the "crap, im fat" moment...



  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I had a moment like that in June, and then I got on here through the inspiration of a friend who was losing weight by calorie counting.

    Last summer I had a bad health problem (stomach pain was the big symptom) which kept me from being able to eat much. I lost 12 lbs in 1.5 months -- from 115 lbs to 103 lbs (I'm 5'2"). I loved the lost weight, and felt really good about how I looked, because I had also started exercising to try to reduce stress and help resolve the health problem. I started taking a pancreatic enzyme which allowed me to start eating regularly again after another month, and the symptoms slowly faded to almost nothing.

    So... of course, I gained all of my weight back, plus 5 lbs! I kept watching in horror as my weight on the scale went higher and higher. When it did finally reach 120 lbs, which is the most I have weighed (this was also my weight for half a year in late 2007) I decided I really had to do something about this, or it would probably keep rising!

    I decided I needed to lose weight in a HEALTHY and SUSTAINABLE way. Before, I have always lost weight by simply eating WAY under my caloric needs. A real yo-yo effect.

    Since I started in June I have gone from 120 lbs to 110 lbs, and I feel way better. I realize that I wasn't ever actually overweight, but I sure felt like I was.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I haven't always been overweight. I was an extremely thin child and teenager. Gained weight with each of my pregnancies, as a stay at home mom and then used food as a comfort when my marriage went south, but I wasn't able to leave.

    One moment was when I met my boyfriend. He's naturally thin and I couldn't for the life of me understand what HE saw in ME. I was always worried people looked at us and thought "what is HE doing with HER?". My boyfriend never once made me feel uncomfortable about my weight - heck, he fell in love with me at almost 180lbs. He never said "lose weight, you're fat, etc". He loved me for me. But, *I* felt self conscious.

    Biggest moment? I saw two women walking in a park and one of them was right around my size. I thought to myself do *I* look like that and no one wants to tell me? OMG. I look terrible.

    Within a short time, we had joined a gym and I had completely changed my eating habits. Now, I don't think people look at us and wonder why we are together.
  • JwlzBoatie
    JwlzBoatie Posts: 51 Member
    My "crap, i'm fat!" moment was when my younger sister no longer wanted to socialize with me. For example, no longer inviting to go out to eat or go just go out in general. Then, I began to no longer fit into my "fat" jeans, or anything else for that matter! Once I realized that I wasn't just trying to be "comfortable" when I wore sweats and t-shirts, it was that that was all that fit, I had to stop! After realizing that, everything came into focus. I had been short of breath and so much more tired than usual lately. The worst part is that though I have been overweight all my was only at that moment that ever really felt "fat".

    That was around December 2010 and since then I have been trying to find a way to get some of that self confidence back. I don't expect to become a size"0" nor am I striving to be that thin. What I want, is to feel comfortable in my own skin again. The health benefits are a plus, of course, who doesn't want to be healthy! Finally, I come across MFP. I have only been a member for 5 days but in this short while, I have had more support on this journey, than I have ever had in anything in my whole life. I can only hope to achieve what so many on here have. Best of luck to you and everyone out there who is wanting to make a change for the better with weight loss! Much Love xoxox
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    For me, it was not so much an "omg, I'm fat!" moment. It was more of a "you are not setting a good example for your daughter", moment.

    I realized that I was telling her to make healthy choices and to keep moving, but I was not doing either of these myself.

    I have tons of pictures to prove all of this. It was pretty funny how I would try to camoflauge my problem areas. Even funnier that I thought it worked.

    That was then.

  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    For me it was when I was trying on a UK size 18 item of clothing and it wouldn't fit. Oh the shame!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I went through a deep depression when I turned 60. I felt "why bother?"
    I was looking for something to motivate me. I joined a gym, but hardly ever went. I knew I had to break the depression and lose the pity party weight!
    On Memorial weekend things changed! A personal trainer at the gym told my husband about MFP and he downloaded it. The next day my husband loaded the AP for me and I loved it!
    I really caught fire! Tomorrow will be my 55th day and I am getting my money's worth at the gym, good on my food, and depression is GONE!
    Next stop: Onederland
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    This picture:


    It was like BAM. It's cought up with me now! I was 192 there. I'm at 167 at the moment.
  • wonrob
    wonrob Posts: 66 Member
    Same as other posters, when i looked horrible in my fat pants.

    Since then I've gotten really thin, then put the weight back on. I'd never thought I'd become a yoyo dieter.
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I've always been overweight, always wanted to loose the weight, but always gave up after a week or two of being good, but now something has clicked inside me and i really want it this time...i've always wanted to shop in Jane Norman and they only go up to a small UK size that be my goal by Xmas...if they don't go into administration by then!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Collection of moments for me too!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    The day an exchange student wanted a going away picture before she went home. She sent it to me via facebook, and i couldnt recognize myself. Had I not rememebered what I had been wearing that day, I wouldve sworn that wasnt me.

    Then I went back and looked at pictures from my freshman and sophmore years of high school before anxiety, stress, and depression had begun to take over... My exchange friend went home with a picture that had roughly three of the "old" me combined into then current me.

    I didn't even get depressed.

    I stuck the pictures side by side and got to work. The first 17lbs fell of almost accidentally, and now im up to 27lbs down. NEVER AGAIN do i want to get to that point. That picture is what keeps me going.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    My older brother's wedding.. I gave the little sister speech. I was sooo confident in my new dress that looked amazing from the front but then there was a "decorative" mirror behind me during my speech. When we got the video back, all my eyes were zoomed on was the back mirror that had a visual of my not so flattering backside. I was like "****, is that what I realllyyy look like from the back?!?"

    That, and when I first joined the gym and had my free personal fitness test. The results were kinda embarrassing.
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    I didn't have a 'crap I'm fat' moment...or not that I can remember anyway I kinda have ust always been fat.....I'm waiting for my 'Wahey I'm not fat' moment.....that is going to be such a moment :)
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    Every picture of me ever... And the violinist in my band is a photographer so he ALWAYS has his camera at practice :C I don't want to be that fat girl on stage that has a nice voice... but she's fat. Also, high blood pressure at 21.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Hahaha! Sorry, the title really made me laugh :D
    And I think for me it's always the sheer embarrassment I feel when looking through all my facebook pictures over the past 3 years. Even now - nearly 3 stone down I feel fat as hell!
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    April 4 2011 - I literally wallowed out of bed, felt like crap and- this will sound cliche- got a look at myself in the bathroom mirror and I looked very bad between the weight and uncontrolled diabetes. Looked at myself and said "I'm done"

    Walked out and told my wife and son I was doing a lifestyle change (note- I said lifestyle change and not diet). They rolled there eyes which I can blame them for.

    3 1/2 months later I am down 41 pounds, went from barely being able to get out of my chair to 3-4 hours of exercise per day, and my doctor has taken me off a bunch of my meds (2 out of 3 insulins gone, 1 insulin at a minimal does, 1 pill reduced to a minimal dose, and looking at getting rid of another pill). My A1C went from 12.9 to 7.0 in <3 months.
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    When I bought Wii fit and this chubby little Mii was staring back at me - then I got the flu and lost a stone in a week. I decided it wasn't that bad after all and ignored it.

    Then a year later whilst once again eating a whole pizza and large slab of chocolate then crying to my boyfriend that I was so fat I realised that I probably was. So I did something about it. :D
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    It was back in May when I realized that I had back boobs, flabby arms, and the fact that there was no seperation between my chest, and my stomach.
  • ashleymmc20
    ashleymmc20 Posts: 39 Member
    My moment of realization happened when my pants started fitting too tight. I don't make enough money to spend it all on new clothes, and I refuse to keep larger sizes that would enable me to get bigger. It came to the point where I either had to sacrifice my wallet or make a change to my caloric intake, and I chose the latter.
  • PandaPop87
    PandaPop87 Posts: 131
    The moment for me was when I was going on holiday with my boyfriend for my 21st birthday. The plane seatbelt didn't fit.