don't buy his music. I hear his songs on the radio. That's enough for me.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    She's the only one I can tolerate. She is able to carry her own show, too, which says a lot about her.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    I love her so much!!!! She is tall and has a large frame like me. :flowerforyou:

    I was so mad recently when I sent "used to be" girlfriend of mine a picture of Khloe in a BOMB *kitten* leapord dress and she wrote me an email back explaining all Khloe's flaws and that she was definitely on f the "BIGGER" sisters. She ended with it really bothering her that people that weigh close to 200 pounds think they are fine. :brokenheart:

    It brought me to tears needless to say! # 1 Khloe might weigh 155-160 pounds, SHE IS TALL. I am not close to 200 either so nevertheless, I am not her friend anymore.

    Negative people who continue to cause these young girls to have bulimia and anorexia really get on my LAST nerve.

    Is there a class for idiots who don't know height and frame sizes?????
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    I love her so much!!!! She is tall and has a large frame like me. :flowerforyou:

    I was so mad recently when I sent "used to be" girlfriend of mine a picture of Khloe in a BOMB *kitten* leapord dress and she wrote me an email back explaining all Khloe's flaws and that she was definitely on f the "BIGGER" sisters. She ended with it really bothering her that people that weigh close to 200 pounds think they are fine. :brokenheart:

    It brought me to tears needless to say! # 1 Khloe might weigh 155-160 pounds, SHE IS TALL. I am not close to 200 either so nevertheless, I am not her friend anymore.

    Negative people who continue to cause these young girls to have bulimia and anorexia really get on my LAST nerve.

    Is there a class for idiots who don't know height and frame sizes?????

    OH HELL Chis Brown is not about to fool me a third time so I am done with him. I can't believe he said that........
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I love Khloe too. However, I would never dream of looking to the media to tell me, or anyone else how to look. I was just flipping through my Vogue magazines the other day, thinking about how pretty the models are, but they aren't the only women who are pretty. I am 5'2" and 165 lbs. I am a size 12, and I still feel pretty, even though I'm overweight/obese. My husband still thinks I'm hot, and there is so much more to beauty than size.

    I also hate Chris Brown. I used to like his music, but honestly, after what he did to Rhianna, I started listening more carefully to his lyrics, and his music is just pure crap. What I liked about it is the part that was manufactured, not the parts that he brought to the table. I could care less about his singing, dancing, or dumb lyrics. I just liked the catchy beat, which I'm sure was the result of a fabulous producer, not the singer.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I think she's very pretty at the weight she is now. I am not saying she shouldn't lose weight and look better, but she definitely doesn't have to like everyone wants to make it seem. I would hate to be in her shoes and have to deal with being constantly compared to Kim and Kourtney.

    That reminds me... I was pretty upset the other day my boyfriend said that Lamar is a pig for being with her. I can't believe how ignorant and shallow some men can be. I mean, he even said once "I don't like super skinny girls, I like girls like Megan Fox". I don't know how much skinnier than Megan Fox you can be and still be healthy :\
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I HATE THAT MAN!!! UGH!!! Everything he does/says makes me so angry!

    How is this fat!? Look at that slammin' body! I could only hope I look like her someday!!

  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I think she's very pretty at the weight she is now. I am not saying she shouldn't lose weight and look better, but she definitely doesn't have to like everyone wants to make it seem. I would hate to be in her shoes and have to deal with being constantly compared to Kim and Kourtney.

    That reminds me... I was pretty upset the other day my boyfriend said that Lamar is a pig for being with her. I can't believe how ignorant and shallow some men can be. I mean, he even said once "I don't like super skinny girls, I like girls like Megan Fox". I don't know how much skinnier than Megan Fox you can be and still be healthy :\

    Yeah, Megan Fox has like the tiniest waist in Hollywood!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I agree and I think Khloe and Kim are both their own way...its often that 2 sisters will get judged on which is "hotter" and its not right...because e/o knows that if Kim didnt exist, e/o would be goo goo for Khloe...thats just life and it sucks. Im still trying to fig out the fuss over Paris Hiltons no "body" having behind!

    Paris Hilton is just gross. Everything about her is gross.

    What's really disappointing is Megan Fox. She was gorgeous in Transformers. She had an amazing body. I saw a picture of her at a beach in a bikini. SHE GOT TOO SKINNY!!! She has no boobs left. Her thighs were almost the same size as her calves. So many female actresses have hit hollywood with these gorgeous, curvy bodies and then - when they become more famous - get so freakin skinny it's scary. (another one: Cameron Diaz. Beautiful in The Mask. Now, just skinny).

    Thank goodness for women like J. Lo and Beyonce.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member

    As if I didn't dislike Chris Brown enough already, he just put the nail in his own coffin where i'm concerned. I was just listening to a song called 'Better with the lights off' and there is a line in the song that states "every guy wanna know how it is to clap off the lights and turn Khloe to Kim".

    I dislike Chris Brown with a passion. I saw on the news this morning that he parks his numerous cars in multiple handicapped spots... thats sooo rude! I dont care who the frick you are that is rude! Karma will eventually catch up with him

    and I hope it hits him as hard as he hit Rhianna!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    just out of curiousity, i googled what size she is. I am getting size 4-8. But she is 5'10.

    She is actually a size 6.

    I'm really glad someone posted a topic on her. I felt so bad for her on her show. She started crying because she has so much pressure to be skinny like her sisters... NEWSFLASH: kim is 5'2 and kourtney is 5'0. khloe is 5'10. She shouldn't weigh anything close to her sisters because that would make her unhealthy. Back to her crying on the show. Her mom called her and said she is ruining the kardashian brand because she is bigger. I don't see anything big about this girl. She's actually listed under my inspirations on MFP because we are the same height and I think she looks amazing. I'm glad she has a husband who loves her to death. Look up pictures of her on google of her in bikinis... I would kill to look like that. Hollywood is disgusting and I wish it didn't exist.

    On another note, I have dated tons of attractive and successful men who love the way I look. Not every man thinks only about sex and dating thin women, just an FYI to those of you who are commenting.

    Her mother said that about her!!! Well, no wonder she's so self-conscious about it. Your own mom telling you this. Talk about shallow.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    I think Khloe is fab and would love to look like her in bikini! how much does she weigh do you think?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I just had to google the name. I have never heard of her. What is she?
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    LOL, she's not really anything, her (deceased) dad was a famous US attorney I think, but i may be wrong on thatone!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    "I don't like super skinny girls, I like girls like Megan Fox".
    Hahaha, wow. That's ... a silly thing to say. I guess he wasn't trying to be ironic?
    I just had to google the name. I have never heard of her. What is she?
    Famous for being famous. Her dad was an attorney for OJ. Step-daughter of Bruce Jenner, a former Olympian and 1976 gold medal decathlon winner.

    Anyway, I've seen photos of Khloe where she looks attractive, but it probably has a lot to do with proper make up and touch-ups of her photos. But I feel it's the same for her sisters, too.

    They're all pretty garish. As with most of the famous-for-being-famous "celebutantes".

    ETA: I guess I should add, I don't find her fat. Just unattractive.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Having googled them, All 3 have good figures, and similar shapes, just big difference in height, but none are especially pretty facially. Anyone who could call any of them fat is deranged in the head or has eyesight problems, though.